Super Black Technology

Chapter 435: Sun crisis

When the universe started from the moment of the Big Bang, there was time, and then there was the universe. After billions of years, there are gods in the universe, and then there are primary creatures, including humans.

These are what Light Ball Clos told Ike.

So, what was before time?

No one knows, no **** knows, not even Clos.

Because that is the ultimate question of the multiverse, only the ultimate existence itself knows the answer. Humans are ineligible to know, because humans are also the aftermath of the universe.

(Dig another big pit and bury it in the back!)


With the wake of the mysterious seeds, thousands of green lights began to be recovered. After a moment, all the light blends into the seed.

Heaven and earth returned to their original state.

Countless creatures stood up, watching everything in the sky.


The mysterious seed moved, like a comet dragging its long green tail, flying above the sky.

From east to west, from south to north.

From this end of the earth to the other end of the earth.

Space agencies of all countries have monitored this magical scene, and countless people have also seen the green “comet” on the clear sky.

It's painting!

With the sky as the curtain and the entire northern hemisphere as the diameter, I am painting a beautiful painting!

Fast, comparable to light!

After a while, the mysterious seeds flew back to the equator.

Immediately, under Ike's endless expectations, in the dazzling attention of countless creatures, it landed, descended from the sky, and then fell into the pit of the equator.

Seeing this scene, Ike was overjoyed.

He suddenly stood up and yelled to everyone behind.

"Come, come!"

Hearing the shout, the FBI rushed up.

"Sir, please tell me!"

Leaders of various countries have also hurriedly gathered around.

"Ike, do we need to do anything? Just ask!"

"Contact the National Space Administrations immediately and move the northern hemisphere to this position of the sun. All satellites, fleets, and space stations will be turned!"

what? hat?

God, what is this for? The leaders are shocked!


"Yes, Mr. Ike!"

The FBI quickly promised, and then went to the headquarters of the three military districts of the Pumpkin Alliance.

Relayed by the Pumpkin Alliance, this order flew to all governments on Earth.

After receiving this order, governments of various countries did not dare to neglect, and quickly ordered to adjust everything from the northern hemisphere to the sun. Even the pumpkin fleet that was patrolling outside the moon base hurriedly ran away.

This time the cucumber technology is too mysterious, too mysterious.

No one dares to provoke, nothing dare to provoke, not even the big pumpkin made by Ike himself.

Didn't look just now, when faced with the mysterious green crystal, did even the cucumber **** himself kneel to it?

Damn, this is too great!

After a long time, almost all satellites, fleets and space stations in the outer sky have left the northern hemisphere.

With this reply, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Ike closed his eyes.

"Cross, it's your turn!"

At this instant, Aike's sea of ​​soul, a bright light ball emerged in an instant, blooming with thousands of lights.

"In energy statistics ... Statistics are complete: 77o trillion energy!"

"Pay 7oo trillion energy, 43oo trillion in arrears! Load the first stage of the high-dimensional biotechnology module!"

"Loading ... loading complete!"

"Dimension: Four dimensions! Species: Tree of the Universe!"

"Pay 5o trillion energy, owe 425o trillion! Start stellar energy absorption mode!"

"1o% ... 3o% ... 7o% ... 1oo%!"


Yin Luo, 150 million kilometers away from the earth.

The huge sun suddenly burst into endless dazzling brightness, and the nuclear reaction zone from the center to the o.25 solar radius began to undergo nuclear changes at 1o times. Every second, about 600 million tons of hydrogen undergoes thermonuclear fusion reaction to 5.96 billion tons of helium, and releases the energy equivalent to 4 million tons of hydrogen.

All energy is turned into light and heat and rushes towards the earth.

At this moment, there appears to be a huge beam of stars between the earth and the sun.

Endless light illuminates the starry sky and illuminates the universe.

The beam of light was beautiful and deadly. As the road passed, all the meteorite were burned and crystallized instantly.

That's a temperature of up to 150 million!

When this scene was detected, the major space agencies were shocked, and the screaming alarm sounded loudly.

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

The US President ’s cell phone rang, the Chinese leader ’s cell phone rang, and the Russian President ’s cell phone rang ...

All leaders' phones rang wildly.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

"The sun has changed. It has just burst out 1o times the energy, and is hitting the earth with light! Heat: 15ooo million degrees; Luminosity: 1.5 * 1oo power!

When they heard the call from the space agency, the leaders were shocked.

President Trump rushed to Ike in amazement.

"Ike, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Are you crazy?"

The British phase shouted in astonishment: "Ike, stop, stop! That beam of light will ignite the entire earth, and all life on earth will be burned to death!"

Chinese leaders have also panicked.

At this moment, he almost thought that it was because of last night that Ike had the idea of ​​extinction.

Oh my god, isn't China a sinner on earth? !!

"Ike, stop, we apologize, we apologize!"

"Ike, what are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Ike, have something to say ~ ~ have something to say!"

"Come, come, stop him, stop him! FBI, why are you still standing, stop Ike!"

Leaders of various countries roared.

The FBI looked at each other, how could they stop it? Stunned Ike? Well, don't we dare, or should you leaders fight in person?


Countless people are confused by the crowd, and they can't figure out what happened?

In a short while, the cellphones of several predators in the crowd rang.

They were called from inside of some government departments.

"What? What did you say?"

"A beam of light as wide as the earth is shooting towards the earth?"

"Suck, Suck Nima! Fuck! Fuck! Run, run!"

"Where to go, that's a temperature of 15ooo million, which can ignite the entire earth! Its width is equal to the earth, and it can completely cover the entire earth!"

"God, help, help! I don't want to die yet!"

Fear spreads in all directions like a hurricane, and all ordinary people are stunned.


The sun burst with 1o times the energy? A huge beam of light is hitting the earth? Everything on the way was crystallized, and even the meteorite was ignited?

Damn, what should we do? What do we ordinary people do?

"Cucumber, please stop!"

"Cucumber, don't die! There is something to say well, there is something to say!"

"Did you get emotionally stimulated? Tell us, we will help you find a way! Don't give up on yourself and destroy the earth!"

"Brother, uncle, my little ancestor, you stop first, stop now, there are 7.2 billion humans on the earth!"

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