Super Black Technology

Chapter 434: Before time

The fate of this world is illusory and cannot be grasped. But when technology reaches a certain point, destiny can be glimpsed.

In 2014, China National University of Defense Technology developed a supercomputer "Tianhe II" that performs 33 trillion operations per second. However, no one knows that China had already had a faster supercomputer before that.

Its name is destiny!

Since the birth of the Great Watermelon God in 2011, "Destiny" has been assigned to the General Staff Intelligence Department.

Its task is to calculate all the information of the watermelon god, including IQ, EQ, technology, living habits, personality ... and so on.

Along with more and more data gathered by Chinese foreign affairs agents, the simulation experiments of "Fate" are becoming more and more accurate.

The "x" plan was launched based on it.

At this time, when the Foreign Ministry asked "Fate", the Chief of the General Staff Intelligence Department answered like this.

"According to its simulation, last night's person still did not occupy an important position in the heart of Target No. 1 (Ike). 'Fate' thinks that last night's person may be abandoned! But ...

"X won't! Absolutely not!"

"The probability given by fate is: 99.173333%!"

"Now, all our hopes of participating in Guoan are pinned on 'x'!"

On hearing that, the Minister of Foreign Affairs nodded: "We will try our best to find a way!"

On the podium.

The Chinese Prime Minister stood up and issued an order.

"Everyone, all departments start acting immediately!"

"Yes, Prime Minister!"


Ecuador. equatorial.

The transport ship broke through and landed.

The bright national anthem rang immediately. In the singing, Ike walked out of the transport ship gloomily.

Seeing this scene, foreign ministers of all countries knew it.

It seems that the Great God is still indignant. You can't mention this matter later.

"Welcome, welcome our Mr. Ike to Ecuador!"

The US Secretary of State took the lead and ushered in as the host. (Lease, so now the ownership is Ike, and Ike is an American. So the US Secretary of State is also a landlord.)

Then came the foreign ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador.

"Welcome Mr. Ike back!"

"Mr. Ike, we are waiting for you, waiting for your big cucumber!"

"Mr. Ike, what exactly is cucumber technology this time? Can you tell us a little bit?" ...

Ike didn't answer anything, his face remained serious. Following a diplomatic etiquette, he simply shook hands with the foreign ministers of various countries and then moved to a temporary residence.

The foreign ministers of each country were dumb.

Everyone looked angrily at the Chinese ambassador in the team.

The Chinese ambassador was silent and silently looked at the direction Ike left.

Ike is still angry, now is not the time to see, wait again, wait again!

in the afternoon. 2:00.

The huge galaxy fleet broke through, and the leaders of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance descended from the city of the sky.

Ike stepped out of the makeshift shelter and greeted them.

After some politeness, everyone looked at Ike. Ike nodded and thought.

The sky shook and the space rippled.

The next instant, two large melon generation mechs broke into the sky and descended into the three-dimensional world.

Seeing this scene, everyone was watching.

Seeing this scene, countless tourists came to cheer around Ecuador's equator.

They don't care about any political struggle, they just come to see the big cucumber.

Now, the big cucumber is about to be born!

"Big melon, come down! Send down the big cucumber!"

"Big melon, great melon!"

"Cucumber, please plant a cucumber tree! We can't wait!"

In bursts of cheers, Ike went to the origin of the equator.

There used to be an equatorial monument, but unfortunately the monument has been removed, leaving only a huge pit that is half a meter deep.

With the action of Ike, the melon mech ignited a blazing fire and landed quickly in the sky.

A few seconds later, but after hearing a loud noise, two large melon mechs landed at the same time.

The earth shook, soaring into the sky.

In the bursts of smoke and dust, the melon mech shot instantly and did not enter the void in front of him. Then a scratch, a dark green crystal was scratched from the four-dimensional space.

At this moment, the Quartet screamed.

"It came out! It came out!"

"The horrible thing that devoured everything came out!"

"It shouldn't eat anymore, there are so many people at the scene!"

"Probably not! Didn't you see that the Great God was also there? And leaders of other countries were also there!"

"Okay, okay! Scared me!"

Step on!

Large melon mech quickly walked towards Ike, then bowed and handed the green crystal to Ike.

Ike took the crystal and held it up.

Under the bright sun, green crystals are shining brightly, blooming thousands of green rays.

The green light crossed Ike and shot in all directions ...

At this moment, all the creatures here just feel refreshed, and their bodies seem to relax a lot.

Outside, an admired Asian old man even felt that he wanted to throw away the cane and stand up again.

A pregnant woman screamed suddenly, shocking her family.

"What's wrong? Wife, what's wrong with you?"

"Daughter, what's wrong with you? God, don't scare me!"

The family gathered around the pregnant woman, questioning anxiously.

In the interrogation, the pregnant woman said in horror: "I ... I feel the child is beating in my belly!"

what? Gosh?

what's going on? What happened? You have just been pregnant for a few weeks!

Just then, suddenly!

Ike clenched the crystal and threw it vigorously.

In everyone's horrified eyes, the dark green crystals flew to the sky at high speed and to the sky ...

At this moment, all beings seemed to hear a slight clicking sound. It seemed that some protective cover had broken ~ ~ The next moment, the sky changed drastically.

It seemed as if a small green sun had risen from above.

The blue sky is green, the gray earth is green ...

Light, endless green light blooms from the green sun, reflecting the green world, reflecting the green world.

This scene transcends human imagination, this scene is like the magic world in the movie. At this moment, many people want to bow to the ground and worship in this miracle.



A dull and loud bang heaven and earth, ringing through the earth, ringing through the solar system ...

It really woke up!

At this moment, an inexplicable hymn did not know where it came from, and began to sing the three-dimensional world. The singing is sacred and solemn, I do not know what language it is.

With the attack of the hymn, in the next instant, the mysterious sound of thousands of sounds rang through the world, resounded through the world, and resounded in the hearts of all beings.

The inexplicable hymn seemed to carry an extremely overbearing majesty, the majesty covering the sky and the earth.

At this moment, above the earth, all the creatures knelt down on the ground.

Yes, it is all, including the people, including soldiers, including leaders of various countries, and even ... Ike!

Everyone was shocked!

God, what kind of species is this? In the face of it, how do I feel like facing a **** I have never seen before? !! Why is my heart trembling, why is my heart timid? !!

God, what exactly is it? Where does it come from?

At this moment, Ike looked up and looked at the sky, a serious voice blurted out.

"It comes from ..."

"Before beings, before the universe, before time!"


(Dig a super big pit, cucumber will surpass all technology! It really comes from "time"!) (To be continued ...) u More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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