Super Black Technology

Chapter 443: Covenants of gods

Ike watched the scene silently, and he didn't bother everyone.

Because, in his heart, why is it so exciting?

From the moment humans are born, one thing will never escape. That is--


It does not change because of rights, it does not change because of wealth. In front of it, no one can escape.

Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, countless monarchs want to be immortal, but unfortunately all failed.

Once upon a time, countless ordinary people were looking forward to their hearts. It would be great if they could live forever. unfortunately……

In the end, all these good expectations are a dream, an illusory dream.

Who in the world can't die? Regardless of your glorious age, or if it is beautiful, it will eventually become a skeleton.

What a cruel thing!

Why do we humans endure such suffering?

Think of the distant Seventh Universe, how powerful and long-lived those lives are.

Think of the mysterious "reincarnation" powerhouse. He has lived for millions of years. Not to mention the three cosmic hegemons stronger than him, the ghost knows how long they have lived.

And what about us humans? Only a short century!

On what basis? On what basis? !!

At this moment, Ike suddenly looked up and looked into the sky.

It was a huge bright funnel standing between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ike laughed.

"Thank you, my big cucumber! I want to assure you that anyone wants to hurt you, there is only one way. That is: step over my body!"

The voice is serious and solemn, as if God was swearing!

The next moment, the solemn voice sounded.

"I swear in the name of the British Prime Minister: If any force or any organization wants to hurt it, it will be our enemy in Britain!"

"I swear as the President of Russia: Whoever harms it is against us, Russia, forever!"

"I swear as the leader of China: it is the most precious wealth of humanity on earth, and we China vow to defend its existence!"

"Yiben will amend the constitution as soon as possible to include it in the protection of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. All those who intend to harm it will be killed by our Japanese!

The leaders of the 88 countries invariably agreed to swear on the ground:

"Big Cucumber, die!"

The sound was endless, ringing through the sky.

But after hearing a "click", a staff member at the periphery took out his mobile phone and took this historical picture.

This moment, this scene became eternal!

Thousands of years later, when future humans look back at history, they gave this vow a very sacred name, called-

Covenants of the Gods!

Because at that time, the earth's humans had become the universe protoss!


After a short while, infinite particles appeared in the void. Subsequently, the particles reorganized and turned into a huge transport ship.

It was Mr. Hughes, the leader of the Watermelon League and Governor of the Moon.

As soon as the transport ship was off, Hughes rushed over.

"Ike, can the big cucumber divide me a little? I don't want more, 1% is OK?"

At this point, as the same drop of water fell into the hot oil pan, the scene immediately boiled.

"Ike, can you give Russia 1%?"

"My Excellency, since then, no matter what you do, we are fully supportive of you. Can you give us 5% this time? As long as 5%, can you?

"Big God, we in India have always supported you. Can you also give us 5%?"

"Great God, and we in Korea ..."

"Great God, and we Australia ..."

"Great God ..."

At this time, the British phase crowded out everyone and stepped forward: "Little Ike, for Miss Alice's sake, can you give Britain 1%?

With this remark, EU leaders nodded.

"Yeah, Ike, you are our future son-in-law of the European Union! You can't treat us badly!"

"We want 5% in France, okay?"

"Germany also needs 5%, okay?"

"So is Belgium!" ...


"Stop! Stop!"

The leaders of many countries yelled in unison, and everyone stared angrily at the EU countries.

For him, every time Ai comes out with new technology, Alice has to share 25%. Don't guess this time, it certainly is.

You in the EU already have 25%, and you have to fight for more.

Is he shameless? Is he forcing us to go to war with the EU?

We endured pumpkin technology, and we also endured winter melon technology. This time, we will never tolerate it again.

If you are still so greedy, then ...

At this moment, the always modest Chinese leader took a step forward and said: "We will not let Cucumber Technology anymore. If the EU insists so, then ..."

"Go to war!"

The sound fell, and the 26 EU countries were shocked.

However, they have n’t waited for them to explain. The next moment, behind the Chinese leader, all the members of the Asian military region took a step forward and said, “The words of Mr. Chairman of China are the collective meaning of our Asian military region.

"For cucumber technology, we are willing to fight!"

"For the sake of life, we are determined to fight anyone!"

"Even if we hit the last person, we will never compromise!"

Hearing such a decisive statement, the 26 EU countries were collectively silent; the President of the United States was silent; and Mr. Hughes, the capital representative, was also silent.

What is cucumber technology?

It is life, evolution, and the most precious thing for human beings.

For it, humanity on earth has been pursuing more than three million years. Since ancient times, ancient humans have been trying to find ways to extend their lives.

In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh even made himself a mummy, hoping to one day come back to life.

In ancient China, the era of the Great Qin Dynasty, a generation of emperors, Zheng Zheng, in order to pursue that eternal life, even preferred to believe in rivers and lakes warlocks ~ ~ In modern times, the major powers spent huge amounts of money to study genes and research human body strengthening. ?

It is not to strengthen individuals and extend life.

To be honest!

Before that, if you could use your rights to buy life, at least half of the leaders present would be willing to resign and step down immediately.

And if you can use your money to buy a life, as the leader of the Watermelon Alliance, Hughes is also willing to pay all his wealth.

Money is gone, you can make more.

If people are gone, then everything is really gone.

Who doesn't want to live younger in this world? Who thinks he will live longer?

no one!

Any normal human wants to live longer!

As long as people do not die, the future has unlimited possibilities.

If you die ...

Hehe, everything is over!


At this moment, the members of the Asian military zone are on the same front.

They all looked at Ike, and everyone's eyes were filled with inexplicable plea.

I beg the Great God to be fair and just this time.

Cucumber technology can't let it, really can't let it!

Seeing this, EU leaders also looked to Ike. Trump and Hughes also looked at Ike ...

Everyone looked at Ike.

Looking at everyone this way, Ike was a little bit crying.

"You, everyone, the seeds are not budding yet! If you want to divide, you have to wait for it to grow and then slowly divide it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the leaders of various countries were embarrassed.

Wait for it to grow up? How long does it take to grow up?

"About 1ooo years!"

puff! puff! puff!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone collectively vomited blood and fell to the ground ...

Nima, is this what we want in heaven to wait for it to grow up?

... 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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