Super Black Technology

Chapter 532: Annie and Tibbs

"It seems that I need to use the third technology in the seventh universe trading! Oh, by the way, I should also give my daughter a nice American name. What is it good?"

"Will you call my mother tomorrow and see what she says?"

I thought so, Ike was asleep.

一 大 Early in the morning, Ike called Mrs. Williams, who was far away in Cambridge.

As a result of the Chuchu incident, Mrs. Williams often talks with Alice on the phone these days.

I ca n’t help it, my son is derailed, and my mother needs to wipe her butt.

一 As soon as he received his son's call at this time, Mrs. Williams was annoyed and yelled at Ike directly.

"Mom, I know I'm wrong, I really know it wrong. I won't do it again next time. But now that my daughter is already born, I can't leave her alone. Mom, she is my biological daughter!"

As soon as she mentioned the baby girl, Mrs. Williams immediately became interested.

"She is still my granddaughter! By the way, did you give her a name? Chu Chu's name does not meet our American naming habits."

Aike: "No, I'm still thinking!"

"Will it be Annie? I and your dad have thought of a lot of names these days and think this one is the best."


Annie and Tibbs?

666, this name sounds good.

好 "Okay, that's it! Thank you mom, I know what gift my daughter should give!"

Ike hung up the phone and went out to the President's office to find Mr. Trump.

Why are you looking for him?

I want money!

"Mr. President, good morning! I plan to make a gift for my daughter and it costs a little money."


Xiao Guobao wants to make a gift for his daughter? God, what new technology isn't this?

Thinking of this, President Trump was particularly surprised, and quickly asked: "Little Ike, what is the gift you want to give? Can you tell me?"

当然 "Of course! Mr. President, I want to make a big rag doll for my daughter!"


As soon as this remark came out, President Trump spurted blood on the spot and almost fainted.

What is your so-called gift? You came to me early in the morning just to get a big bear?

Nyima, I am the President of the United States, not a wholesaler of children's toys.

I want a bear doll, go out and buy it yourself. Teddy bears for ten dollars are everywhere on the street.

Um, right, you should have no money, right?

Thinking of this, President Trump very generously pulled out his wallet from his pocket, and then pulled out a 100-dollar bill to Ike.

喏 "Hey, Ike, let's go buy it on the street! You can buy ten big bear dolls for $ 100!"

Seeing Mr. President's "hearty" behavior, Ike froze instantly.

Hey, are you treating me as a beggar? Want to kill me for $ 100?

"Sir, I want to make a big teddy bear doll for my daughter myself, $ 100 is not enough!"

"How much do you want?"

The cymbals fell, and Ike raised his hand and raised two fingers.

"$ 200?" President Trump guessed uncertainly.

"No, no, no!"

Aike shook his head like a rattle, and then exclaimed, "I want $ 2 billion!"

This remark came to an end, but after listening to the "噗通", President Trump fell to the ground on the spot and could not climb for a long time ...

Nyima, what big panda bears cost $ 2 billion? With this money, the Federation can build more than ten large pumpkin battleships!

Twenty-five hours later, the White House held a special meeting.

外 Outsiders don't know the content of the meeting. However, after the special meeting, a sum of money was transferred from the military's secret account.

总额 The total funding is exactly: 2 billion US dollars.

The receiving unit is: MIT, Lincoln National Laboratory.

I ca n’t help it, the gods want money, and even the federal government has to support it.

Fortunately, our United States has a wealthy economy. If it is replaced by other small countries, it is estimated that it will not be able to support it.

Uh ...

in the afternoon.

China. Network Division of the Ministry of Information Industry.

尖 A sharp alarm sounded in the office lobby, and a red light flashed rapidly on the central electronic screen ...

This means that there is movement on a Twitter account that the network department is following.

账户 The nickname of that account is Pineapple Ike!

Yes, the big **** changed its name again. It was changed on the day the big pineapple processing plant was built.

After hearing the alert, a staff member immediately logged in to Twitter to check.

Immediately after, a news shocking the world came to the eyes of all staff.

"From today, my daughter 'Chu Chu' changed her name to 'Annie'! Annie Ike Williams!"

When I saw the news, everyone was shocked.

"Oh my god, our little princess in China changed her name to‘ Annie ’?”

"What about the name" Chu Chu ", do we still use it? As far as I know, the name" Chu Chu "was taken by the first lady of our country!"

"Is the name change meant by the U.S. government, or is it the meaning of the Great Pineapple God? Are they ready to 'de-Chineseize'?"

"Hurry up, report this to your boss!"

At this moment, no one knows the truth of the matter.

Actually, this is just a young father proclaiming his rights to the world.

"My daughter is mine, and my daughter's name should also be taken by me. In this regard, no country or organization can replace it."

Uh ...

With the announcement of the Great God, the media and the Internet in the western world changed their names.

Then came Russia, India, Japan, Korea ...

In just half an hour, public opinion in the entire world has changed.

字 The word "chuchu" was removed ~ ~ to "Annie" little princess.

Qilian is no exception.

I ca n’t help it, my own father named him personally, who can ignore it.

In this world, whether in the East or the West, the child's name is almost always taken by his father. This is a male right, and no one can take it away. unless……

He himself gave up.

Will Ike give up?

No, absolutely not!

For this reason, the Chinese government conceded, even if Chu Chu's name was taken by the first lady himself.

In fact, the Chinese government is happy to see this happen, and the Chinese people are also very happy.

Because the name "Annie Aike" is more valuable than "Chu Chu".

One is the surname of the father and the other is the surname of the mother.

I do n’t know what to say, who knows Chu Yuner, the mother of a baby girl?

What about the baby girl's father?

The name of Ike is awesome all over the world!

以 He is a 16-year-old boy with unlimited rights and wealth.

人 No one is in this world!

Therefore, only his daughter, and only the daughter with his first name as his surname, is the national treasure of a country.

Uh ... (to be continued ...)

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