Super Black Technology

Chapter 396: Big watermelon search worldwide

Lin Yuner left, and all members of Girls' Generation did not know where she had gone. Only the president of SM Company knew:

She went to the base training of a professional team. Listening to a big man above, she was to be trained from brass to silver in one month to avoid making a joke on the world stage.

And on the other side, Cambridge, USA.

Ike is also training, of course, he did not go to any professional team base, he is training online.

The trainer was introduced by Tencent and is said to be a queen of Chinese national costumes.

In this regard, Ike is not convinced.

Because after a few days of practice, Ike found out: her level seems to be not much worse than herself!

Let me go. When did the king of the LOL national costume be so dishy? I remember when I watched the live broadcast last time, the anchors of those kings were super powerful.

"Hong Yan, wouldn't you be a silver band ?!"

In the game, Ike asked by typing.

Hongyan is the opponent's nickname for the game, and her full name is "Hongyan is easy to die". Seriously, when I first played the game and saw the other person's name, Ike suddenly felt a trace of sadness.

She should be a woman with a sad past!

Moreover, she is still very mysterious.

Communication has been going on for several days. She never talked to Mai. From beginning to end, she typed and communicated with herself.

This situation reminded Ike of himself.

Many years ago, she also "rounded" sister Alice!

At this point, after seeing Ike's text, "Fragment of Faith" immediately replied:


Six periods made Ike want to cry tragically.

Nima, the big liar, penguin, find a silver one to teach me this bronze one.

Hey, forget it, forget it, I can't beat a professional player no matter how hard I practice. That's it. but……

Seriously, who exactly is this "perishable"?

Playing games with her every day, I have an inexplicable familiarity.

who is it?

Who is she?

Endless doubts were lingering in Ike's mind, and Ike even lost his mind of practicing a hero.

On the computer screen, the soldiers on both sides of the red and blue were savagely fighting in the Summoner Canyon.

Aike's heroes stood still, neither replenishing soldiers nor draining enemy heroes' health.

On the other side, Wushuang Jianji, who is "Easy to Die", also stood still.

The two heroes looked at each other, looking at each other in the fierce battlefield.

At this moment, in the deep, Ike heard a voice sounding loudly:

"She ... is an acquaintance!"

This is a magical ability brought by the consciousness of intelligent creatures. It is like the sixth sense of human beings. When intelligent creatures do their best to think about something, there is always a mysterious force revealing some fragments in the midst of it.

At this moment, Ike raised his hand, followed the keyboard, and then typed a heavy line of words.

"You can choose to be silent, but ... I will know the truth ... just today!"

As soon as this word came out, the mysterious "red-faced" heart suddenly burst into panic across the Internet.

After 5 seconds, she went offline.

After hearing the notification from the gaming system, Ike smiled coldly: "Run? Can you run it? Cross, are you there? Come out soon!"

The next moment, a bright light ball emerged from the sea of ​​Aike's soul, blooming with great light.

"Cross, locate her!"

The sound fell, and a huge metal electronic sound shocked Ike's soul.

"Pay 1,000 points of energy and search for unknown indigenous people!"

With the fall of high-dimensional sound, the US-Canada border, the quiet high-dimensional particle beam for a long time there was movement.

A tiny particle emerged, and then it invaded the US network at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second.

After 0.1 seconds, the nationwide web search is complete.

No fruit!

"Search the European Network!"

High-dimensional particles cross the vast Atlantic Ocean and enter Britain, France, Germany ...

No fruit!

"Search Asia!"


China. National Security Bureau headquarters.

The sharp alarm sounded frantically, and many network engineers shouted in astonishment.

"Hacker! Hack!"

"Our server has been compromised!"

"The database has been breached!"

"The archives have been breached!"

"The surveillance system has been breached!"

"Oh my God, all the secrets of our National Security Bureau have been exposed to each other!"

In the corridor of the National Security Bureau building, a charming woman with a worried expression was running in a hurry.

However, many hidden cameras installed in the corridor have recorded her images.

At this moment, a huge metallic electronic sound once again shakes Aike's soul.

"Aboriginals have been found! Particles are back!"

Sounds fell, sharp sirens stopped, and an unrivaled cyberattack disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Cambridge, USA.

On the computer in front of Ike, the shocked image appeared:

It was a beautiful woman running across the corridor.

She has a charming and charming face, her beautiful long hair moves with the wind, and her clothes are fluttering ...

is her!

Cui Mingmei!

Ike was amazed.

Let me go, it's you! Speechless, say it early, say you are Sister Cui!

Really, so mysteriously, what are you doing?

At this moment, Mrs. Williams' shout came downstairs: "Ike, come down for dinner!"

"Oh, here, here!"

Actually play mystery for me, hum, I'll find you tomorrow.

Immediately, Ike turned off the game, got up and left the room, went down for dinner ...

However, at this moment, Ike could not think of it.

Clos went wrong!

Oh no, Clos is not wrong. It did find the other party's real IP address, but it didn't know:

This is a trap!

A well-arranged trap by the China National Security Bureau!

Isn't the National Security Bureau clear about Ike's network capabilities?

clear! And it is very clear!

So, Ike saw a play, a play that was extremely real.


United States. White House. President's office.

"Report: The FBI Director is here! Something is coming!"

"Please come in!"


After a while, FBI Director James walked into Obama's office with a document.

"Mr. President, we have found that Tencent recommended to Xiao Aike, not a professional player, but a woman, an extremely beautiful young woman."

Obama looked up and asked Shen, "Who is it?"

"Cui Mingmei, maybe an agent!"

"Is she ?!" Obama was astonished, "is the female assistant who was a Chinese scientist who once went to study at the Jurassic base in France?"


"So, is the Chinese government still dead?"

"I think so! Mr. President, do you need the FBI to stop it?"

After thinking about it, Obama said, "Forget it, since she didn't succeed face to face in the past, it's no help now! According to the evaluation of the psychology team, the little guy didn't feel her. Let her go!"

"Yes, Mr. President!"


I have to say that Obama was right.

Although Cui Mingmei was beautiful, Ike did not feel her.

Because ~ ~ she is an agent!

Ike doesn't like his woman to be an agent!

But tragically, Ike was wrong, and he was very wrong.

The "perishable" of playing games at the time was not Cui Mingmei, but ...

A character Ike can never imagine!

When he knew it, it was too late.

It was a top-secret plan, and the whole of China knew no more than five people.

It is about to take shape, and everything will be a foregone conclusion!


(Yuewu opened the WeChat public account: yuemoxiaowu520), big attention, there is 520 behind the pinyin when searching, please pay attention to the next month dance. Cute.)

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