Super Black Technology

Chapter 503: Aoi

Japan. Orient-industry.

This is a large-scale production company with 33 years of production experience in high-end inflatable dolls, ranking first in Japan in the doll industry.

Today, the telephone of Oriental Industrial Customer Department keeps ringing.

Numerous otakus called, and strongly demanded that Oriental Industries go to the United States to buy Big Pineapple Technology, and then ...

Use it on dolls.

For example: Copy 100,000 copies of * girls; 100,000 copies of rice, island, and love girls; copy 1 million copies of Seti, Asia, and Mei ... (don't ask how Yuewu knows. Baidu ,you deserve to have.)

Um, yes, it would be better if we could also copy 100,000 girls from ak48.

And also, the star girl in China next door also copied, and the star girl in Europe and America also copied point ...

Wow, this is a rare benefit for the otakus of the Empire.

"Come on, buy big pineapple technology! If you don't have enough money, we can donate to you!"

The otakus yelled excitedly on the phone.

"Okay, okay. We must pass on your suggestions to the head office."

Regarding the opinions of the customers, the customer service ladies of Dongfang Industry Company immediately informed the superiors, and the superiors then reported back to the head office.

An hour later, the company held a general meeting of shareholders.

At the conference, the capital crocodile shouted aloud: The new doll era has arrived, this is an opportunity for the doll industry to change the world!

Buy buy buy, go to the United States to buy big pineapple technology, even if you pay everything!

Two hours later, Oriental Industrial Corporation sent the largest and highest-standard business group in history to enter the United States ...


Today, it is not only doll companies in various countries that are acting, but also companies from all walks of life in the world.

Countless capital predators waved checkbooks and shouted the name of the great god.

Countless political giants rushed to the United States with their teams. They need to copy teachers, researchers, and top soldiers ...

On this day, the name "Big Pineapple" resounds throughout the world.

People all over the world are talking about the "big pineapple" technology.

That afternoon.

The American Association for the Protection of Human Rights issued a statement vehemently protesting against duplicator production.

"This is a violation of the laws of nature. This is a technology that does not respect life and violates morality and ethics!" The chairman of the association protested loudly in the face of the media.

As soon as this remark came out, the United States was shocked.

Damn, which fool is this? How dare to publicly refute the great technology of God?

Don't want to live? !!

"Oh!" "Oh!" ...

United States. FBI headquarters.

There was a knock on the director's office, and the door was pushed open. A clerk broke in.

"Report: The federal court has received three complaints against Icmin Evil Technology!"


Director James suddenly looked up, with an incredible expression on his face: "What do you say? You say it again?"

"The federal court has received three complaints about Ekmin's evil technology and serious violations of 'natural persons' right to life. This is the original complaint transferred by the federal court."

The secretary handed a stack of documents to Director James.

Director James took the file and took a quick look ...


Secretary James was furious and slap on the table.

Fuck, can our federal national treasure be charged? Also want us to forcefully demolish the "big pineapple processing plant"?

They are looking for death!

"Come! Call Meihua a for a trip!"


After a while, a middle-aged man walked into the office.

Commissioner James immediately gave him the documents on the desk, and then commanded: "Go and warn them and drop the charges immediately, otherwise ..."


Mei Hua nodded, then took the papers and walked out of the office.

For Plum Blossom a, handling such things is really too simple. If it wasn't for the name of "Ike", Mr. Secretary would not have asked him to do it himself, just arrange a few ordinary agents.

At this time, Mei Hua a went downstairs, while mourning for the three ordinary people in her heart.

The three of them must be stupid, really!

A few years ago in the watermelon case, the former President, Mr. Obama, in the presence of the world, pardoned all the crimes of "Ike", including past, present and ...


In other words, God Ike is never guilty.

Do you still want to sue him?

Oh, yes, let ’s talk about subversion of the United States first!

You also don't want to think about why there are only three complaints for the 300 million people in the United States? Is it that you are competent, that you respect life and understand human rights?

Oh, what a joke!

With a smirk look, Meihua a made the FBI headquarters, then took a black car and disappeared into the distance ...

Half an hour later, two people who accused Ike and Big Pineapple Technology withdrew their charges. The third person disappeared mysteriously and could never be found.

Receiving feedback from the FBI, federal court judges were relieved.

Why did they forward the citizen's complaint file to the FBI?

This is because since the "watermelon case" ~ ~ the federal court has an unspeakable "hidden rule", namely:

No local court, even the Supreme Court, can accept any complaint against Ike. All complaints are forwarded to the FBI for domestic purposes and netbsp for foreign countries; what? You ask the fairness and justice of the law?



in the afternoon. Four o'clock. American Association of Human Rights Organizations.


"Come in!"

Several white men in black suits and belt guns entered the chairman's office.

"Mr. Jeffrey Griffin, we are the FBI! You have been reported for taking a bribe. This is an arrest warrant! You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be testimony!"

"Please come with us!"

The president of the association was shocked and shouted, "I haven't! I have never accepted any bribes! I know, because I'm against the 'Big Pineapple Technology' today, right? Right?"

The FBI said nothing, just stared at him coldly.

"You are abusing your authority. I will sue you to the Federal Senate ..."

"You talk too much, take me away!"

The FBI agent beckoned, two subordinates stepped forward, hit the opponent's abdomen in a single shot, and then dragged the person out of the office like a dog.


Public opinion in the United States has once again been harmonious, and the name "Big Pineapple" continues to circulate throughout the world.

Outside the US Department of Foreign Affairs, diplomats from various countries are gathered.

Outside the US Department of Commerce, there are crowds of presidents and directors of major companies.

Even outside the US Pentagon, many generals from various countries came.

They are all for the big pineapple, they are only for the big pineapple.


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