Super Black Technology

Chapter 533: Verification DNA

To be honest, with regard to Plan X, the Chinese Ministry of Intelligence bears great risks. ???? w? w? w ?. ?

Once the plan is in the middle of the plan, or if there is any change after the plan, the responsible person will be abandoned by the state and become the abandoner.

This is no way.

After all, Ike's power is too big and too big to suffocate a superpower like China.

Fortunately, fortunately, the "x" plan was successful, after all, God favored the ancient Chinese.

付出 If you pay, you will get a return.

The greater the risk, the greater the benefits.

This world, that's it!

So, now is the day when the Chinese government smiles. Since the birth of the baby girl, all the problems they have been worried about have disappeared to this day.

Aike publicly recognized the daughter and named him personally:


Annie Ike Williams!

This represents the little princess who was born with a golden spoon. She has reasonable, reasonable and even legal inheritance rights, and she is currently the only heir.

Uh ...

China. bei jing. PLA General Hospital.

"Yu Chuchu, my Chuchu woke up. She opened her eyes again!"

In a sound of surprise, a young baby girl opened her eyes, as beautiful as a sapphire.

Hearing the surprise, members of the medical team who were on duty day and night rushed into the house.

"Xiao Zhang, turn down the light in the room a little bit, it is too dazzling and is not good for the baby's vision development."

"Yes, team leader!"

"What is the indoor temperature?"

"Leader of the report, it is 25 degrees 7!"

"Okay, you can! Keep this temperature for an hour!"


After a series of busy days, the leader of the medical team came into Chu Yun'er and whispered: "Miss Chu, you can't call her Chu Chu anymore, it should be called 'Annie.'

"Oh, okay, okay!"

Wu Chuyuner quickly promised. At this moment, she was also very excited.

The godly man didn't forget his daughter.

"Baby, do you know? You have a new name," Annie ", which your father personally gave you. Do you like it?"

Chu Chuyuner gently called on the baby daughter, her eyes full of tenderness.

In the dark, the baby girl felt the joy of her mother's heart.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if laughing.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was very excited.

"Wow, our little angel is so spiritual. She is laughing, do you see it? She is laughing!"

"See, see, she is indeed laughing. Unfortunately, her vocal cords are not yet developed, otherwise we can hear her laugh."

"She is so young and so spiritual, she will surely become a great figure like her father in the future."

"Yes, the leader is right!" ...

I heard the praise of the crowd, Chu Yuner's mood was extremely happy.

Although Ike didn't mention himself on Twitter, it doesn't matter. I have a daughter in this life.

一定 I must do my best to train her into an adult.

Yun Chu'er secretly resolved in her heart ...

At this moment, the military headset of the medical team leader sounded a report from the soldier, which seemed to be an officer of the Central Police Corps.

报告 "Report to the General: The Central is here, and I have something to ask for you!"

The leader of the medical team is the major general who has been promoted by the Chinese Army. He has the highest authority equivalent to Chen Jiang in this hospital.

When I heard the report, the leader of the medical team immediately whispered and asked the deputy to make a few words, and then turned to leave the ward ...

Inpatient Department. Lobby.

Thirty senior central officials are chatting with several foreigners. They were surrounded by Chinese soldiers and American soldiers, and even the water **** "Chen Jiang" was among them.

What are they doing here?

At this time, footsteps came up from the floor, and immediately after that, the leader of the medical team appeared at the entrance of the stairs.

When I saw him, everyone immediately stopped chatting and stood up.

高 A senior central official extended his hand to the medical team leader: "Hello, General Xu Qing!"

"Hello, are you guys?"

"General Xu Qing, we are from Zhongnanhai. At the command of the Central Committee, we brought our American friends to the hospital to do something. This is a document issued by the three parties, the Chairman, the National Academy of Military Affairs and the Military Commission, please look at it."

Another senior official took out the documents from the briefcase and handed them to the team leader of the medical team.

The team leader quickly took the file and checked it carefully.

Xiao Shaoqing, the team leader closed the file and saluted everyone.

"Head, welcome to the PLA General Hospital!"

Three senior officials waved their hands.

"General Xu Qing, come and let me introduce you to foreign friends. This is Mr. Leiden, White House Special Agent."

"Hello Mr. Rayden!"

The medical team leader smiled and quickly reached out ...

"Hello, General Xu, nice to meet you!"

The white man smiled and stretched out his right hand, shaking hands with the military major general.

"This is Colonel Rodney, American!"

"Hello, Mr. Colonel!"

"Hello, General Xu!"

The two handshake friendly.

"These three are the physicians of the White House President's Medical Team ..."

"Hello, colleagues!"

"Hello, Dr. Xu!"

At this moment, Xu Qing already knows the purpose of these Americans.

After a brief greeting, Xu Qing sent an invitation to everyone.

"Gentlemen, please follow me. Let's go upstairs and change the sterile clothing."


Under the guard of Chinese and American soldiers, everyone went upstairs ...

After seeing the crowd leaving, Chen Jiang turned around and walked out of the lobby on the first floor. Immediately, the infinite combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the air transformed into a water column carrying Chen Jiangfei to the top of the building.

He will stay here all the time and closely monitor every move of the American side.

As the highest commander of this hospital, he also knows the purpose of coming from the United States, namely:

Verify Annie's DNA!

Although Ike has confirmed his daughter personally, although the negotiations between the three countries have also ended, but ...

As the government of a country, the procedures to be followed must be followed.

After all, the matter of Annie is too big, and the US government needs to go up and down the country.

In the event of an oolong, war will break out immediately between China and the United States, and everyone will be implicated.

中国 The Chinese government also understands this, so Zhongnanhai sent the most reliable officials to accompany them to the hospital for verification.

Uh ...

Ward ~ ~ The group walked in in sterile clothes.

She Chuyuner nodded her greetings to everyone, and she had learned the details from the nurse.

Seeing this distinguished lady greeting everyone, everyone quickly responded to the ceremony.

"Is Annie sleeping?" Xu Qing asked the leader softly.

Xu Wenyan nodded.

"Just fell asleep!"

那就 "Well, let's get started!"

Subsequently, a precision camera was placed in front of the hospital bed, and it would shoot the entire process of "getting baby girl hair".

At this point, the verification process has begun ... (to be continued ...)

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