
Finally, anbai, who was so angry that he could not hold back, strode forward and fiercely drew a big mouth. The slap gave Yin Na a lot of foundation.

"Keep your mouth clean!" Anbai scolded: "you are the queen of music, I respect you, but please don't be disrespectful for the old!"

"You, you..."

Yina felt her hot face, but she could not feel the pain any more. What was more, she was shocked and angry. Yina never dreamed that a female singer who had just made a little nickname would dare to beat herself!

The most exasperating thing is that she said she was old?

"You, you say I'm old? Why am I old? I'm only forty-eight years old! " Yinna doesn't feel that her face hurts, but she thinks that anbai's words hurt her.

Is forty-eight very old?

"Isn't forty-eight old?" "My mother is only forty-five years old," anbai said

"You..." on hearing this, Yinna was even more angry.

It's a shame to say that you are older than her mother?

"What are you doing?" Anbai continued to teach: "to be a good man, don't rely on the old to sell the old. What's so great about it? Didn't you just use your studio? It's not like stealing your man. As for being so excited? "


Yin Na touched her chest, feeling that her chest was stuffy and short of breath.

"What are you doing? If you don't teach these two smelly girls a lesson, it's lawless, lawless! " Yin Na roared and rushed to the four bodyguards behind her.

However, the four bodyguards were stunned. How shameful it was for them to deal with the two weak women? People who don't know think they are bullying the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

"Sister Na, let's forget it. It's too much to beat a woman..." the head of the bodyguard is a little worried. It's really hard to deal with it.

"What nonsense!"

Yin Na was so angry that she stamped her feet and roared, "I said, teach these girls a lesson, or you will be fired immediately. You'll just wait for the wind to blow."

"This..." a few bodyguards listen to this, the complexion immediately more ugly.

"What day? I think it's a joke. " Anbai fought forward, protecting Liao Su behind him and sneering: "it's ridiculous that she has the name of" Queen of heaven "but not the bearing of" Queen of heaven ". She bullies the weak and wants to bully us two weak women."

Yinna can not care so much at this moment, ferocious way: "today I bully you, you two bitches, I must let you pay the price, pay a heavy price, let you know that Yinna is not easy to bully!"

"I'll leave it here, too!"

Anbai fought forward and said without flinching: "anbai is not an ordinary person. Today, if there is any good or bad, he will pay back a hundred times in the future."

"There's a lot of rubbish. Who can't say cruel words?" Yinna didn't pay attention to anbai, and she even had a plan that she couldn't wait to cripple anbai.

Not only because anbai enters her studio, but also because anbai's birth gives Yinna a sense of crisis. Although Yina is the queen of heaven, she has an absolute position in the music world. But Yinna is also a woman. As long as she is a woman, she has jealousy, and Yinna's jealousy is much heavier.

Anbai's songs are very good. In a short period of time, she has attracted countless fans, and there is a tendency to surpass her own momentum. Even many senior musicians are saying privately that anbai may only take five years to replace herself, or even completely surpass herself within five years.

Yinna can't bear it. Therefore, Yinna wants to make a new album and reestablish her position when anbai quits.

Before entering the studio, Yina already knew that anbai had occupied her studio with people. Yina didn't ask about the routine of hitting people. She had long thought about it.

If anbai is obedient and sensible, he can educate himself well and publicize that anbai is actually his apprentice. He can not only suck powder, but also save face; If they are not sensible, just teach them a lesson. As long as they admit their mistakes, they can say anything.

However, what Yina wanwan didn't expect was that anbai fought back, and it was very powerful. She not only didn't admit her mistake, but also called herself an old woman and humiliated herself. How can Yinna swallow this breath?

"What are you four doing? Waiting for wine or food? Throw these two bitches out, or I'll let you go right away... "Yina threatened.

"Ha ha, I'd like to see who is going to throw people out." However, at this time, a cold male voice sounded, and then the studio door opened.

Zhao Chengfeng leads Nangong Ming and his party to the site.

Nangongming and Chengkang were supposed to arrive a little earlier, but it turned out to be very unfortunate - they were in a traffic jam. On the contrary, Zhao Chengfeng was the last to arrive. When Zhao Chengfeng and Jiangling got off the bus, nangongming and Chengkang just drove in. In this way, a group of four came in together.

"Who are you? Get out of here At this moment, Yin na no longer has any kindness and friendship in front of the screen, just like a female night fork, showing her teeth, and her sneer is ferocious.

"If you are not a mother, I will kick you first." Zhao Chengfeng coldly glanced at Yina, then looked at anbai and said, "are you ok?"

Anbai smell speech, also don't know is excited, or sad, tears clattered down, "Wuwu" cry out.

"Susu, what's going on? Tell me about it Nangong Ming walks to Liao Susu with a look of heartache.

"When I came with sister amber. The studio was full, so we went to this one, and then she came, beat me and sister anbai, and humiliated her. " Liao Susu also felt aggrieved, even a little sad.

At least, Liao Susu's imagination of the entertainment industry is not like this. Unexpectedly, the entertainment industry is not only fighting, but also so dark.

Liao Susu has been considering whether he really wants to set foot on this road.

"Call me back!" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was not angry. He pointed to anbai and said, "if I don't beat a woman, you can beat her back. You can beat me back as she beat you. I'll take care of everything that happens."

"You, you..." Yin Na was a little confused. She didn't expect that someone would dare to beat herself and say such arrogant words. No, who is this boy.


However, without waiting for Yina to recover, Jiangling came up with a big mouth and pulled it out. The willow eyebrows stood up and the apricot eyes were wide open. "Bully my sister, it's time to fight!"

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