Super Black Technology

Chapter 376: Hollow out the moon

Footsteps sounded outside the door. Staff then opened the door of the meeting room. An American man and an old Russian man walked in.

Seeing them, none of the participating leaders were surprised.

Because these two are ...

"Hello everyone, I am Hughes! Please allow me to participate in this meeting as the leader of the Watermelon Alliance and as an investor in the City of Sky."

"Hello everyone, my name is Mikhail Guzeliev! Please allow me to participate in this meeting as the Speaker of the Winter Melon Alliance and an investor in the Mech Force!"

After hearing that, the heads of the five major hooligan states looked at each other, then nodded all together.

"Sit down!"

"Thank you!"

The two bowed their heads to the audience, thanked them, walked to the conference table, and sat down.

Obama first looked at Hughes, and seemed to ask him silently: What's the matter to come in?

Feeling the look of inquiry, Hughes, who had just sat down, stood up again.

"Dear Heads of State, Mr. Mihar Yier and I have come on behalf of global capital, and we hope to have a civilian expedition in tomorrow's Moon operation!"

As soon as this remark came out, the leaders were shocked.

what? Civilian joining military action? Is your capital world crazy? Who knows what will happen tomorrow on the moon, how can we let the folk expedition join in? !!

impossible! Never!

The leaders shook their heads together.

However, there are more than one request from the capital community this time.

At this time, the famous Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Yiel stood up instantly and cautiously:

"Dear nations, in addition to the request made by Mr. Hughes just now, we also hope that we can build a Earth-Moon space door by ourselves, and we will provide the materials and resources ourselves, and we will not use the penny of the Galaxy fleet for military expenses!"

The sound fell, and the leaders of the countries felt another shock.

Immediately, the Chinese leader asked seriously, "Does this mean the Watermelon Alliance and the Winter Melon Alliance?"

Heard that Hughes shook his head at the same time as the oil tycoon.

"NO, this is the common meaning of the global capital community!"

After this remark, the audience was silent.

capital! It's capital again!

These gluttonous hungry wolves, for the huge interstellar benefit, have not even the slightest patience. They would rather take risks with the fleet rather than wait for the fleet to eliminate the risks before developing the moon.

And it was only nearing the last moment that he suddenly proposed to join.

Faced with this situation, what can everyone do?

Reject? This will cause risks to the Galaxy Fleet ’s promotion tomorrow, or even worse, it may not be possible for the Galaxy Fleet to open.

What if you agree? Is he too nonsense, the people persecute the army?

At this time, a voice interrupted the silence at the scene, and it was Obama.

"Everyone, since we are all 88 countries, then vote for it! Those who are in favor of the people acting together, please raise your hands!"

Yin Luo, the leaders of many countries look at me, I look at you, I don't know whether to agree or not.

After a short while, the Australian leader raised his right hand.

He can't help it. In Australia, the power of capital is quite huge.

Subsequently, Canada, Malaysia, South Korea, Poland ... Multinational leaders also raised their hands.

Gradually, more and more people agreed.

Seeing this, the Chinese President frowned.

He opposes the joining of capital. No matter how powerful capital is in China, it cannot go against government opinions. but……

Afraid of everything but!

However, this is the venue of the Pumpkin Alliance. He couldn't oppose the opinions of the majority.

Because of this, in the end, apart from China and Russia, the rest of the countries raised their hands.

86 votes in favor and 2 abstentions.

Seeing this, Hughes laughed with the oil tycoon.

"Thank you all heads of state, we are willing to assist the Galaxy fleet to explore the moon together."

Hearing this, the leaders of the countries almost vomited blood.

What **** is there to assist in the exploration, are you clearly going to mine?

Don't think we are all fools!

After half an hour, the meeting was over.

The congregation left the scene, especially Hughes and Mihal Yier, who walked fastest, disappeared in a blink.

Outside the Ministry of Defence, a luxury long Lincoln car was quietly parked by the road.

Immediately, the two hurried into the car.

"Send this message! Immediately, Immediately, No!"

Along with this news, the global capital community was completely sensational.

United States. Rockefeller Mansion.

All members of the Watermelon Alliance, who are waiting for news, cheered.

"Hurry up, send the vein detection team into the Sky City at once!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Wait, and let's have our lunar expedition rest early and keep our spirits up!"

"Yes, sir!"


"Where's the astronomy team? Where did it go? Come on, call them!"


"Professor Ivanov, where on the moon has the most helium 3 reserves and is the easiest to dig? Help me find out, hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Japan. Old Mitsui House.

The leaders of the six wealthy chariots gathered here. Outside, six elite expeditions waited quietly for news.

Not only were they fully armed, but behind each one, a tall and mighty melon mech was erected.

Looking at its appearance, it seems that these mechas are more powerful than the military standard mechas.

Oh my god, these chaebols who control the Japanese economy are so well-prepared that they have already made mecha?

"Come here, bring that scroll!"


A Mitsui servant quickly brought the scroll to the big men ~ ~ Immediately, the scroll rolled out, and a huge curtain caught everyone's sight.

It seems to be a map, a ...

Moon map!

Secret, how did you get the six wealthy chariots? When did it come out?

"Is this map of lunar resources correct?" An old man asked.

The person in charge of Mitsui Chaebol is focused.

"Absolutely no problem, maybe it's not very accurate, but there will never be a mistake. This was done by Mitsui, who spent half a year, and invited many astronomers and geographers to make it. The distribution of resources above is absolutely no problem.

Hearing this, everyone was so excited that they went to the map to watch ...

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the Mitsubishi Consortium made a loud noise and shot it at a certain location on the map.

There is the lunar alps.

"Just do it!"

The sound fell and everyone nodded in unison.

"Okay, let's work together here!"

"Come! Come!"

Upon hearing the shouts, several assistants entered the room immediately.

"Take this rumor out and spread it all over the capital! We don't want anyone to grab it, please ask them to choose another position!"


Crazy, the global capital community is going crazy.

Even before the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance started to divide their territory, they have already launched preemptive operations.

Tonight, countless cross-country, interstate calls are ringing, and none of the capital predators of all countries sleep.

What assisted the fleet to investigate and what followed the military's actions were all shit.

Lao Tzu invested so much, now it's time to recover the capital.

No one can stop us!

Wow, click, moon, here we come!

We will definitely treat you well and promise to dig you into a big hole ... (.)

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