"For the second cup of wine, I'll pay tribute to Cheng Feng's two brothers. This time, Cheng Feng was injured. We'll see what you've done for Cheng Feng and keep it in mind. If you don't say more, I'll do it first!"

Jiangling's words are very beautiful, clean and concise. Everything is in silence.

"Sister-in-law, you are scolding me." Sung Kang's old face was red. "This wine should have been lost to a madman. I didn't respond to it. I drank a broken piece the night before, and I..."

"Come on, don't talk about it. I don't blame you for everything. Why so much nonsense?" Zhao Chengfeng while to Jiangling folder vegetables, while urging: "hurry to drink, don't so mill Ji, not a man."

Cheng Kang, with a friendly look on his face, picked up his glass and gulped down his stomach, showing his teeth as if he had drunk a knife. Glancing back at nangongming, he scolded, "what are you doing? Drink, sister-in-law's wine, don't you

In a complete mess of Nangong Baijiu's face, there are some regrets in mind. Jiangling has two cups of wine in succession. It is 42 white spirits.

However, the cowhide has been blown out. It's no good not to drink it. Nangong Ming is so stiff that he pours down a glass of wine. He feels like his stomach is turning upside down.

"Come on, order, order." Liao Susu is still careful. Seeing Nangong Ming's uncomfortable appearance, he quickly takes some dishes.

Just when nangongming picked up his chopsticks, Jiangling picked up his wine cup again.

"For the third drink, I'd like to propose a toast to you two brothers." With a slight smile on his cheek, Jiangling said: "you have been brothers of Chengfeng for many years. You are brothers. This feeling is enviable. At the same time, I'd like to thank you both for growing up with Chengfeng all these years. If I do it, please feel free! "

As the voice fell, Jiangling drank it with his neck up, clean and neat.


Nangong Ming swallows his saliva and holds up his glass. He feels like poison inside.

"Sister in law, how can you do it alone? I did it, too Cheng Kang has a sense of shame in his heart. What's the reason why he doesn't drink it? What's the reason?

To tell you the truth, Cheng Kang has long thought that it would not be enough to express his sincerity if he didn't get drunk today.

After three cups of wine in a row, Cheng Kang faintly felt dizzy. After all, he didn't eat anything in his stomach. Most of the Jin wine in his stomach made him feel uncomfortable.

"Mingzi, what are you doing? Drink, do you really want to deal with it at will? " Zhao Chengfeng said with a smile to Nangong Ming. His eyebrows were full of schadenfreude.

Little son of a bitch, I still want to see brother Feng's jokes. There's no way!

"I..." Nangong Ming's eyes closed, and he let go. "Gulu" fell into his stomach. The burning pain spread from his chest. It was sour

But this time, Nangong Ming learned to be smart. Before he put down his glass, he said, "sister-in-law, Chengkang, let's have a rest and have a drink. It's not dinner with the big leader. There's no need to work so hard. You have to drink slowly before you can feel it.... "

"Anyway, I offered you three glasses of wine. As for whether you respect me or not, I don't care." Without waiting for Nangong ming to finish, Jiangling said something faintly.

Words are not heavy, but like a slap on Nangong Ming's face, this is naked contempt. Women take the initiative to toast three cups, you do not return three cups back, that is still a man?

"Sister-in-law, you're talking about this. I can't be disrespectful to you. Come on, I'll give you three drinks with Mingzi. I won't say anything, just one word - drink."

Cheng Kang was forthright. After all, he was in the army compound. He had a good drink. After three drinks in a row, he was just a little dizzy.

"Chengkang, I'll fuck you

Nangong Ming holds up his wine cup. It's a pain in his heart. You have to toast yourself, son of a bitch. Why do you want to drag yourself into the water? It's not authentic.

After three more cups, one person drank more than one bottle in a twinkling of an eye. Chengkang was OK and still strong. Nangong Ming is not so hard. Just after drinking three glasses of wine, he goes directly into the bathroom. Liao Susu also helps.

"Lunatic, although you don't blame me, I still have to say that." With the strength of alcohol, Cheng Kang said to Zhao Cheng, "I'm really wrong about your injury this time. I thought you were joking. You were seriously injured in the end. I'm not a human being!"

"I know how much you've helped me over the years, but you just said it once, but I ignored it. I... PA!"

In the end, Cheng Kang chagrined and gave himself a big mouth. Half of his face turned red and swollen, with a few finger prints on it.

"Cheng Kang, what are you doing? You... "Zhao Chengfeng was slightly moved," I don't blame you. Why do you need it? "

"But I'm not happy in my heart!" Cheng Kang looks happy, "you treat me as a brother, but over the years, Mingzi and I have been in your light. In the end, we can't help. You say I..."

"Chengkang, I came here with your sister-in-law today, which proves that we are not angry. Naturally, we don't need to forgive. Don't blame yourself too much." Zhao Chengfeng patted Chengkang on the shoulder and said, "one world, two brothers, no one is in debt. As long as we brothers can be good, that's enough."

"I don't need you two to remember my feelings. There's no need for that. If I need to be grateful, I can do charity and give money to others. But if you and I are brothers, we don't need any thanks or guilt. The more you do, the more angry I will be. "

Cheng Kang nodded, his face full of gratitude.

One side of Jiangling did not speak, but can not help but look at Zhao Chengfeng two eyes, what a "one world, two brothers", tearful ah.

"I know about the trouble you made in Panjiayuan a few days ago. You're a good boy. Now you've lost your iron rice bowl. You'll be scolded when you go home." Zhao Chengfeng not only does not blame Cheng Kang, but is more moved in his heart.

You know, the Chengkang family is not a big family in the capital, it's just a small family. Otherwise, they would not have been fighting for so many years, just a squadron leader of the armed police.

But this time, for the sake of Zhao Chengfeng, even the team leader was eliminated.

"Hey, it's OK, I don't care!"

Cheng Kang waved his hand and said with a smile, "isn't that right? It's time to take a long vacation. I'm not afraid of your jokes. I haven't had a vacation for nearly a year. "

"Otherwise, I'll help you talk about love. Maybe it can give you some face?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, also very uncomfortable in the heart.

For his own sake, my brother lost his job.

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