"I wish us a successful cooperation." Ye Changfa was overjoyed and raised his cup.

Pan Gaopeng also raised his cup, just as he was about to say something.

"Whew..." just at this time, the outside suddenly sounded the alarm, this is someone forced into the alarm.

"What happened? You go out and have a look Pan Gaopeng's face changed abruptly, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

For many years, the alarm never sounded. I didn't expect that the alarm sounded tonight. It must be a big event.

Pan Bao was also startled and trotted out.

"Boss pan, why don't I avoid it first? Why don't you take care of the family first? " Ye Changfa is also a man of vision. At this point, it's better not to make trouble.

Pan Gaopeng really couldn't sit down, so he took the opportunity to say, "I'm really sorry tonight. I'll visit Mr. Ye another day."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Ye Changfa answered and stood up and left Panjiayuan.

Just as ye Changfa was going out, pan Bao came in in a hurry, his face was extremely ugly, "no, sir, something happened, something happened."

"What's the point of being flustered? Speak slowly when you have something to do." Pan Gaopeng is not in a beautiful mood. Even the alarm goes off, and the fool knows that something has happened.

Now things are complicated, pan Gaopeng's mood is not smooth, pan Bao was so noisy, more depressed a bit.

"Sir, two men in black broke into the manor one after the other, and the sword was stolen." Pan Bao stamped his feet in a hurry. "I've sent someone out to chase him, but I'm afraid with the two men's feet..."

Pan Bao has no hope for this. After all, the speed of the two men is too fast. In the dark, they flash past like a shadow.

"What sword? You make it clear. " Pan Gaopeng didn't respond for a moment.

"Oh dear!"

Pan Bao was a little impatient. "Master, you are so confused. Isn't that the sword that was sold at a sky high price this afternoon? It's the sword that Zhao Chengfeng covets. "

"What? That thing was stolen? " Mention that sword, to this moment pan Gaopeng still feel flesh ache, paralyzed, is Zhao Chengfeng that son of a bitch, Leng is let oneself more several hundred million.

It's called doing good, doing his mother's bullshit!

Who is pan Gaopeng? How can a businessman who is full of copper smell do good deeds even if he has a conscience and doesn't cheat in business? Isn't that bullshit?

If you want to blame Zhao Chengfeng, you can only blame him for his immorality. He dragged pan Gaopeng out of the water and smashed hundreds of millions of dollars in vain. Then he bought a broken sword covered with rust. Unexpectedly, the broken sword was stolen. Isn't it a waste of money?

"Yes, sir, nothing else is missing, just the sword." In Pan Bao's heart, it's called a pain, hundreds of millions of "baby". If you don't say it, it's gone. Who doesn't care?

"Just steal it. Anyway, I haven't worked out anything. I don't think it's of great value." Pan Gaopeng is you waved, obviously do not care.

Because after the auction, pan Gaopeng called several friends in his circle to come and help them to see whether it was true or not. But after a careful look, we finally came to the conclusion that it was an ordinary iron sword, covered with rust. To put it bluntly, it's a pile of scrap metal.

"Master, it's very likely that Zhao Cheng did it." Pan Bao said anxiously, "just think about it. In the afternoon auction, a short, fat, middle-aged man in black and Zhao Chengfeng are bidding for the sword. It can be seen that they know the value of the sword or the origin of it."

"Before you came here, the price of this object was 80 million yuan! Enough to prove its value, how can he be a pile of scrap metal? " Pan Bao is really worried. All the losses are money. Can we not be impatient?

Pan Gaopeng thought carefully, it's really possible that he lost his sight. However, if everything has been stolen, what can he do?

"Even if it's extraordinary, even if it's stolen by Zhao Chengfeng, so what? Since we can't catch up, let him go. " Pan Gaopeng said: "now we should make a good plan for the alliance, and strive to kill Zhao Chengfeng as soon as possible."

Pan Bao thought, too. Even though it's so valuable, what can it do?

"Master, I know ye Changfa better. He is Zhao Chengfeng's enemy. I think we can work together." Pan Bao gave his own opinion.

Pan Gaopeng nodded and said, "yes, one more friend is better than one more enemy. I'll ask Ye Changfa tomorrow. Come on, go down and tell the people below to guard against any further trouble. Come on, I'll have a rest. "

"Yes, sir." Pan Bao answered and bowed out of the hall.

At this time, Zhao Chengfeng was sleeping in heaven and earth. After inviting Pang Hu to dinner, the boy couldn't stay idle and said that he was good at work at night, so he went out directly.

Zhao Chengfeng is not good at sneaking around, so he stays in heaven and earth to have a rest. At the beginning, he still thinks about how to find the man. Slowly, he falls asleep. In his dream, a lot of girls rush to go to brother Feng's arms. That's a comfort

"Didi... Didi..."

However, when the dream is about to take that step, the damned phone rings quickly, which wakes up Zhao Chengfeng. It's a depression in the heart of the wind.

It's like when you're talking to someone, a son of a bitch suddenly calls to tell you that your father is dead. What's his mood? Cool, cool.

"Damn you

Zhao Chengfeng picked up the phone and scolded, "can you still let people..."

"Master, don't scold me. Come and help me." Pang Hu's voice was urgent and anxious. "Someone stole the sword first. I'm chasing it now. Come and help. It's hard to catch that bastard when he enters the forest."

"Damn it

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech, spirit all of a sudden came, busy way: "you track that person, is not short and stout, the age is about 50 years old?"

Zhao Chengfeng thought of the man who was fighting for the sword at the auction, and that man was the one who was killed by heaven at the Beihai auction the night before!

If it's really that person, it's better. It doesn't take any effort.

"Yes, yes, master, how do you know?" Pang Hu felt strange.

"Because I am your master, I am a wise man!" Zhao Chengfeng some proud way: "OK, hurry to say the place, I'll go right away, his grandmother's, dare to rob things with Laozi, there is no way."

"In the direction of Badaling Great Wall, master, hold on, we're going to drill in the woods..."

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