Super Black Technology

Chapter 375: Earth and moon space door


Endless cheers rang out across the Pentagon, and leaders of all countries again clapped their hands, their faces glowing red.

This historic moment was also passed to the outside world through several media specially commissioned by the US government.

Subsequently, the media of all countries broadcast this picture.


The world shook, the folk shook. Huge cheers rang throughout the planet.

People from all over the world go around, passing this message to every friend, every relative, and every stranger they can see.

The Galaxy Fleet is established!

The galactic fleet belonging to the earth's humans was established!

It is composed of an interstellar fortress, 3o pumpkin fleet, and 50o melon mech. Its military strength is unparalleled, and it is unmatched on the current earth.

At this moment, there is a rush on the Internet.

Netizens of various countries are constantly typing on the keyboard, expressing their inner excitement.

Posts on the forum are refreshing every moment. Many netizens have just posted their own posts and disappeared in less than a second.

For those posts that have been pinned high, the number of replies is growing in horror, millions, millions, 100 million, billion ...

"Oh, I didn't expect to see such a grand event in my lifetime."

"Yes, I often see this galactic fleet and that galactic fleet in science fiction movies. I didn't expect that today, we humans on earth actually set up a true` `galactic fleet ''!"

"Oh my God, this is not the Earth Fleet or the Solar System Fleet. This is the Galaxy Fleet! The appetite of the Pumpkin Alliance is so great that they have set their sights on the entire Milky Way from the beginning. I thought they would set up the Moon Fleet first. What about? "

"I'm an American. I wish the fleet of galaxies will grow larger in the future! It's best to spread all over the galaxy!"

"I am Chinese, I wish the Galaxy fleet to dominate the Galaxy in the future and become a true Galaxy fleet!"

"I'm a European. I hope this Galactic Fleet will last forever and be strong!"

Netizens were extremely excited and blessed this new and powerful fleet.

However, there are always some silly ratios in the world, and they always spit out some silly words. such as:

"Trash Pumpkin Alliance, I wish they all explode when they take off tomorrow!"

This reply immediately drew anger from countless netizens.

"Go to you, where's the stupidity?"

"Is this stupid disease sick? Doesn't he know that as long as the Galaxy fleet is strong, even ordinary people like us can make a profit?"

"Sorry, my dog ​​ran out, and I'll take him back!"

"Get away, get away, or you'll be killed later!"

"Take away +1!"

"Take away +2!"


"Take away + 1oo86!"

United States. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ike and Alice are watching TV.

After hearing the news of the "Galactic Fleet" being established, Alice stood up, her body trembled slightly, her beautiful face flushed.

She was very excited, very excited.

This is a common blessing for all mankind. As a member of the human race, Alice is also very happy.

"Brother Watermelon, have you heard? The Galactic Fleet has been formed, and our Galactic Fleet has been set up!"

Ike laughed and then stood up: "Hear it, hear it! This galaxy fleet will bring countless benefits to my sister in the future, um, it is indeed worthy of joy!"

As soon as this word came out, Alice was in a hurry, and she waved hands repeatedly:

"That doesn't mean it, I don't mean it! I mean, say ..."

At this moment, Alice didn't know how to express her heart. She wasn't happy for her 25% interest, really not.


Ike smiled slyly, and while the girl was silly thinking about words, she stretched out her evil claws ...

You know, Ike is 14 years old tomorrow, and currently has a height of 14ocm. To this end, Ike hugged Sister Alice's waist.

(The author is lazy, so I set the length of 1o centimeters at one year old, 15o at 15 years old, 16 at 16o, 17 at 17ocm, um, yes, that's it for easy calculation.)

This embrace frightened Alice.

She woke up from the confusion for a moment, then broke free of the watermelon claw.

"Bad brother!"

Alice exclaimed.

Hearing this, Aike laughed again, the laughter was crisp and loud, it seemed that the child's voice had been eliminated a lot ...

Haha, I am going to grow up one year old again!

"Sister Alice, go, let's go out and watch the fireworks, and make a wish by the way!"

The sound fell, Alice froze.

She thought of Christmas Eve last year, that time she made three wishes, and her watermelon brother made one ...

Now it's another year of Christmas Eve. Well, you should make a wish!

Thinking like this, Alice nodded, stretched out her hand, and gently held Brother watermelon's hand.

"Okay, let's go out and watch the fireworks make a wish!"

The two held hands and walked towards the campus playground.

"Boom--" "Boom--" "Boom--"

The sound of fireworks rang through the city, and the colorful fireworks continued to illuminate the city and the sky.

"Sister, make a wish first!"

"Well, okay! Let me make a wish first!"

Under the colorful fireworks ~ ~ Alice closed her eyes and put her hands on her chest ...

"I want my parents to be healthy!"

"I hope brother watermelon is always happy!"

"I hope the Galaxy fleet is getting stronger!"

After that, Alice opened her eyes and her cheeks were a little red.

"Brother, it's your turn!"

Ike nodded with a smile, and then closed his eyes, his solemn and solemn voice sounded immediately:

"My name is Ike, and I hope my sister Alice will always be young and beautiful!"

Alice froze.

At this moment, the sound of last year's wish seemed to ring in her ears at the same time. That was the same paragraph, and it was the same blessing.

But does it really have no meaning?

"Ike, you ..."

"Ha ha!"

Ike smiled, with a speechless confidence and power hidden in his smile ...


United States. Ministry of Defense. Pentagon meeting room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down!"

Multinational leaders of the Pumpkin Alliance sat down together. Immediately, Obama spoke again:

"Now let me know the specific arrangements for the 'Galactic Fleet' tomorrow!"

"According to the plan of the Alliance's military headquarters, tomorrow at 9 am, the Galaxy fleet will officially go to the moon. This operation has three purposes."

"One, search for the whereabouts of the big winter melon generation and find it! This action is carried out by us in the United States!"

"Second, a detailed exploration of the moon shows that all hidden dangers are cleared."

"Third, as soon as the second objective is completed, the construction of the Earth-Moon Space Gate will begin immediately."

"Do you disagree?

Sounds fall, the leaders of all countries shook their heads together.

However, just then, suddenly!

…… (To be continued.)

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