Super Black Technology

Chapter 526: Come not afraid of death

The old fox saw thoroughly and guessed accurately.

On the same day, after Ike logged in to Twitter, he immediately found US President Trump.

"Sir, please do me a favor!"

President Trump was surprised, saying, "Do you want to ask someone from the Chinese government?"

"Yes! Anyway, I can't let my own daughter leave."

For carbon-based life in the universe, the heritage of blood is above all else.

This is determined by the genes of the organism, because carbon-based organisms can reproduce from ancient times to the present day.

For Ike, family is above all else.

Anyway, I am also a world-class person. If you ca n’t even raise a daughter, it ’s a mess

"Well, Ike, that's what our federal government intends to do."

"Okay, thank you, sir!"

"You're welcome, it should be."

Anyway, Ike is also a small national treasure of the Federation. His value surpasses everyone, and his contribution to the Federation is unparalleled.

Moreover, from the standpoint of the United States, if the baby girl is kept in China, it will impede the international affairs of the United States.

"Goodbye, Mr. President!"

"Goodbye Ike, goodbye!"

After that, Ike left the president's office.

Immediately after seeing Ike's departure, President Trump called in an assistant and instructed: "Call back to Russia: The United States promised Russia's diplomatic invitation to visit Moscow three days later."

"Yes, Mr. President!"

At the same time, the EU side also made a decision: British Prime Minister Cameron will visit Russia three days later.

Negotiations between China, the United States and the United Kingdom that will affect the world and affect the future are about to begin.


China. bei jing. PLA General Hospital.

Teams of heavily armed soldiers walked back and forth in front of the hospital building. On its top floor, there are ten large melon mechs that have been in the super combat mode.

As for the leader of the Long group, the Chinese water god, Chen Jiang, he disappeared from the top floor after June 7.

No one knows exactly where he went, but everyone understands:

He must still be hiding somewhere in the General Hospital, guarding it closely.

Inpatient building.

In a special ward, a baby girl who has been born for three days finally opened her eyes.

Those blue eyes were as beautiful as gems.

Seeing it, it is like seeing the godlike boy in the United States, his eyes are also blue.

"Awake Chuchu, my awake Chu!"

Chu Yuner, who was reading Snow White, shouted in surprise when she saw her daughter awake.

It's a pity that her daughter hasn't opened her eyes for three days.

According to modern human nutrition standards, most babies should be able to open their eyes when they are born. However, her daughter opened her eyes only today.

This situation is extremely worrying to Chu Yuner, and also to the doctors and nurses responsible for baby care.

Concern is messy!

At this time, hearing the surprise of Chu Yuner, many doctors and nurses rushed in from outside the house.

"Wow, our little Chuchu eyes are so beautiful, as beautiful as sapphire."

"Look, her eyes are turning, so cute!"

"Xiao Chuchu, Xiao Chuchu, look here, look here, there are toys in Auntie's hand!"

Babies who were just born for a few days did not distinguish outside vision. However, this does not prevent the members of the health care team from feeling excited.

They are holding colorful toys in their hands and amusing little baby girl.

Unfortunately, little baby girls don't appreciate it.

Just a few minutes later, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The world is big and sleeps the most.

Seeing this scene, the doctors are very happy.

"Miss Chu, the little man's vision development is normal. Please rest assured!"

After hearing the words, Chu Yun'er, who had been worried, was relieved. However, after a while, she just relaxed again.

"I ... can I ask a question?"

"Miss Chu, please!"

"Is the U.S. government planning to take my child? I can still be a mother for a few days?"

"This, this ..."

Faced with this, all the doctors and nurses were all dumb.

After half a day, in the worried eyes of Chu Yuner, the leader of the medical team began to answer: "Miss Chu, please forgive me: for those confrontations at the national level, we cannot participate at all. After all, we are just a little Little doctor. "

Chu Yuner lowered her head, her heart was sad.

She glanced at her sleeping daughter, and the mist filled her eyes. The next instant, a crystalline teardrop overflowed her eyes, and slid down the charming face ...

Baby, mom may be about to lose you!

"My poor boy! Mom is sorry for you, sorry for you ..."

Chu Yun'er weeped in sorrow.

With this wailing sound, in the midst of sleep, the baby girl who just fell asleep felt the mother's heart. She grumbled and burst into tears.

Crying so sad, so sad ...

The whole audience was horrified, Chu Yuner quickly stopped crying, picked up her daughter and shook gently.

In the concerned eyes of the doctors, the baby girl gradually calmed down and fell asleep again.

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart fell down.

At this time, the leader of the medical team spoke again and comforted Chu Yuner: "Miss Chu, please don't be sad, this is not good for Chu Chu. Let's say, although I am just a low-level military doctor, but this time I have full confidence that we, the Chinese government, will never give in on the chubby things. "


Chu Yuner looked up and looked at the leader of the medical team.

The group leader nodded: "Really! Please be sure to trust the country, the government, and China. Maybe we used to protest and strongly protest in international affairs. But this time, China will never protest ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ for her ... "

The team leader pointed at the child in Chu Yuner's arms, and the endless voice spit out from his mouth instantly: "Our military has the courage and determination to fight any enemy, no matter who it is! And ..."

Speaking of which, the team leader paused, then pulled open his white coat, pulled out a badge from his underwear pocket, and put it on his left chest.

This is a five-star badge, a major general.

It was 8 months ago that he was personally awarded to him by the commander of the Chinese Army when he was appointed as the leader of the medical team. Promoted from the rank of colonel to major general.

At this moment, in the eyes of Chu Yuner's surprise, and in the eyes of everyone in the audience, the team leader stood up straight, performed a very formal military salute to Chu Yuner, and then spoke seriously and cautiously:

"Comrade Chu Yuner, I am here to order a military secret from you: The Central Committee decided that when the situation reached its final step, the Chinese Fleet of the Galaxy Fleet, located in the solar system, would be ordered to return to China and head towards the central area of ​​Hangzhou. Of multiple pit channels, firing antimatter cannons, attacking the core! "

The words fell off, shocking the audience.

Everyone was frightened to take a breath.

Attacking the core?

God, the earth is the tree of life!

Once the terrestrial core is attacked, the horrific giant tree on the equator will be violent and then extinct the world.

Its power is unstoppable!

At this moment, Chu Yuner understood the determination of the government, and everyone understood the determination of the central government.

China is willing to sacrifice everything for the right of custody, the supreme interest of the country, and the endless benefits of the future.

Just like the former US President Barack Obama:

Whoever dares to catch our little child prodigy declares war to the United States of America.

Come not afraid of death!


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