Super Black Technology

Chapter 276: Open the door to space

Great Pumpkin God!

"Now, please stand up, and let us welcome our prodigy Aike and the British citizen Miss Alice with the warmest applause and the highest respect!"

The sound fell, the national anthem played, everyone in the audience stood up and clapped their hands to welcome the greatest scientist of mankind.

In the high-pitched music and thunderous applause, a cute little guy walked into the scene with his sister Alice under the protection of the FBI.

He is the protagonist today, the greatest super-scientist in human history-


Ike Williams!

"Thank you!" "Thank you!"

Ike and sister Alice waved to the audience with smiles. Then, under the guidance of the staff, the two came to the first row of seats on the scene.

Obama and EU leaders smiled and welcomed the little ones to sit down.

"Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, please sit down! Mr. Obama, the President of the United States, will speak next!"

Applause resounded at the scene.

In the audience's attention, Obama took the stage and delivered a speech to audiences around the world.

"Gentlemen, ladies and distinguished leaders from all countries! Today, I am very glad to be here to watch the trial operation of the Space Gate of the Americas. Here, I welcome everyone on behalf of the US Government."

"The United States has a history of more than 200 years since its founding. In the past two hundred years, countless great people have emerged in this great land. It is because of them that the United States has today's glory."

"And among these great people, there is a child who is particularly worth telling! His birth has benefited not only our country, but also the entire world. My President, including me, is no exception."

"Gentlemen and ladies, really, although I am the 44th President of the United States, I have never seen such a stunning figure in my life's experience."

"Speaking of which, I think everyone has guessed his name!"

"Yes, he is the maker of the big steel pumpkin, the creator of the space gate of America and Asia-the federal prodigy Ike!"

"Below, let us ask the youngest Ike with the warmest applause to start the miracle building of mankind, the crystallization of science and technology across the ages, the great ..."

"The door to space!"

The sound fell, and everyone in the audience stood up in unison.

Sound fell, and millions, millions and billions of people stood up in front of the TV.

I'm coming!

The door to the magical space is about to open!

In applause, in a fiery gaze, Ike stood up from the first row and headed for the steel platform.

And his assistant, seven scientists from Britain, France, Germany, and the United States, came out from the auditorium and followed their little teacher.

There are a total of 8 people in the 7th and 1st schools. Their pace is not fast, but they are extremely firm.

Their faces were extremely serious, even the usual cute Ike.

Because they know: humans rush to the interstellar, the hope of conquering the stars lies on them.

Not long after, in the eyes of global attention, eight people took to the steel platform.

Ike nodded solemnly to a scientist.

The scientist immediately stepped on a button on the steel platform.

The next instant, the rightmost part of the steel platform suddenly cracked, and a console slowly rose from the gap.

The console is full of instruments and displays. No one knows how to operate it, but ...

All audiences know that it must be used to control the door of space.

Seeing it, the audience was silent.

Even the children brought by the adults to watch did not dare to speak out, fearing to disturb this sacred moment.

At this moment, in the tens of thousands of spectators in the audience's inattentive gaze, Ike spoke.

He was calling Columbia's nuclear power station with a headset.

"Power station, power up now!"


Military personnel guarding the main control room of the Colombian nuclear power plant responded immediately. Then, suddenly press the power-on button.

The nuclear reactor in operation immediately delivered current to the gate of space.


As if a loud sound rang violently, the door of space was energized.

Zizi! Zizi! Zizi ...

In the center of the huge space door, countless currents are flowing rapidly with the sight visible to the naked eye.

Over and over, over and over ...

After a short while, the current disappeared, and a shocking picture was reflected in the eyes of the audience and billions of souls around the world:

It was a magic curtain like water.

Wonderful, blue and blue, full of science fiction.

At this moment, thunderous applause sounded again. Countless viewers are exclaiming, even some national leaders are no exception.

Because this scene is really shocking, beyond human imagination.

"Oh my God, is this the true appearance of the door to space?"

"Can you reach Asia and China instantly through that 'water curtain'?"

"It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

"Am I dreaming? You pinch me, let me see if I am dreaming?"

"God, I want to experience it for myself!"


At this moment, Ike didn't seem to hear the exclamation at the scene, his expression was still solemn ~ ~ and his eyes were still solemn.

He is also talking to military personnel at the nuclear power station:

"Check the equipment, check the lines! Maintain 80% of the nuclear reactor's energy supply, and keep the voltage constant!"


In the nuclear power station, countless technicians took action and began to do the final technical inspection.

After all, it was time for ten brave volunteers to take the test.

If something goes wrong, these innocent warriors will not even get a chance to rescue.

Check one, two, three ...

A full 10 minutes later, Ike's headset sounded a response from the federal officer:

"Report: The equipment is fault-free, nuclear power is maintained at 80%, and the voltage is constant!"

"Received! Thank you General!"

"You're welcome! Little prodigy, please bring good news to our 500,000 US Army!"

"Rest assured, I will!"

The brief call ended instantly.

Ike turned back and nodded to the scientists behind him.

The 7 scientists knew, and quickly walked towards the console ...

In the eyes of tens of thousands of spectators in the audience, and with the countless lives in front of the TV set, scientists began to operate the console.

On the console, the screen is constantly changing, while the screen is mysterious and mysterious data.

No one knows what that data is, and no one can parse it.

Because they represent the most advanced knowledge in the physical world today-high-energy space science!

A few minutes later, a British scientist knocked heavily on the next button.

At this instant, the door of space changed, and the faint "water curtain" inside the door of space changed.

... (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )

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