Super Black Technology

Chapter 383: Lunar Star Fighter

It is no coincidence. Heaven "籁" Fictions "⒉

On the plains of the moon, Pakistan ’s mech units are also fighting with Indonesia ’s mech units.

Both countries have watched this prescription land hundreds of miles away and are preparing to build their lunar military bases here. Unfortunately, everyone wants good things.

So, let's play a game before deciding!

Uh ...

Austria is fighting Canada.

Malaysia is fighting Thailand.

Finland and Norway are fighting.

Thailand and Finland are fighting ...

The entire front of the moon is full of fire.

At this time, as many as 100,000 mech units are facing off in a huge valley hundreds of miles away from the Altai Mountains.

On the left is China's Mech Corps, and on the right is Russia's Mech Corps. Among them, there is a national flag line that is hundreds of miles long.

Both sides fancy this valley.

This time, China and Russia sent equal numbers of mech units, both of which were 20 thousand.

So, no one is willing to let go.

what? Not to say that the one who inserts the flag first wins?

Yes, it did, but now it is not.

As the army of locusts swept across the moon, the entire front of the moon was almost full. Therefore, the current treatment plan has changed, and the strong is king.

what? You said that you fancy here first? Sorry, your mech didn't tell us, we don't know!

what? Can't your mech speak? Oh, I'm so sorry, it's not our fault.

Others, let's talk about it first?

This is due to human selfishness. At this moment, the mechanized forces of China and Russia are reluctant to give up. A pair of electronic eyes are flashing a deep red light, relentless and bloodthirsty ...

at this time!

The metal arm of a Russian mech shuddered slightly. At this moment, the two mech soldiers at the forefront raised their hands at the same time, the two-armed machine gun opened the muzzle, and the metal warhead was clearly visible.

Combat is just around the corner!

Uh ...

Over the moon sky, a pumpkin battleship detected a sudden event on the moon.

Everyone was shocked.

What is the situation? Why did the mech units fight themselves? Did the mech unit fail?

No ... it's impossible!

"Hurry up, report to Sky City!"

"Yes, Captain!"

There was a rush of radio waves towards the city of the sky.

I received the report. In the city of the sky, the admirals of the four kingdoms also died. And on them, the officials who belong to the Pumpkin Alliance also stunned.


A Japanese officer yelled, "General Park, what do you mean? Why go to war with us?"

After hearing this, the Korean official was also extremely angry: "It is our South Korean expedition team who first arrived in the Alpine Mountains!"

"Baga! I'm here first!"

"We came first!"

"Baga Road, please say one more thing!" Said the officer immediately pulled his gun and aimed at the Korean officer.

"What do you mean? Do you think that the Republic of Korea is afraid of you?" Korean officials also pulled out their spears and pointed at each other.

Seeing this scene, the four top commanders of the Sky City are trying to persuade. Just then, several radio waves returned to the city of the sky.

报告 "Report: 10 million mech units from China and Russia confront each other on the moon!"

报告 "Report: In the crater basin (the largest basin on the moon), the United States and Britain, France, and Germany confronted each other. The number of mech soldiers reached 180,000!"

what? The four commanders were startled.

They don't even bother to dissuade the Japanese and Korean officials.

The four-star general of the United States took the lead to ask the commander of the European Union: "General William, what do you mean by the European Union? Why do you want to **** the crater basin with us ?!"

Immediately after the words of questioning, the British general asked the same angrily: "What do you mean by the United States? Are there fewer mech soldiers who bully us?"

On the other side, the generals of China and Russia also watched each other.

Neither of them spoke, but that gloomy face, cold eyes had expressed everything ...

The top commanders due to the city of the sky are arguing, and the officials below are even less controlled.

After a short while, the command hall was completely chaotic.

An intense quarrel rang through the second floor of the city of the sky. Subsequently, many technicians also joined the quarrel ...

Due to the chaos of command in the city of the sky, over the moon, a pumpkin battleship with anti-matter technology is also lost. Immediately afterwards, a squadron of Japanese pumpkins broke away from their patrol area and began transmitting to a certain starry sky coordinate.

Detecting this anomaly, fleets of various countries have dropped their patrol missions ...

At this moment, in the sky on the front of the moon, endless particles appear everywhere, and then disappear and reorganize ...

They are moving closer to their respective fleets!

In just half a minute, a battleship confrontation appeared in the moon sky. After a short while, the pumpkin battleship of a certain country began to recharge anti-material cannons, which scared the monitors of the city of the sky.

A female technician shouted in astonishment:

"Generals, generals, don't quarrel anymore! Something big will happen, something big will happen!"

A loud shout rang through the hall.

Hearing this shout, the command hall suddenly stopped, and all the quarrels stopped temporarily.

Everyone looked at the monitor screen at the same time, everyone was shocked.

Nima, pumpkin cannons are being recharged? !!

Damn it, that's an antimatter cannon! Hundreds of pumpkin battleships fired at the same time, that would break the moon into pieces!

"Stop, stop me all!" The American four-star general shouted.

"Chekov, return me to the patrol area immediately. Who asked you to turn on anti-material cannons?" Admiral Russia shouted.

"European fleet, I am Commander William, no confrontation with the United States!" Admiral British exclaimed.

"General Zhang, General Li, and General Wang, what are you doing? Who told you to abandon the patrol mission?" The Chinese general also shouted in shock.

At this moment, everyone is panicking. Not only the four Supreme Commanders of the City of Sky, but other officers as well.

Even hawks of Yueben were shocked.

He can tell the seriousness of the matter, the pumpkin battleship can't go to war.

The antimatter cannons on them can destroy all matter, including warships, including the city of the sky, and even the moon.

"The sacred rights given to me by the Pumpkin Alliance ~ ~ now I order: all pumpkin battleships return to their original positions and continue to patrol the moon sky."

The light of the emergency military order was transmitted to the fleets of various countries.

After receiving this military order, the warships of various countries that were charging pumpkin cannons stopped charging. Subsequently, the Chinese warship took the lead in turning into particles and went back to continue patrolling.

After a short while, the fleets of various countries also scattered ...

恐怖 A horrific star battle has not ended yet.

I watched this scene, and all the officials in the city of the sky breathed a sigh of relief.

I was scared to death!

The Galaxy Fleet was almost destroyed just now! Yeah, we just got out of the earth!

Uh ...

(I wish you big round eggs in advance, please ask for tickets, please subscribe, thank you. Please, please!) (To be continued.)

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