"Thanks, madman."

Cheng Kang smiles, but still refuses. "After a period of rest, I plan to make a breakthrough by myself. The old man in the family scolds me for being useless. This time I will show him. I can't let the old man look down on me, can I? It's a big deal. I'll go to the army for another seven or eight years, and then I'll go back to the capital. "

"Whatever you want to do and wherever you go, just remember that we are brothers." Zhao Chengfeng also didn't force, men, who don't want face?

Just like Cheng Kang and Nangong Ming, although their background and skills are not as good as Zhao Chengfeng's, they are not just useless. They have real skills.

Chengkang is also a first-class meritorious person. No matter where he goes, he can find a bowl of rice to eat; Nangong Ming is not bad either. He is a born businessman.

When Nangong Ming was studying in school, he already had a sense of making money. He saved all his new year's money and went tens of kilometers away to buy goods and sell them in school. Most of them were snacks and drinks for children. In order to stimulate consumption, when there are a large number of people, they often show off their products, and other children can't buy them.

"By the way, madman, there's one more thing I have to tell you." After a pause, Cheng Kang suddenly looked a little more serious and said: "the strength behind pan Jiayuan is not weak. You have to be careful in the future. Last time we made a big scene in Pan Jiayuan, I dare to interrupt pan Gaopeng. I won't give up."

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think so and laughs. It's just a pan homeland. Zhao Chengfeng really doesn't pay attention to it.

"It's a pity that my action was too hasty, and I didn't find out anything against the law or discipline, otherwise I would have caught the old man pan Gaopeng." Cheng Kang was a little annoyed.

At first glance, pan Jiayuan was sealed this time, and Cheng Kang also understood that if he could fight a snake, he would have endless troubles. Pan Gaopeng will only hate Zhao Chengfeng more!

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it." With a faint smile, Zhao Chengfeng lifted his glass from Jiangling and said, "come on, let's have a drink."

"Chengfeng, you..." Jiangling brows a twist, want to stop, after all, Zhao Chengfeng body injury is not good.

"Don't worry, I know it."

Zhao Chengfeng interrupted: "can't I have two glasses of wine with my brother?"

"Drink less then." Jiangling has no choice but to let Zhao Chengfeng go.

But Zhao Chengfeng laughed and said, "I don't have the word 'drink less' in my dictionary."

"I'll go. You two are playing wheel fight." Cheng Kang smiles and shakes his head, but he still takes up his glass and drinks with Zhao Chengfeng.

"Oh, I'll go. It's more comfortable at last." As soon as they put down their glasses, Nangong Ming and Liao Susu came out.

Nangong Ming spat for a while. He felt much better, but he looked much more embarrassed. He was drunk and spat by a woman. It was really humiliating.

"Mingzi, you came out just in time. I have something to talk with you." Zhao Chengfeng filled nangongming with wine and then said, "as I told you last time, your sister-in-law will go to the company in a few days. You can call the company's senior executives to have a meeting later."

"There's no problem with the meeting, it's just..." Nangong Ming looked at the full glass and said bitterly: "just, can we stop drinking this glass of wine? I'm here for dinner today, not to share wine with you. "

"No promise!"

Cheng Kang rolled his eyes and said, "are you still not a man? Let you drink, not let you go to war? What are you afraid of? "


"OK, don't say anything. Come on, let's take one of the three brothers. If it's a brother, drink it!" Cheng Kang didn't give Nangong Ming a chance to speak at all. He took his glass and Gulu it down. His face turned red.

Zhao Chengfeng is not ambiguous, just like drinking boiled water, he drinks it easily.

"What I regret most in my life is that I became brothers with you two. What I regret most today is that I came to have dinner with you two. Ah Nangong Ming sighs repeatedly, pinches nose Leng is to pour down a glass of wine.

"No, I'm going to vomit again..." as soon as the glass was put down, nangongming rushed into the toilet again, and vomited gaudy.

"This guy, drink and vomit, isn't it a waste?" Cheng Kang shook his head.

Liao Su's eyes rolled wildly, and he didn't have a good way: "if you want to be a waste, don't let him drink. They didn't force you. "

"Hey, I'm..." Cheng Kang was a little depressed. It was clear that they were bullying themselves.

"Don't be blind."

Zhao Chengfeng patted Cheng Kang on the shoulder and said, "Mingzi is two people now. Don't try to be brave as soon as you open your mouth. If you want me to tell you, you'd better solve your personal affairs earlier. Don't fool around all day."

"Do you think I don't want to find one?" Hearing the words, Cheng Kang sighed and said, "I'm not as good as you two. When I meet such good girls as my sister-in-law and Su Su, which one of those girls around me is not for the family background? I can see through it. "

"Well, a man like me can only find a blind man to spend his life with." Cheng Kang has some inferiority complex.

Chengkang is good at everything else. The key is that he looks a little wrong. That's why he's almost thirty, but he hasn't found a girlfriend.

With Cheng Kang's family background, it's certainly not a problem to want women. Let alone ordinary women, even some big stars can get them, but those who want them can't get their hearts.

"You can't say that."

Jiangling advised: "as long as you really pay, sooner or later there will be a return.". Be yourself, and what should come will come. "

"I'll borrow my sister-in-law's good words. I'll drink to her." Cheng Kang lifted his glass with a smile.

Jiangling is not ambiguous. He wants to carry a cup, but Zhao Chengfeng stops him. "We are all going to have a second child. How can you drink? I'll do it

"Lunatic, or you cow ah, this is ready to give birth to a second child, when the eldest nephew out to me to see ah." Cheng Kang made a joke and drank the wine.

"It's not easy to see my nephew. Give me a red envelope." Zhao Chengfeng laughs.

On one side, Jiangling's pretty face was slightly red. She was a little embarrassed, but she was very happy in her heart. As long as a man likes it, not to mention having two or three or four children.

"Hey, red envelope is not easy. Come on, I'll send you a big red envelope on wechat." With that, Cheng Kang took out the latest version of Apple's mobile phone.

"Do you think my mobile phone can have wechat?" Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes and threw the Nokia brick on the table, shaking his head.

"I'll go. You're an antique."

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