"In the woods? Hum Zhao Chengfeng sneered: "even if he gets to the source of his life, Lao Tzu can find him out!"

This time, Zhao Chengfeng is the eighth son of a bitch. He is determined to catch this man. He can not only get the God's punishment, but also the sword!

Although Zhao Chengfeng didn't know what was strange about the sword, the killing intention of the sword alone was enough to arouse Zhao Chengfeng's interest.

"Master, where is the source of life?" Pang Hu didn't understand, so he chose to ask.

"His Bi Li is naturally the source of his life. If it's the end of life, it's the crematorium. " Zhao Chengfeng is profound.

Pang Hu was defeated by this master in an instant when he heard this, and his words were too bad. However, when you think about it, it seems that this is the truth.

When people are born, don't they come out of that place?

"Master, let's stop talking nonsense. You'd better hurry up. I'm afraid I can't carry it alone. That guy is not weak. I can't catch up with him now. I'm afraid that if he abandons his car and goes into the mountains, it's really hard to find him." Pang Hu has no time to tell Zhao Chengfeng nonsense. He urges him to do so.

"OK, I'm out now. I'll keep in touch with you by telephone at any time. If you have any problems, please call me as soon as possible. You should also pay attention to your own safety. That person's strength will not be too weak." Zhao Chengfeng ordered a, quickly lit the car, engine issued as a wild beast general roar, like a sword general shot out.

Zhao Chengfeng is very excited. His speed is too fast. He only sees one late car after another left behind by Zhao Chengfeng and goes straight to Badaling.


Pang Hu is driving a broken Jetta, struggling to step on the accelerator, running wildly in the dark, but the distance from the distant big car is really getting farther and farther, slowly can only see the car butt from a distance.

"Finished, this son of a bitch is really going to Badaling. Master, master, come quickly." Pang Hu is very anxious, but how can he compare with Daben.

It's enough for Pang Hu to step on the accelerator. Can things worth tens of thousands of Yuan compare with millions?

"It's over. It's over. It's going up the mountain." Seeing the man turn left into the intersection, Pang Hu was more and more worried.

However, at this moment, a Porsche roared by, and the man honked the horn twice at Pang Hu, and Pang Hu's phone rang immediately.

"Master, is that you driving a Porsche?" Pang Hu asked.

Zhao Chengfeng said, "yes, it's me. Where are you? I'm at the foot of Badaling. There's a black bus running in front of me. "

"Master, that's the car. You should catch up with him and don't let him enter the mountain!" Pang Hu said eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can catch up!" Zhao Chengfeng's relaxed and cheerful voice came from the phone. However, he immediately complained: "just now, it wasn't a broken Jetta that stopped in front of me. I've already caught up with him. Damn, I drive so many stupid cars at night. I don't know how to pull over a broken car..."

Pang Hu was not happy when he heard this. His face broke down. He was almost angry and cried by Zhao Chengfeng. He said weakly, "master, can you stop talking? If I'm right, I'm the jerk with Jetta in your mouth... "

"Well, all right." Zhao Chengfeng was a little embarrassed, so he put the phone down and focused on chasing the car in front of him.

Zhao Chengfeng's driving skill is very good. Although the speed of running is not slow, his driving skill is obviously worse than Zhao Chengfeng by more than one grade. You know, Zhao Chengfeng, a man who has driven all kinds of cars all over the world, was still pushing a unicycle in the mountains when he was a child.

"Run? Hum, even if you are covered with wings tonight, I can shoot you down! " Looking closer and closer, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is also vaguely excited.

All of a sudden, Zhao Chengfeng sped up and passed the black dash from the right side. At the moment of overtaking, Zhao Chengfeng looked back. Yes, it was the stout middle-aged man.


Zhao Chengfeng is more happy, suddenly light brake, slow down the speed, and no matter how slow down, Zhao Chengfeng always stop in front of the black car.

"Ba ba... Ba ba ba..."

Black can not run the horn, however, Zhao Chengfeng not moved, the last lateral elegant, stable car parked in the middle of the road.


Black Big Ben had no choice but to brake down. Big Ben stopped steadily. The stout middle-aged man came down from the car with a sword in his hand. It was the sword from the auction in the daytime that killed Zhao Chengfeng.

However, when the middle-aged man came to the car, he was stunned. Unexpectedly, it was Zhao Chengfeng who got off the car. At first, he thought it was the guard of Pan Jiayuan who caught up with him.

"My friend, I don't want to say anything more. Give it up. I don't want to do evil." Zhao Chengfeng lit a cigarette and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The man is only 1.6 meters tall. He feels chubby. He walks like he is wriggling. However, the middle-aged man's squinting eyes are very uncomfortable. He seems to be killing people all the time.

This is a ruthless character whose hands are covered with blood. Zhao Chengfeng thinks so.

"If you want to rob me of CAI Chen's things, I'm afraid you're still a little short of time." Cai Chen looked coldly at Zhao Chengfeng and said with a smile, "today, I ruined my deal at the auction. I haven't settled with you yet. I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to send me to the door to seek death. I don't mind passing you over."

"Tut Tut, that's a lot of tone." Zhao Chengfeng is happy to hear that. This guy is really arrogant. Anyway, if he is so shameless, Zhao Chengfeng can't say it“ Fat man, I don't care what you are, Cai Chen or rookie, but I remind you that you have to have that capital to talk big. Have a good time. By the way, hand in the heavenly killer, put down your sword and go away immediately. Brother Feng may be able to show mercy and let you go. "

"How do you know that I have heaven to kill?" Cai Chen hears speech, complexion is startled, really did not expect, Zhao Chengfeng actually knows that he has been killed.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "if I hadn't been in Beihai last night, do you think you could have taken the God killer at the auction?"

"It seems that I can't save your life, because you know too much." Cai Chen's pupil suddenly shrank, and he shot out a very cold and Yin killing gas.

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