Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Jiangling would make such a breakthrough, which is enough to show that Jiangling is very righteous. After all, the old woman in front of her is indeed the queen of Chinese music who has been famous for decades.

However, it's far from the queen in front of the screen. Let's not say that Yin Na is old and ugly. Just the aggressive grinning face makes people extremely uncomfortable. It's a real-life version of ninja. It's hard to match the identity of diva, or even to discredit the music world.

Since they are public figures, they must have the image and bearing of public figures. And such a queen, there is no need to give her any respect.

"You, you dare to hit me?" Yinna felt her hot face and was completely confused. Didn't she go out to see the Yellow calendar today? It has been slapped two times, and the foundation of the face has gone off.

Jiangling forward a station, momentum pressing, "hit is you."

"You..." Yinna was very angry.

"What are you doing?" Jiangling impolitely interrupted Yin Na and continued: "what a bitch, in my eyes, you are nothing. I tell you, you are just a actor. Since you are an actor, you should do your own job well. Don't be self righteous, otherwise, hum... "

"You, you..." Yinna was deeply stabbed, like a cat trampled on the tail, especially the sentence "actor", which made Yinna feel humble.


However, before Yinna's words came out, Jiangling slapped her in the back hand again, which made Yinna dizzy and unable to find the north.

"You don't have the right to take my finger. You're nothing." Jiangling is imposing. She is taller than Yinna. From the top to the bottom, she has a kind of condescending feeling.

"What are you doing? Didn't you see me beaten? Teach these bastards a lesson. " Yin Na was so angry that she stamped her feet and growled at the four bodyguards.

Today, Yinna has to get back, otherwise, what's the face of Tianhou? How to gain a foothold in the music world?

"A few friends, you are still..." a few bodyguards can't help it, although they can see that these people are not ordinary people, but they have to do something with people's money.

Zhao Chengfeng coldly glanced at the man. "Today, you can't manage it. If you don't want to be beaten, just go away and don't get in my way."

"You look down on us? You... "The head of the bodyguard was a little upset when he heard this. Everyone was a man. They were all the same things when they took off their pants. Who was afraid of who?


However, without waiting for the head of the bodyguard to finish his speech, Zhao Chengfeng kicked over the head of the bodyguard and sneered: "you are not qualified to let me look you in the eye."

Domineering, this is Zhao Chengfeng's domineering! However, Zhao Chengfeng has this arrogant capital, but also has arrogant reasons.

If one's own woman is bullied and can't stand out as a man, it's better for such a man to be a eunuch in the palace. Eunuchs don't deserve to have women, and they will serve the Buddha all their lives.


The head of the bodyguard was so sore that he took a cold breath and didn't dare to make noise any more. Even Yin Na on one side is completely silly. I didn't expect that the man in front of me was still a fierce role.

However, no matter how hard she is, Yin Na can't be timid. Today's game must be brought back.

"Don't be too arrogant. I'll call brother Hua right now. You'll wait and see." Yin Na said, immediately felt out the mobile phone, called the boss.

However, one side of Jiangling heard the words, but it was a flash, "Huashan? That's a lot easier to do. "

Yinna added fuel to the story, put down the phone and looked at Zhao Chengfeng with arrogance and satisfaction.

"You wait, brother Hua. I'll send someone right away. If you have seed, don't run away." Yinna said to Zhao Chengfeng and his party that this time Yinna learned to be smart. She didn't dare to point at several people, and she didn't dare to swear.

Yin Na's anger is anger, but her brain is not stupid. These people are so fierce in front of her. Don't lose money in front of her, it's not worth it.

"I didn't intend to leave." With that, Zhao Chengfeng pulled a chair beside him and sat down with a golden sword. "Call someone. If you don't move out today, I'll tell you the truth. You don't want to leave!"

Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell down, and he set off a five yuan package of tianxiaxiu. Bata Bata sucked it up. He didn't even bother to look at Yina.

However, it is such an image that Nangong Ming and Chengkang admire. Men are so domineering, just like king in the world.

As for anbai, her eyes were covered with mist, and her tears almost fell again. It's worth the slap today.

Jiangling is more calm. When Zhao Chengfeng abolished pan Chang'an, Jiangling knew that Yinna would not have a good result. However, in order to prevent more trouble, Jiangling had to intervene in front of Zhao Chengfeng. With Zhao Chengfeng's ruthlessness, it's very likely to kill people.

Although Yina is not a good thing, it has to be said that her singing skills are amazing. She has accumulated a lot of fans over the years, and the power of these fans is extremely powerful.

"I'll go out and make a phone call. I'll be right back." Jiangling said to Zhao Chengfeng, then he left the studio. After about five minutes, Jiangling came back.

Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman and felt a little strange. What phone call can't be made in front of Laozi?

"What are you doing?" Zhao Chengfeng asked a question.

However, at this time, Yin Na's phone rang. Yina took out the apple 7, saw the caller ID, and immediately picked it up with a smile and a whine voice: "brother Hua, are your people here? I... "

Just blinking time, Yin Na's face suddenly pale, obviously did not expect that it would be such a result.

I was banned! Yes, his boss Huashan directly removed himself from Tianyu record company!

"Brother Hua, please don't, what did I do wrong?" Yinna recovered and began to beg for mercy. She looked very pitiful.

"Fool, who did you offend today? Don't you know? " Hua Shan's sarcastic voice came from the other end of the phone, saying: "go away with your tail in your hand. You've provoked someone you can't afford in your life."

Finish saying, Hua Shan "bang" of a telephone to put down.

"Brother Hua, brother Hua, help me..." Yina was worried, but there was no response.

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