Super Black Technology

Chapter 436: Ice Age

How far is the earth from the sun? 15ooo ten thousand kilometers.

How fast is the light? 3o ten thousand kilometers per second!

A huge stellar beam of light emerges from the sun and can reach Earth in just 8 minutes.

In such a short period of time, let alone the earth's inability to stop it, even if it is too late.

At this moment, a stellar beam of light with the same diameter as the earth reaches outer space. As if there were tens of thousands of sun blooming, the heavens and the earth were bright.

The entire northern hemisphere seems to have fallen into a rare doomsday.

All beings are trembling under this annihilation!

It's here, it's here with a high temperature of 15ooo million!

The outer sky is lit; the ozone layer is lit; the diffuse layer is lit ...

There was a raging fire over the northern hemisphere!

It was a real "fire cloud", not an illusion, not an illusion! That extreme highlight destroyed all astronomical telescopes, and no one dared to look up!

In this extermination, all creatures lowered their heads deeply!

The whole earth, the temperature started to rise sharply!

Above the sky, the moisture of all the clouds is instantly steamed ...

On this occasion, suddenly!


A huge sound shakes the earth and the starry sky.

At the origin of the equator, inside the huge pit that was half a meter deep, the mysterious seed instantly moved.

An invisible wave burst from its body ...

At this instant, the sky over the northern hemisphere changed!

There appears to be an inverted cone between heaven and earth. Its top plate is the same diameter as the earth, and its pointed cone penetrates into the interior of the mysterious seed.

Like a huge funnel!

The next instant, all light and heat poured into this funnel.

No light escapes, no heat escapes!

The huge stellar beam of light was injected from the funnel top plate to the bottom cone, and then all swallowed up by the mysterious seed.

There is no light and heat in the entire Northern Hemisphere, the world has changed from extreme day to extremely dark, and day to night!

The cold wind whistled, blowing all the creatures trembling!

At this moment, all humans dare to look into the sky and the sky.

All hopes were shocked.

I saw: across the sky, a huge bright funnel hangs the sky, extending from the sky at an endless distance to the earth.

The funnel is transparent and filled with all light and heat.

Nothing is revealed!

This scene is the imagination of all beings; this scene scares all beings.

The leaders of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance all opened their eyes and stared blankly at the sky. Scientists from all over the world flew up in the air on a scientific research plane, and everyone was setting off a stormy sea.

What cutting-edge technology is this? Why can we capture light and heat? Why can't light particles as fast as 3o ten thousand kilometers per second escape?

In the northern hemisphere, the people of major cities are staring blankly at the sky.

They didn't even know what a terrible change had taken place in them, they just knew that the stellar beam of light came! Then heaven and earth fell into the extreme daylight scene, and before a moment, the heavens and the earth were dark again, and the darkness was so extreme!

No light, no heat, only extremely cold!

"Oh my God, what exactly is this big cucumber? Why has it consumed our sunlight?"

"God is on, the whole sky is dark! What shall we do?"

"Oh, the temperature is getting colder and colder! If we continue to do this, people working outside of us will be frozen!"


Can you imagine what will happen to the earth when the sun disappears one day?

Now that kind of fantasy fantasy has almost become a reality!

Although the sun has not disappeared yet, all its light and heat cannot reach the ground. At the very top of the atmosphere, it was swallowed by the huge funnel that enveloped the entire northern hemisphere.

How is this different from the disappearance of the sun?

No difference, no difference!

A huge alarm sounded in the ecological environment research institutions of various countries.

Countless researchers are running around, their mouths are shouting:

"The sun is gone!"

"The sun's light and heat are gone!"

"Plants cannot perform photosynthesis, animals cannot hunt, insects cannot eat! The temperature in the northern hemisphere is falling sharply ..."

"If this continues, the Atlantic Ocean will be frozen, the Indian Ocean will be frozen, and the Pacific Ocean will be frozen ..."

"The entire planet will enter the prehistoric ice age!"


Iker was overjoyed to see the seeds greedily devouring the stellar energy.

He turned around, clapping his hands with joy, and happily said to the leaders who were stunned in the back, "Okay, it's done, wait for it to eat for a month, and it will sprout! Now ..."

"Go home to sleep!"

With that said, Ike was gone, leaving with everyone in a dumb situation.

He quickly boarded the large pumpkin transport ship, then broke out and transmitted to Cambridge, USA.

After Ike disappeared, leaders from all countries finally reacted.

The cucumber **** ran away?

Just left this mess and ran away?

Moreover, this situation will continue for another month?

Well, what should we do? The entire northern hemisphere cannot be in the dark all night, and the entire northern hemisphere cannot be exposed to the sun all the time?

Which countries are in the northern hemisphere?

United States, China, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Germany, South Korea, Japan, India ...

It can be said that almost all the members of the 88 countries of the Pumpkin Alliance have their territory in the northern hemisphere.

Nima, what about our ecological environment? What about domestic people's livelihood?

Actually, the problem is more than that?

"Ting Bell!" "Ting Bell!" ...

Among the leaders, Ben Xiang's phone rang again. Ampang immediately answered the phone.

"What? What are you talking about? There was a riot in the country? Some thugs took to the streets and smashed them?"

"Baga! Let the Self-Defense Forces return to China and suppress them strongly!"


In a few moments, the phones of European leaders also rang.

"What? Some cultists come to the streets and declare that the end is coming, and let the people believe in them?"

"Fuck! Arrest them immediately!"

Chinese leaders are also eagerly calling.

"This situation may continue for another month. Everything in the country is stable! Let the Ministry of Public Security issue a first-level alert, UU reads to prevent all smashing and robbing incidents. Once this happens, arrest the suspect immediately Be strict, be serious, and be quick! "

"In addition, let the media of all parties act immediately to guide domestic public opinion. You must emphasize that this is a huge change in biotechnology, and all the sacrifices now are worth it!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

The Chinese leader hung up and breathed a sigh of relief, but in his heart, the stone that had been lifted up did not fall at all.

Is cucumber technology a human biological change?

do not know!

Is this sacrifice really worth it?

do not know!

At this moment, it is not only the Chinese leaders who do not know, but also the leaders of other countries.

Everyone looked to the new US President Trump.

"Mr. Trump, can you go back and ask Ike as soon as possible? What exactly does this big cucumber do? If it is just a biological weapon, can it be changed to the moon or Mars?"

"Yes, Mr. Trump! The earth is our home! Before we started interstellar migration, we only had this one home!"

Hearing that, President Trump nodded immediately, then walked anxiously outward.

A pumpkin battleship broke into the air, carrying Trump to fly to the United States.

He wants to go back and ask Ike, what exactly can this big cucumber do? What effect can it have on human military? What effect can it have on human livelihood? To human ...

In a word: Is it worth it to pay half of the earth's ecology to support the big cucumber?

Today, you must give us an exact answer!

Otherwise, otherwise ...

Otherwise, we will cry!

Ohh Ohh ohh!

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