Super Black Technology

Chapter 502: Scary Big Pineapple Technology

"The naming was successful, and the Scourge Legion soldiers began to copy!"

Sound down, inside the big pineapple processing factory, two streamers hovered upward, then ...

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Streamers are like explosions of fireworks, split into thousands of tiny beams. .し w0. The light beam fell from the sky to the ground and turned into a human soldier.

They have the same height, the same face, and the same complexion.

They are copied from the Delta Force instructors.

This is a cutting-edge technology that transcends the biological cloning technology. Its principle is not even clear to current Ike, let alone ordinary earth scientists.

"Treading!" "Treading!" ...

One hundred thousand soldiers of the Scourge Army stepped neatly and moved closer in one direction.

Immediately, two mighty lions lined up outside the large pineapple processing plant.

At this moment, there is no weapon in this army. But there is an endless killing spirit in them.

Eyes are like ice and murderous, such as hurricanes sweeping through the clouds.

Quiet, deadly silence.

At this moment, the whole world was shocked and the people around the world were shocked.

United States. Pentagon.

A four-star general stared at the big screen in horror, exclaiming from their mouths.

"God, the most elite army in the world does not have such momentum!"

"This is an army of 100,000 Colonel Bell? God, Colonel Bell is the strongest first person in our federal army!"

"Any army like this can beat them?"

"No! Absolutely not! Neither the American soldiers nor the Chinese People's Liberation Army, nor the British Royal Special Forces, can match them. Because ..."

"Each of them is 'Colonel Bell'!"

new York. Roosevelt Hills venue.

Everyone was shocked to say nothing, so was President Trump, so was President Putin, so was the British Prime Minister ...

Is this the Great Army's private army?

A private army copied from the best American soldiers as a reference?

Based on Colonel Bell's own record, his worst on the battlefield can be one enemy ten. Now that 20,000 Colonels Bell form an army, how terrible will this army be?

At least it takes millions, even three million elite divisions can compete with this army.

This is only calculated on the basis of Colonel Bell. If these clones were more powerful than Colonel Bell, it would not be a million or three million, but ...

Tens of millions!

oh mygod!

At this moment, the leaders of the 188 countries were collectively silent.

Countless ordinary people are exclaiming from the outside world, the media of various countries, and the networks of various countries:

The era of replicators is here!

That's a terrorist army that can storm 100,000 soldiers in a minute!

One hundred thousand a minute, six million an hour, and 144 million a day. This is how amazing the speed of the soldiers, this is how scary the speed of the soldiers.

As long as the Great God is given three months, he can reproduce an army that exceeds the total population of the world. And each of them is the strongest soldier on earth.

With the speed of this trooper, you can kill the army of any country on the planet in seconds.

Oh, wrong. It should be said that even if all the countries of the world are united collectively, they will be killed instantly.

The Great God can copy hundreds of millions of soldiers a day, how about you?

Nothing to say!

I really have nothing to say!

At this time, Ike connected the Star Wars light brain with consciousness. The experiment has been perfectly successful, and the reproduction of soldiers has been temporarily suspended.

Upon receiving the order of His Highness the Prince, the large pineapple processing plant on the north and south poles stopped immediately ...

Ike then turned to President Trump.

"Sir, when will my equipment be delivered?"

What is Ike's equipment?

10 billion laser swords, 10 billion laser guns, 10 billion energy shield devices and other individual weapons.

They are all used by the Scourge.

At this time, after hearing the inquiry of the small national treasure, President Trump immediately thought and replied: "We are building a weapons production line. It is expected to complete all this month, and then deliver half of it next month, and then deliver it next month The other half. "

In other words, within three months, the Earth can arm up to 10 billion Scourge soldiers.

"it is good!"

Ike nodded with satisfaction, then looked around, and now said: "Okay, the meeting is over, I'm going to eat. Everyone play slowly."

With that said, Ike turned and walked towards Roosevelt Hill.

The world is big and the meal is the biggest.

The audience was speechless and could only watch the great **** leave.

After a while, the great **** disappeared into the villa. This time, the audience immediately boiled.

Politicians are crying, capitalists are crying, the people are crying:

"My team needs big pineapple technology!"

"Our consortium needs big pineapple technology!"

"I want to invest in Big Pineapple Technology, and our entire family must invest. President Trump, where do you pay? Hurry up!"

"I want to invest, I also want to invest. Whoever doesn't want me to invest in a big pineapple, I will desperately work with him!" ...

In just an instant, the whole scene was a mess of porridge.

The capitalists rushed into the venue frantically ~ ~ The crowd frantically pushed forward.

Everyone is crazy.

The new big pineapple technology that appeared this time is really shocking.

It has not only extremely high military value, but also endless commercial value.

what? You still don't know where the value is?

Then watch TV.

China. Hong Kong. Phoenix Television.

An invited guest, a biology professor at the University of Hong Kong, is yelling on TV.

"God, gosh, the big pineapple technology is really great. Its appearance can change the whole world and even all human beings."

"Comrades, Chinese and overseas Chinese, do you see it?"

Before waiting for the audience in the live room to speak, the biology professor shouted again.

"Everyone think about it. If the technology of the big pineapple is applied to the scientific community. For example: if thousands of scientists are copied, what will happen to the earth's technology?"

"If you apply Big Pineapple technology to the education world, and take the best teachers in the country as the main body, copying hundreds of millions of teachers, you can completely solve our country's education problems in one day."

"If the big pineapple technology is applied to the food sector. For example, take the fattest pig as the main body and make a copy. Then, in one day, we will have 100 million pigs, and then kill the pigs. God, one How many people can be eaten by 100 million pigs? "

"If you apply Big Pineapple technology to other industries ..."

At this moment, 1.5 billion Chinese in front of the TV were all stunned.

At this moment, the people all over the world are stunned.

Lying down, is Big Pineapple Technology so great?

666, the price of pork will be reduced in the future, it is best to pay a penny.

Um, wrong, a penny is better.


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