Super Black Technology

Chapter 444: Cosmic primary life


Hughes reacted and asked, wondering, "No, if it would be useful after 1ooo years, what's going on with that French woman?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone looked at Ike with a puzzled look. ?

Isn't this guy teasing us again?

Feeling everyone's gaze, Ike looked around and looked at each other ...

At this time, Russian President Vladimir Putin also said, "Isn't the Equator 8 countries already divided 9% of the cucumber stocks? It's yours!"

Trump also said: "And, and ... the prizes of the fighting and game contests, didn't they also give plastic cucumbers?"

These words mean:

Since you think it's too early to divide the benefits, why did you send the equity out early? Is not this contradictory?

Asked by the three, Ike couldn't hide it anymore.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Ike rushed into the room like a rabbit and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, everyone responded.

Well, he was really teasing us!

At this instant, everyone was overjoyed.

So, when it grows up, maybe it won't be 1ooo years at all?

Oh my god, this news is so good!

Let's go!

A transport ship broke into the air, carrying leaders from all over the world, and then disappeared.

Where are they going? Of course, returning home!

What are you doing back home? Obviously, there is only one thing. That is-sending troops to the equator.

From now on, the most defensive place on the earth will no longer be the nations, but the equator where the tree of life is located.

Just like the Central Galaxy of the Seventh Universe, their strongest force is by no means the capital of the three empires, but the "Sea of ​​Light."

There are immeasurable mortals there!



The French Air Force Regiment and Special Forces have been deployed to surround the French National Research Center.

Of course, they did not come to arrest prisoners, but to protect scientific research centers.

It is reported that intelligence agencies of various countries have been scouting around in France and they want to find a woman. Her name is-Mrs. Henry, the fire man who controls the flames by herself!

At this time, the French National Research Center was inside.

Electronic broadcasts are being broadcast urgently over and over.

"Please invite all the professors from the biological research group to the laboratory immediately! Please invite all the professors from the biological research group to the biological laboratory ..."

In the laboratory.

Mrs. Henry was still in a coma, while her body was lying on a scientific bed and being tested by scientists.

With the results of the data testing, scientists exclaimed.

"Oh my god, her cells are very active and have reached more than 1o times that of ordinary humans!"

"Also, and also, she breathes very slowly, breathing only almost every minute! God, it is almost 3o-6o times that of ordinary humans!"


A roar screamed, "Look at her genetic sequence! Oh my god, this is incredible!"

Everyone looked up at the detection screen ...

"Oh, mygod!"

"Oh my god!"

"Her genetics have changed! Her biological genes have changed!"

"She, she ... isn't she human beings?" An old-headed scientist trembled, his voice trembling, his face horrified.

At this moment, a word emerged from the hearts of all scientists:

Newborn species? !!

And is it a new species that can fight steel with itself? It exists, there are almost no natural enemies on the earth!

God, is it for us to eliminate ordinary humans?

Just then, when the scientists were surprised, the detector gave an alarm.

"Warning: Subject is about to wake up! Warning: Subject is about to wake up!"

Hearing the alarm, the leader of the biological research team quickly said: "It will take half an hour to give her a sedative!"


The assistant rushed over with the syringe, and the sharp needle tip was shining with a dazzling coldness under the light, which was daunting.

To be honest, the science team injected her with sedatives not to hurt her, but to test her body. Of course, make scientific records by the way.

You know, before she arrived, the French vice president personally called and his words were:

"If Ike is the national treasure of the United States and the national treasure of all mankind! Then Mrs. Henry is the national treasure of our France! Even if you can't study anything, you can't hurt her! Have you heard?"

At present, there is only one "different human" in the world, and it is still French. This is what God brought to France, and it is blessing France.

No one can hurt her!

Therefore, the French sent two regiments to say that in order to defend the National Academy of Sciences, the actual purpose was actually known to scientists.


The assistant held the syringe, and the sharp needle tip stabbed heavily into Mrs. Henry's neck.

The potion gently pushed Mrs. Henry's body ...

While injecting the medicament, the assistant said, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, we are not hurting you! We also need to check the condition of the fetus for you, please forgive me ..."

Do not say no, because representatives sent by the military are also in the laboratory, constantly monitoring them.

Seeing this approach ~ ~ The military representatives also recognized it.

The role of tranquilizers, they are very clear, will not cause damage to Mrs. Henry's body.

However, they thought so, but for an inexplicable new life, it didn't understand at all. It only knew that some bad guy was holding sharp things and hurting his mother.

At this moment, in the midst of meditation, the unconscious Mrs. Henry seemed to hear the familiar voice again.

"Woo ... wow ... wow, wow ... wow, wow ..."

The next moment, above the French National Academy of Sciences, all the air began to separate quickly.

Nitrogen, helium, argon, nitrogen dioxide ... all went up. And all the oxygen in the air sinks, like a strong wind pours into the Academy of Sciences below.

"Oh, oh, oh ..."

Outside the laboratory.

On a printer, a piece of paper rolled sharply and turned yellow. Its surface temperature rose quickly, after o.1 seconds, but after hearing a "嗤" sound, the paper reached the ignition point and was instantly ignited.

Under the surrounding high-concentration oxygen environment, the flames instantly formed a fire ...


The desk was lit, the sand was lit, the archive room was lit, the security room was lit ...

The French National Academy of Sciences has set off a raging fire!

In the endless sea of ​​fire, a mysterious unknown creature suddenly opened its eyes, his eyes red.

It woke up!

At this moment, all the flames seemed to have been called by some mystery, and flew together.

After a moment, a giant flame dragon appeared in the sky.

The fire dragon carried a high temperature of thousands of degrees and rushed to the fire laboratory frantically. The hot temperatures ignite the lawns, the green belts, the corridors, everything on the way ...

... 8 more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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