Super Black Technology

Chapter 382: War of japan and korea

"Space transfer again!"


With this order, the huge galaxy fleet turned into endless particles again and disappeared.

After 10 seconds, 200,000 kilometers away from the earth, the Galaxy fleet appeared again, recording starry sky data and supplementing the star map ...

3D World, Earth, US Department of Defense.

Everyone is watching the situation of the Galaxy fleet, except one.

Hit him, Ike.

Ike yawned and was extremely bored.

He looked to the left, and Obama was on the left, looking intently at the big screen.

看看 Look again to the right, the Chinese President on the right, watching the big screen with excitement.

在 At this moment, it seems that Ike's gaze is felt. The Chinese President turned his head and smiled: "Little Ike, what's wrong?"

Aike answered in Mandarin: "Sir, I'm tired!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Chinese President laughed, and the leaders of the countries also laughed.

Immediately, a staff member came in from the outside and gave the little guy a chair.

Ike thank you, and sat down cheekily.

When I saw the little guy doing this, Obama shook his head awkwardly, and then followed the situation of the Galaxy Fleet as closely as everyone else.

Starry sky.

After the galaxy added the star map, the space transmission was turned on for the third time. This time it was only 50,000 kilometers from the moon, which was very close.

At this moment, many people on the planet are nervous.

到底 What's on the moon? Are there really aliens on the back of the moon?

At this time, in the live broadcast rooms of the media in various countries, the host asked the military critics the same question.

But military critics don't know the answer either!

观众 "Audience friends, although the moon is the closest planet to our earth, it is still strange to us humans. If it were not for the prodigy who invented antimatter technology, maybe we humans would have to explore the moon for hundreds of years!"

I heard the military critics, the audience in front of the TV was very surprised, but also admired the little guy.

He is really a godlike child!

"Audience friends, please don't be nervous. Regardless of the presence of aliens on the moon, they will not be our opponents of the earth. Because ..."

"We have a powerful Galaxy fleet!"

Uh ...

After more than ten minutes, the Galaxy Fleet started space transmission for the fourth time.

For 10 seconds, just 10 seconds, a strong space shock appeared over the moon.

The next moment, endless particles came across space and time and reorganized into a huge galaxy fleet.

They are coming!

人类 After millions of years, human beings on the earth have finally reached the moon.

At this moment, the voices of the four admirals in the city of the sky sounded at the same time:

"Earth, earth, we are the galactic fleet! We have reached the moon!"

The radio waves flew towards the earth at the speed of light. After 1.2 seconds, the earth received their message.

"Galactic Fleet, Galactic Fleet, we are the Earth! The Earth congratulates you!"

对话 The two conversations spread through the media and spread throughout the world.

At this moment, all the creatures on the whole earth cheered.

At this moment, the earth has no country or nation, and everyone is celebrating the Galactic Fleet.

Fireworks and firecrackers ignited everywhere in the country, and the sounds continued to shake the world.

I was a little bit over the moon.

The huge galaxy fleet began to log on to the moon, and a squadron of pumpkins flew to the four sides.

In the city of the sky, the siren sounded, and a famous officer called out loud:

"Mechanical soldiers immediately returned to the room, preparing to land on the moon!"

"Yes, sir!"

的 500,000 soldiers from the Pumpkin Alliance returned to their room in an emergency. He then sat in his fighting position.

"Wear a helmet!"

"Wear a helmet!"

"Ready to start the transfer of biological consciousness! Countdown 10 seconds, 9, 8, 7 ... 3, 2, 1!"

"start up!"

The sound of crickets fell, on the top platform of the city of the sky, a horrible killing machine opened his eyes suddenly, crimson, bloodthirsty ...

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A melon mech stepped on the platform, then rose into the sky and flew away from the city of the sky. Then there was another, another ...

The city of the sky is like a hive, and the mech unit is like a bee.

In just one minute, the entire melon armour of the whole melon was dispatched and landed on the moon.

Boom! boom! boom!

The moon is shaking, and the sky is rising.

A winter melon mech quickly ran under the control of combatants. Looking down from the sky, the lumpy surface of the moon seemed to have an army of locusts.

They scattered around, across the mountains, across the valleys, sweeping everything on the way.


A large melon machine arrived at the "Altai Mountains" of the moon, and then a wave of a hand, a five-star red flag appeared, and inserted heavily into the ground.

This is Chinese!

"See" this scene, and later several Indian mechas left quickly.

插 Put the flag first to win!

They don't want to waste time on battles, the moon is still big! Besides, this time there were 200,000 mechanized troops in China, and they were only 50,000 in India.

The moon. Apennines.

The 100,000 U.S. mech units flocked into the mountains like locusts. A pair of crimson electronic eyes constantly scan everything in the mountains.

They don't have time to insert flags because their mission is to--

Search the entire Apennine Mountains to find two large melon-generation mechs of the little prodigy.

How big is the Yapingning Mountains? Very big!

Even if the United States arranged 100,000 mechanized troops to search here, it would take more than 10 hours.

On the other side, the moon, the Alpa Mountains.

The first team said that the local mecha arrived at the same time as a group of Korean mecha.

They are a lunar expedition set up by the capital interest groups of the two countries in the city of the sky.

The mechas owned by these two mech squads are more powerful than the military standard mechas.

是 After all, they are elite!

"哧!" "哧!" "哧!" ...

At the same time, several flags of Japan and South Korea were planted at the same time. At this moment, both sides were a little embarrassed.

What is the situation? Who is this?

On the second floor of the city of the sky, the Japanese soldiers controlling the mech were extremely angry.

Whoops, I have long notified the global capital community that the Alpas Mountains are Japanese. What about him now? Korea really wants to grab it?

This is due to the anger of the control personnel. At this moment, on the moon, several local armors suddenly raised their hands, and the cannons with their arms aimed at the Korean side instantly.

得 Seeing this, the Korean mech soldiers were also angry, and they also raised their hands and aimed their guns at the Japanese side.

No mech speaks because ...

Mecha cannot speak!

I can't communicate if I can't speak.

着 What does it mean to be unable to communicate? Only three words:

Fight now!


A single machine fired immediately, and huge metal shells fired at an instant * towards the enemy.

The Korean mech soldier was shocked and evaded quickly, then angrily returned the enemy.

Human beings are selfish, and soldiers are also humans ~ ~ So, the battle between the two countries on the moon started instantly.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...

The earth is shaking, rocks are splashing, and dust is everywhere.

After a short while, hundreds of South Korean mech soldiers rushed over. Seeing this scene, they immediately joined the battlefield, and instantly beat the local mech soldiers back.

But this is useless!

Because, the reinforcements of the ten mech units of Yueben also came. They also immediately joined the battlefield.

With the passage of time, more and more Japanese and Korean mechanized troops have arrived.

One thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, thirty thousand ...

Countless mechs were demolished, and then more reinforcements joined the battlefield. The entire Alpas Mountains are fighting all over, due to the inability of the melon mech to speak, and gradually, the two Koreas fought real fire ... (To be continued.)

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