Super Black Technology

Chapter 501: Scourge Legion

"General, wait!" Ike hurried.

Hearing the sound, Mr. Admiral paused immediately.

"General, if possible, ask Colonel Bell's family to come with him."

what? Also bring family? What technology is this big pineapple?

Everyone was surprised at the scene, and the Admiral was also extremely confused. However, as a soldier, he didn't ask much about the reason. Instead, he accepted it and left the scene.


About 15 minutes later, Colonel Bell and his family arrived on a large pumpkin transport.

In the spotlight, Mr. Colonel walked into the venue with his family and walked towards Ike.

At this moment, Colonel Bell's hands were trembling slightly, and his steps were a little slow.

In his heart, there seemed to be unprecedented excitement.

At that time, before the great **** debuted, he was a Delta Force fighter and had led the team to raid a terrorist base.

That was 10 people rushed into the lair of more than 300 people!

At that time, he was not so disoriented, and now there is only one person in front of him, only a teenager who is only 16 years old. However, in the face of him, he seemed to see thousands of horses and horses galloping, and the power was shocking.

"Mr. Ike, Delta Force instructor—Norris Bell, salute you!"

Three steps away from the podium, Colonel Bell stood upright and raised his hand to salute, with great respect.

Behind him, Colonel Bell's wife and daughter both stooped down to pay their respects to the most precious little national treasure of the Federation.

"Sir, may God bless you!"

"Sir, I wish you good health and happiness forever!"

Ike thanked the three with a smile, then invited three to the stage.

With trembling hearts, the three went to the podium.

"Mr. Colonel, would you like to be the 'subject' of Big Pineapple Technology?" Ike asked softly.

Upon hearing that, Colonel Bell and his wife asked nothing and hurriedly nodded.

It seemed that I was afraid to promise slowly, so that the great opportunity would slip away from me.

Ike turned his head slightly and looked at Colonel Bell's daughter.

This is a big blonde sister, about 20 years old, who seems to be studying in college.

"Miss, would you like your father to be the 'subject' of Big Pineapple Technology?"

Ike still smiled and asked softly.

On hearing that, the older blonde was a little nervous: "I, I ..."

"Don't worry, please let me know if you have any questions!"

The older blonde took a deep breath, lowered her inner tension, and then asked timidly, "Little prodigy, can my father be in danger?"

As soon as this word came out, the audience burst into laughter.

Laughing in the field, laughing outside.

What girl, wouldn't it be silly to read and read every day? Is God's technology dangerous?

Wouldn't she have lived in the second dimension all the time?

Hearing the ridicule of the audience, the older blonde was even more nervous.

Fortunately, Ike said: "No! Please rest assured, your father will never be in danger!"

The sound fell, and the audience laughed again.

This time it was a smiling smile. See, we're not mistaken.

How could it be dangerous to participate in the new technology of God? We have n’t had a chance to participate, or else it ’s your turn?

Forget it, forget it, don't have general knowledge with little girls.

She should be concerned and lose her mind.

On the stage, the mother also pulled her daughter to signal that she need not worry.

Colonel Bell glared at her daughter, and seemed to make her a lady, don't be ashamed of the attention.


Sister Blonde said again: "Little prodigy, will my father's body change after participating in the test?"

Ike shook his head: "No! No change will happen!"

After getting promise, the big blonde sister finally felt relieved.

"I have no problem, thank you little prodigy!"

Subsequently, a government official came to power and handed Colonel Bell a volunteer application form, asking him to sign.

Colonel Bell quickly signed his name.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was speculating that the next step should be to arrange the transport ship to send the colonel to the poles.

However, they were wrong, everyone guessed wrong, and in fact it was not that much trouble at all.

At this moment, Ike raised his hand and pointed at Colonel Bell.

"Big pineapple, confirm the 'subject'!"

Who is the big pineapple? It is the star battle light brain that communicates with Ike's consciousness in the different dimension space.

"The main organism confirmed that the large pineapple processing plant was started."

Sounds fell, the north and south poles of the earth, and two huge sacred beams of light suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a light appeared over New York, USA, an extremely bright light.

Light descended from the sky, shining precisely on Colonel Bell.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

This magical scene made the scene quiet, and everyone held their breath, watching intently.


In front of the TV, the people of all countries widened their eyes and stared at it.

Many people are watching and guessing in their hearts: what is that light? What is it doing?

at this time.

The light shining on Colonel Bell's body suddenly rose into the sky, returned to the sky, and then split into two.

After an instant, the poles vibrated.

Two beautiful sci-fi buildings seem to be alive ~ ~ They are moving fast.

A stream of light was injected from the top hemisphere, and then circled downwards. Every area, an electronic sound sounded.

These sounds are mysterious and mysterious. No one on earth can understand them except ...


Because it is the universal language.

"Biological detection area: After the test, the main biological data collected is normal and sent to the analysis area."

"Biological analysis area: carbon-based organisms, cell strength 1.0; genetic structure: double helix ... After the analysis is completed, the lower planet life is sent to the amnestic area."

"Biomemory area: remove all the memory of the organism, inject the star wars fighting skills, combat skills, the common sense of the universe ... the contents of the memory area are completed and sent to the simulation area.

"Biological simulation area: the establishment of a photo-brain model and the number of test subjects, 10 billion. The simulation was successful and the pass rate was 100%."

"Extract the large pineapple processing plant to reserve energy and start the Star Wars soldiers production line!"

"Starting ... starting is complete!"

"Using the main creature as the basic module, the Star Wars soldier production line will soon be copied. Please ask the commander to name your army!"

What's your name?

This army came for the Flying Dragon Army and came to resist the disaster outside the sky.

In that case, they called ...

At this moment, Ike suddenly looked up, his voice was so loud:



(I'm speechless, I've been coding all the time, only the fourth chapter. Great guys, don't let me eat the keyboard, huh, okay? I've done my best, I've tried my best, I can only code Chapter 4. I have n’t even eaten dinner till now, ohh!)

(Damns, don't you let me eat the keyboard, please? Please, please, please.)

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