Super Black Technology

Chapter 384: Era of unlimited resources

(Today's make up! Today 5 more!)

"Order: All mechs cease fire!"

"Order: The first two members of the Japanese and South Korean squadrons to fire immediately left Mech and returned to the city of the sky!"

"Yes private!"

With the new military order, a terrible combat machine stopped fighting on the moon. [Immortal Dragon Emperor] Subsequently, the operators of the Japanese and Korean Mech Squads broke away from the broken Mechs, and their consciousness returned to the body.

Castle in the Sky. Command hall.

The gendarmerie came in with two teams of mechs from Japan and South Korea.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall stopped muting.

"Say, why are you firing and provoking war?" The generals asked with a somber face.

After hearing this, the teammates of the Lunar Expedition from the Samsung Group in South Korea hurriedly shouted, "General, it was not us who fired first, it was the Mitsui Chaeman who fired first!"

As soon as this word came out, the mech soldiers from the Japanese Mitsui chaebol quit.

"Baga, we first occupied that mountain range, and the people of South Korea's Samsung Group want to grab us!"

"Fart, it was our Samsung guy who arrived first!"

"It's our first arrival!"

"Samsung! Mitsui! Samsung! Mitsui!" ...

At this time, the four-star general in the United States burst into a cry:

"Enough! Do you know? Just because you took the lead in firing, our 500,000 second-generation melon of the Galaxy fleet has lost 30,000! Fk, you are waiting to go to the military court!"

The sound fell off, and the Japanese and Korean teams of mech soldiers were shocked and shouted injustice. [The gate of the mysterious world]

"General, it's not that we don't want to communicate well, but that Ben's mech soldiers don't give us a chance!"

"General, we Mitsui also want to communicate well, but this melon second generation mech can't speak!"

After hearing this, the generals looked at the commander of the Galaxy Fleet Space Marine Corps, the commander-in-chief of the mech unit.

"Lieutenant General Liu, can't the melon mech still communicate?"

After hearing the inquiries from the generals, Lieutenant General Liu from China came over, nodded and said, "Yes, sir! The melon mech cannot speak! We Chinese have tried to install electronic communications into the mech, but Useless! "

As soon as this word came out, many people in the hall were extremely confused.

Today's technology is very advanced. Although it is not as dark as a little prodigy, it should not be difficult to let a machine talk!

Cann't artificial intelligence in every country make machines speak? Why can't the melon mech speak?

Feeling everyone's doubts, Lieutenant General Liu spoke again.

"Sir, it's not a problem with mechs, it's a problem with soldiers' consciousness! Soldiers don't know how to make a sound with consciousness!"

That's it!

Everyone suddenly realized that it was not a problem of mecha, but a problem of consciousness.

What does consciousness say? !!

Except for the little prodigy, no one can understand!

However, this is not the time to talk. [斗 破 苍穹]

At this time, the four-star general of the United States suddenly lifted his feet and directly gave the two team captains of Japan and South Korea.

"You can't speak, can't you make a gesture? The military's tactical gesture code, haven't you memorized it? Have you forgotten it all ?!"

Hearing this, the two teams of mech soldiers bowed their heads.

They really can't justify!

"Stop me and stay in the cell!"

"Yes, general!"

The gendarmerie detained the prisoners.

"Send the current situation back to the earth, and ask the earth for guidance!"

"Yes private!"

Longwave communications were transmitted back to Earth at the speed of light. 1.2 seconds later, Earth received a report from the Galaxy fleet.

United States. Ministry of Defense.

Leaders of various countries who are still excited are waiting for the report of the Galaxy fleet.

What's up on the moon? Not many resources? Can you dig? Also, has the mech unit encountered a mysterious enemy? Did the melon generation melon find ...

These issues are of great concern to everyone.

However, just then, a staff member ran over, holding a piece in his hand.

"Report: NASA receives long wave communications from the Galaxy Fleet!"

Obama nodded, "Read!"

"Yes, Mr. President! The Galactic Fleet reports: Today, our ship ’s mech unit landed on the moon and found no potential enemies. The moon ’s resources are extremely rich, but due to the problem of resource allocation, our ship ’s mech unit suffered a civil war and lost money. 30,000 mechas! The civil war has stopped, but the mech forces of various countries are still confronting each other. Ask the earth for guidance! "

"Here is a detailed description of the situation ..."

The staff handed the piece to President Obama and then left in salute.

Obama took a closer look, and then handed it to the leaders.

More than 10 minutes later, the leaders of the 88 countries have all read the report.

Everyone is both excited and angry.

Exciting: the moon has no imagined alien enemies.

Anger: The melon mech made by everyone's fried pan iron just lost 30,000 as soon as it reached the moon.

Sink him Malegobi!

Prime Minister Ampei Jin San stared at the South Korean president, and the South Korean president looked angrily at the Prime Minister.

Fortunately, the two are politicians, not soldiers, and they think twice.

At this time, Obama spoke.

"Announce the" good "news of the moon! Let the people cheer for the Galaxy fleet!"

"Yes, Mr. President!"

After a short while, the moon was rich in resources, and there was no "good" news from alien enemies, sent to the outside world.

After receiving these news, capitalists of all countries were extremely excited, and ordinary people were also extremely excited.

"Great! Great! We are getting rich!"

"From now on, we humans will enter an era of unlimited resources and unlimited materials!"

"Oooooooooooh, I'm so delicious for a dollar a pound of pork! The galaxy fleet will quickly build the earth and moon space gate, and then move all the resources on the moon!"

"The steel industry on earth is going bankrupt!"

"Go, let's go buy some steel now, and then build a mining truck. After the moon space door is repaired, we will go to the moon to mine resources!"

"Good idea, go, find Rio Tinto in Australia!"

"Go together, together, we will go too!"


At this time, the US Department of Defense.

After discussion, the leaders of the 88 countries unanimously decided:

Set aside the dispute, build the Earth-Moon space portal, and then allocate the moon land and resources.

Immediately, the order was sent to the moon through the space agency. UU 看书

Over the moon.

The huge city of the sky received orders from the earth. Immediately, new military orders were issued to the troops.

"Order: Logistics personnel immediately enter the military and are preparing to land on the moon and build the Earth-Moon Space Gate."

"Order: The logistics supply ship is carrying building materials and is preparing to land on the moon."

"Order: On the moon's ground, the mechs of various countries are responsible for defense and security issues. In case of conditions, immediately report to the city of the sky!"

Along with these military orders, shortly after, a supply ship carrying materials and construction mechs flew to the moon.

Lunar ground, everywhere on the plains.

The multinational mech units have begun to be busy, moving stones to move stones, filling pits, and they are acting as temporary construction workers ...

Subsequently, one supply ship landed on the moon, and many construction mechs stepped out of the supply ship and began to move equipment ...

Statement 1: Super Black Technology is a very beautiful self-cultivation novel created by Yuemo Xiaowu. The plots are intertwined, ups and downs, exciting, and evocative; the portrayal of the characters makes us like everyone else . The comments made by the book friends on this book do not imply that Biquge endorses or supports this view of the readers. Our position is limited to disseminating more information of interest to the readers. Biquge reminds you: like this book, please "recommend" after reading the last chapter, remember to "bookmark"

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