Super Black Technology

Chapter 397: Real Stargate

at night.

While Ike was eating, Hughes came with a file.

"Aike, the team of scientists discovered through computer simulation that the failure of the door of space is due to a problem with basic energy, right?"

After hearing Hughes' words, Ike laughed and said: "Exactly! Nuclear energy is still too low-level. Nuclear power is used to drive antimatter operation. This method has great limitations, so the transmission distance of the space gate is only about 1 million kilometers! "

"The moon is 350,000 kilometers and can be transmitted! While Venus is 40 million kilometers and Mars is 550-400 million kilometers ... so their transmission failed!"

After listening to Ike's explanation, Hughes was relieved.

The cause of the failure of the extraterrestrial space door was finally found, and it really was due to the problem of nuclear energy!

"Then what should we do now?" Hughes continued to ask.

"Find a way to drive antimatter with other energy sources!"

"any solution?"

Ike shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, Hughes understood a little, he nodded, then said goodbye to the Williams and Alice, and then left.


Mrs. Williams asked her son bitterly: "Ike, why don't you tell Mr. Hughes directly? He has always been nice to our family!"

Aike smiled bitterly: "Mom, the development of a civilization cannot depend on a single individual! For me, there are already some faults in the scientific system of the earth, and this development model is abnormal. It will eat big in the future. Losing. "

As soon as this word came out, the three adults were silent.

Although their knowledge is not high, they can still feel the changes of the earth in recent years. It can be said that these changes are not exaggerated.

This is a miracle!

It used to be said on television that it would take hundreds of years for humans to actually land on the moon. What happened?

After the little guy was born, he went up only a year or two and completely occupied it.

This, this one is a bit incredible!

"What if the scientists in the Pumpkin Alliance couldn't find any other energy source?"

At this moment, Mr. Williams asked.

On hearing that, Ike blinked and said with a smile: "Relax! They will find it, because I have invented that kind of energy!"

The sound fell, all three adults were curious.

"Oh? What kind of energy?"

However, Ike spat out his tongue slyly and said nothing.

eat! eat!


Pumpkin Alliance, research area headquarters.

When Hughes passed Aike's words back to headquarters, the scientists at the alliance were stunned.

Other energy? What energy?

Wind energy? Solar energy?


Because the nature of solar energy is also nuclear energy! No matter how strong wind energy is, it is impossible to have nuclear power more powerful. According to the little prodigy, nuclear energy is low-level energy, and wind energy is even weaker?

All scientists racked their brains on new energy, but three days passed.

Scientists still find nothing.

They really can't think of any other energy on Earth that would be more powerful than nuclear energy.

To this end, a request was sent to the global scientific community three days later:

"What energy is more powerful than nuclear energy"!

This problem has stumped countless scientists ...

China. Tsinghua University.

A physics professor was giving a class to a student, and he suddenly said a digression.

"Classmates, the door to space on Venus and Mars is invalid. Have you heard of this news?"

The students nodded and looked at the professor in doubt.

"Do you know the reason for the failure?"

The students shook their heads together.

"That is because the door of space uses anti-matter to generate anti-matter through nuclear power generation, thereby achieving space transmission. However, this energy supply mode of driving anti-matter with nuclear energy is very low-level, so the longest distance of space door can only transmit 1 million Kilometers. "

"Now, I have a question for everyone!"

"Who knows what energy is more powerful than nuclear energy and can provide stronger energy to antimatter!"

Immediately after the professor's questioning, the whole classroom was lively.

A famous student was discussing excitedly everywhere.

Some people guess it is light energy; some people guess it is plutonium energy; some people guess it is biological energy or the core of the planet ...

But all these answers were denied by the professor.

Light energy and biological energy are not as powerful as nuclear energy. Just look at the sun in the sky outside to know.

As for the planet's core, this technology should not have been invented yet!

Thinking of this, the professor shook his head in frustration.

It seems to be thinking too much, how can these students who are still studying know the answer? Hey, let's go on to class!

"Well, students, think about it slowly after class, continue now ..."

The word "class" has not yet been said, just then, suddenly!

A handsome male student stood up and shouted, "Professor, I know, I know what energy!"

A huge sound shook the classroom, and the entire classroom was quiet. All the students stopped discussing.

The professor nodded, smiling and encouraging, "Oh, do you know this classmate? Then tell me, what kind of energy?"

At this moment, feeling the attention of the audience, the male student was a little excited.

He took a deep breath and then yelled out his answer: "It's antimatter!"


As if a comet hit the earth, the audience burst into an instant.

Many students stood up and refuted his answer.

"Impossible! What we are talking about is what kind of energy is used to drive antimatter, but you say that the answer is antimatter?"

"This is a fallacy! How can antimatter drive antimatter?"

"Professor, he is wrong! He just wants to get your attention!"

"Professor, professor ... what happened to you?"

"Oh my god, professor, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

On the podium, the old professor's body was shaking constantly, his face was sickly flushed ...

All the students were terrified.

"Quick, call the school doctor!"

"I go, I go!"

A classmate hurried to run outside the classroom.


"do not go!"


The classmate who just ran to the classroom door suddenly turned around and looked at the source of the sound.

It's a professor!

Alas, the professor seems to be sick!

At this time, but saw the professor take a deep breath and looked at the male student who just answered.

"Classmate, what's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Yuanhang!"

The professor nodded, indicating that he had taken down. Then, in the surprised eyes of the classmates, the professor ran away stunned and disappeared outside the door in a blink ...

Male classmate: "..."

all the classmates:"……"

what's the situation? What happened? Could it be ...

Half an hour later, the entire scientist was a sensation.

Everyone never expected that the answer would be so simple.

More powerful than nuclear energy is antimatter energy ~ ~ and antimatter technology has indeed been invented by the little prodigy!

But here comes the new question!

How does antimatter drive antimatter? !!

the next day.

The leaders of the 88 countries held a video conference. The meeting lasted three hours, and finally a new agreement was reached.

The governments of the 88 countries will once again draw thousands of elite scientists from the country and form an antimatter research team to jointly study the world's difficult problem such as using antimatter to drive antimatter.

All countries are very active because ...

This is related to the interests of the huge solar system!


(Yuewu opened the WeChat public account: yuemoxiaowu520), big attention, there is 520 behind the pinyin when searching, please pay attention to the next month dance. Cute.)

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