Super Black Technology

Chapter 433: fate

From ancient times to the present, the rise of any country is accompanied by the corpse of the dead. ???

This is the case in Britain, Germany, the United States, and China.

For the Chinese Ministry of National Security, are they willing to send Cui Mingmei to sacrifice?

Not willing!

Really unwilling!

Even these executioners who regard national interests as life are not willing!

But, no way!

If Cui Mingmei does not show up, Chu Yuner will be in danger at all times. If you can't find it today, you may find it tomorrow; if you don't find it tomorrow, then it may be the day after tomorrow.

If you never find ...

Hehe, what did the EU 26 Congress do under anger, and who knows?

Even the wise central upper class dares not to do such gambling.

There is only one chance, and there will be no more missed!

and so!

Cui Mingmei must show up, instead of Chu Yuner!

What I didn't expect was that the European Union would move so fast, and the ambulance was attacked by individual missiles just after it was high.

Think of it crazy!

For the benefit of that 25% forever, the 26 nations have a fiercer determination than the United States.

The United States has been silent on this matter. From last night to now, it has just passed a diplomatic protest painlessly.

In this regard, things are already very clear.

What China needs to be prepared for is the European Union, and they are dead. And the United States is just sitting on the mountain watching tigers fighting.


in the morning. 8 o'clock.

Ike woke up from his sleep, and the quilt came into his eyes. The scarlet red on the sheets was shocking.

Ike rubbed his temples, and last night everything came to his mind.

He can think rationally!

Planted, planted!

The geese who played for a lifetime were actually blinded by the geese last night.

Why was Chu Yuner so excited when she heard 1o% of cucumber stocks that she jumped up and kissed herself? Isn't this a trick at all?

There was that note, and I had said clearly that it would only count if Ms. Anna came to make a wish herself!

The results of it? Egg!

At that time, his sanity was on the verge of collapse!

She shouldn't, she shouldn't take the initiative to send her shares, so she found an excuse for "surprise."

If not, she has no chance to force herself to kiss her.

Yeah, that hot red lips is poisonous!

Very toxic!


Uh, wait, poisonous?

Lying, poisonous. Why doesn't Clos remind me? After the White House poisoning last time, didn't you ask it to pay attention to this aspect in the future?

Thinking of this, Ike was furious.

"Cross, Clos! Come out, come out!"

In the sea of ​​soul, a dazzling light ball emerges in an instant, and the light is bright.

"Cross, why didn't you warn last night?"

In this regard, the light ball responded.

"Aboriginal, are you dead?"


"Are you injured?"


"That is a fart! Aboriginal sentiment, I want to warn you, do you? Aboriginal wants to mate, I also warn against mating? You see a pair of ants breeding on the road, do you still yell With a sound, don't allow reproduction, now is not the time! "

A huge metal electronic sound shakes Ike's soul.

Aike was dumb on the spot and couldn't say anything.

What are you talking about?

Could he still fire against Cross? !!

However, it is impossible to forget this matter, ah, China actually pits me!

Ike got up angrily, got up, and walked out of the door ...

"Sir, do you need breakfast?"

Yes, the name has changed! From a boy to a man, who dares to call him a little boy again! Therefore, the FBI all have a unified calibre, and they are already called: Mr. Ike!

At this moment, Ike's anger had reached its peak.

"Tell China, I promised to return 9% of the 1o% equity to Miss Cui Mingmei yesterday, only 1%!"

"Yes, Mr. Ike!"

After speaking, Ike went downstairs angrily.

A pumpkin transporter, which belongs to the American military area, broke into the air and landed.

"Don't eat, just go to Ecuador!"



China. bei jing.

Upon receiving the message from the US personnel, Zhongnanhai immediately held an emergency meeting.

In the huge conference room, all the top members of the ministries came, and everyone was relieved.

So amazing!

What is the biggest risk this time?

It was Ike's reaction!

If he was angry on the spot today, and then aimed at China, it is estimated that China would definitely not be pleased. At least for a long time, it can only be timid and low-key.

After all, Chu Yuner is not the real x yet, she is just "netbsp; fortunately, fortunately ...

Ike only cut 9% of China's cucumber share, and retained 1% for China.

"You, we still have hope!" A senior official of the ministries cried.

Hearing that everyone nodded together.

At this point, the top-secret plan X has surfaced. They almost know what they know.

Of course, the address of the most important person, Chu Yuner, at this time, these real bosses still have no right to know.

But it doesn't matter, China's rise is close at hand.

"Our biggest crisis has been lifted, and now the focus is on guarding against the EU ’s secret hands! Here, I suggest ..." An old man stood up with a very serious expression, "I recommend that the military enter a first-level alert state immediately! Dispatch The Chinese fleet of the Galaxy Fleet is stationed in the border airspace ~ ~ absolutely must not let other countries muddle in the water! "

"I agree!"

A member of the Standing Committee immediately stood up and agreed with the old man's opinion: "In addition, I would add that all the Zhongnanhai Guard Regiment will be dispatched to defend the T-333 military hospital! Cui Mingmei cannot die, at least not now!"

Everyone nodded again.

At this time, a general got up and said, "According to the reaction of a man (Ike), he should be very angry at the moment! According to our staff at the Shenlongjia Hotel, when he left the hotel, he did not ask about the night before. Human condition. "

Who was last night?

Obviously, it is Chu Yuner, but at the current level, he has no right to know the specific name of the other party. So we can only use the words "last night".

At this point, when he heard the words of the general, the Minister of Foreign Affairs also stood up and said: "I understand the meaning of the general. We at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will send personnel to apologize to him as soon as possible to get his understanding! Also ..."

Speaking of which, the Minister of Foreign Affairs looked at the Minister of General Intelligence.

"What's the situation over there?"

This sudden question made the Chief of the General Staff Intelligence Department immediately rise. He knew what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asking, not the killer of the European Union, not his own defense, but-


What is fate?

Fate affects everything, including success or failure this time!

This is the biggest gamble in China for 68 years! Cheng re-emerged, and became a trio with the United States and the European Union.

If you lose ...

Ha ha, then only continue to be a big white rabbit!

What about him, the ghost is willing to be a big white rabbit all the time!

... 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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