Super Black Technology

Chapter 524: Change the world

United States. White House.

Mr. President, senior officials and generals gathered.

Everyone was worried in the conference room.

What attitude should the United States take in this matter? Is it to support the EU, or to win over China, or to take the opportunity to drive both parties away?

If you support the European Union, what will Ike's illegitimate daughter "Chu Chu" do?

What if Ike's fiancee, Miss Alice, is drawn to China? Without Miss Alice, the EU would lose all future super-tech equity.

What a huge value this is? To this end, the EU will definitely wage war.

As for the last option, let alone, unless the United States is willing to go to war with China and Europe at the same time.

Tragedy, isn't this difficult for him?

United Kingdom. 10 Downing Street.

All 26 EU leaders are here.

"Gentlemen, we are not as quiet as we are now. This is the case that Ike is sorry for our Miss Alice, and we will wait for him to explain to Miss Alice!

Prime Minister Cameron said so.

Hearing that the leaders of many countries nodded in unison.

Now it's really not as quiet as everyone else, let's wait quietly for Aike to show up.

If he still marries our Miss Alice, that's okay to say; if he gives up ...

Ha ha!

Then get ready to fight a world war!

We have already thought of the name of this battle, it is called-"Battle of Roses"!


Today is a day with history in mind.

Today is a day in history.

The birth of "Chu Chu" is having a profound impact on the world structure, including the Western world, but also the Eastern world.

Asia. Japan.

In the Prime Minister's Hall, Ampei Jinsan received the person in power grandly.

Everyone in the conference room was embarrassed and silent.

At this moment, these big men who dominate the politics and economy of Japan are very clear:

The ancient China, separated from the sea by the sea, is about to rise!

What should I do then?

Should we continue to confront China or change our strategy and move closer to China?

If we choose to invest in China, should we find a reason to dismantle the Yasukuni Shrine and apologize to China for the Sino-Japanese war?

A lot of big men are thinking carefully, thinking ...

At this moment, not only the big men of Ben are lingering, panic, across the sea, on a small island, there is also a group of people panic.

China. Treasure Island.

Politicians from the blue and green camps gathered together and were arguing fiercely.

They are worried, very worried ...

Once, under the secretive support of foreign forces, Treasure Island has been separated from the mainland. For the sake of rights and wealth, we often engage in ridiculous actions directed at the mainland.

However, now that is over, the mainland is about to rise completely.

What should we politicians do? Will it be accounted for after the fall?

At this moment, everyone was panicking.

"Everyone, everybody, why don't we send a delegation to Beijing today?" A green camp politician suggested, his face full of worries.

After hearing this, many people nodded.

At this time, a blue camp politician stood up and said in amazement: "I don't know if bei Jing will agree with our visit! After all, what we did before ..."

As soon as this word came out, many politicians immediately became uneasy.

"I ... I'm afraid the mainland will settle accounts after the fall!"

"The baby girl has been born, and now mainland China holds an ace. If they don't accept our settlement, what should we do?

"Will we run first?" A timid official whispered.

The sound fell, all politicians shook their heads.

run? Where to go?

Once the **** Aike publicly acknowledges the identity of "Chu Chu", the world will change instantly:

The rise of China, the formation of a three-legged relationship with the European Union and the United States, even Russia must stand by.

By then, the entire world will no longer have our place to live.

Where do we go? No matter what foreign forces dare not accept us!

Who dares to offend the country where the great daughter of the Great God is?

Think of the British government, which owns Miss Alice. In many diplomatic matters, even the United States needs to give in to them.

After all, no one can afford a pillow wind!

And now the ace in mainland China is not only as simple as pillow wind, it is the only offspring and the only daughter of the great **** Aike in this world so far.

Although she is a girl, from the perspective of the Western world, this is the first heir.

According to the viewpoint of the Eastern World, the daughter is the lover of the father's previous life!


Everyone is finished!

"Right now, we can only send a delegation to bei Beijing to get mainland understanding. Otherwise ..."

In the latter words, the politician did not finish, but at this moment, everyone in the congregation understood it.

Otherwise, all those who have done small moves will have nowhere to be buried.

Because, an ancient dragon is about to rise in the East!

"Well, send a delegation of the highest specification to visit Beijing. Begin voting now ~ ~ Please raise your hands!"

The sound fell, everyone in the audience raised their hands.

In the early morning of the next day, Baodao made electricity to Beijing: I hope the mainland will allow them to send a delegation to visit Beijing.

However, to make these politicians feel extra fear, Bei Jing did not reply, it seems that the proposal was shelved.

According to an official, privately disclosed that at the moment bei Jing is very busy and has no time to take care of you.

The official is telling the truth, the Chinese government is really busy right now.


Russian President Putin has come to visit China.

With the state of the world watching the situation, Russia has given priority to action.

Putin came with goodwill and visited China.

In response, the Chinese government received him with the highest standards in the Great Hall of the People.

After a friendly dinner, senior Chinese officials and senior officials of the Russian delegation disappeared collectively.

They didn't show up again that night.

What outsiders didn't know specifically.

But on the third day, Putin left Bei Jing and returned to China. Subsequently, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued diplomatic invitations to the Chinese Government, the British Government, and the United States Government at the same time.

The three heads of state were invited to come to Moscow for a narrative.

After receiving a diplomatic invitation, the British and American governments were silent. They certainly understand what Russia means.

Russia clearly wants to be a peacemaker and then settle this special incident peacefully.

But what about Ike?

Does he recognize the baby girl in China, and marry Miss Alice in Britain?

The US government is waiting, the British government is waiting, and the people of the world are waiting ...

Under the close attention of everyone, Ike logged in to Twitter that afternoon and sent a message that shocked the world.

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