"My son of a bitch!"

Rao is Zhao Chengfeng. He is very cheeky and blushed. For a moment, everyone in the hall looks at Zhao Chengfeng and is happy.

"Son of a bitch, I'll take care of you later." Zhao Chengfeng can only put the resentment on the child, turned and ran into the bedroom, dressed.

Xiao Tian felt his head with a face of confusion and muttered: "did I say something wrong?"

"No, you are absolutely right. Don't worry. Your father doesn't dare to beat you. " Nangong Ming also saw that the child was born to Zhao Chengfeng.

Let's not say how similar the appearance is. It's just the power of pitching people. It's just a person. Think at the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng is not so pitiful?

"Who are you? I don't seem to know you Xiaotian looks at nangongming strangely. Subconsciously, he avoids nangongming's hand and doesn't let nangongming touch his head.

As the old saying goes, "a man's head, a woman's waist, can't touch, can't touch."

"I'm your father's good brother. We grew up together. We have a good relationship." Nangong Ming said with a smile, and suddenly felt that the child was very cute.

Smell speech, small day suddenly realized of point to nod, "originally you are father's friend, that you are my uncle."

"Little boy." When Nangong Ming heard this, he was so happy that he reached out and took out a big red envelope from his pocket. It had been prepared for a long time. It was full of 8888 yuan. Although it was not much, it was lucky“ Here, put away the red envelope and take it to buy snacks. "

See the red envelope, small day's eyes are bright a few minutes, busy way: "thank you uncle, uncle really handsome."

"I can talk." When Nangong Ming heard this, he was even more happy. He said that the red envelope was not given in vain.

"My uncle is very good at speaking, but can I ask you a question, uncle?" After Xiaotian gives the red envelope to Jiangling, he looks to nangongming.

Nangong said: "of course, as long as Uncle knows, uncle will tell you."

"Uncle, I ask you, are you wearing Neiku?" Xiao Tian asked.


Nangong Ming's face suddenly became unnatural. When he looked back, he found that everyone's eyes were all on him, which was extremely embarrassing.


Nangong Ming blushed and said in a low voice: "uncle is naturally wearing the inner library, but why do you ask this question?"

"Nothing, because dad didn't wear Neiku, so I thought you didn't wear Neiku either." Xiaotian said seriously: "in fact, it's very comfortable not to wear underwear. It's cool..."

"Son of a bitch, do you believe I spank you?" Jiangling couldn't listen any more. He yelled with a black face.

These days when Zhao Chengfeng came back, he spoiled the children. No matter what he said, he taught them. The children were very good at learning. These days, some strange words and even dirty jokes came out, which made Jiangling very angry.

"What I said is true." Xiaotian was wronged and said, "if you don't believe it, you can have a try."


In a word, everyone blushed and couldn't laugh.

"In the end, it's the son of a madman. It's definitely better than blue." On one side, Cheng Kang takes a deep puff of his cigarette and is really defeated by Xiao Tian.

In addition to using "talent" to describe Xiaotian, Chengkang can't find any other words.

"Uncle, are you praising me, too?" Xiaotian looks back at Chengkang again. Her bright little eyes keep turning, which makes her very lovely.

Cheng Kang said: "yes, yes, I'm just praising you? You are so clever and lovely. "

"My uncle is very smart, but he's not very cute." Xiaotian told the truth.


Cheng Kang's smile froze in an instant. The child is too sincere. Can't his speech be a little more reserved?

"Uncle, uncle, are you my father's good friend, too?" Small day tight then asked, this how much also solved some of Cheng Kang's embarrassment.

Cheng Kang nodded and said, "yes, I'm also your father's good friend. We've known each other since we were young. We've been friends for decades."

"Why didn't you say anything when we first met?" With that, Xiao Tian stretched out his chubby hand and was obviously asking for the red envelope.

Chengkang once again deeply convinced, Youzi so, absolutely forced enough Zhao Chengfeng can stand.

"Here, take it." Fortunately, Chengkang has already prepared the red envelope and handed it to Xiaotian.

Xiaotian took it out to have a look. The red banknotes are particularly attractive.

"Mom, help me save my money. I'll spend it when I grow up." Looking back, Xiaotian gave the red envelope to Jiangling.

Jiangling glared at Xiaotian and yelled in a low voice: "smelly boy, you know how to ask people for money. How can I teach you later?"

"My uncle gave it to me on his own initiative. I didn't cry and ask for it. Others forced me to do it. If I didn't take it, how impolite would it be?" Xiaotian pleaded.

"Hey, you son of a bitch, you dare to talk back, don't you?" Jiangling is very angry.

Xia Bingbing was smiling and asked: "Xiaotian, tell your mother that you just said you would save the money and use it when you grow up. How do you plan to spend the money in the future?"

"To marry a daughter-in-law, of course."

Xiaotianyu was not surprised. She said solemnly, "a few days ago, mother Bai told me that it would cost a lot of money for us to marry a daughter-in-law in Huaxia. I'm far from it, so I have to start saving earlier. Otherwise, if we can't marry a daughter-in-law, we'll have to be single. What can we do?"

"Ha ha ha!"

When they heard the speech, they all burst into laughter, which made their stomachs ache.

"My good grandson, you can rest assured that your grandmother will give you as much as you want to marry your daughter-in-law." Murong frost also back amused, many days did not see a good grandson, the heart strange miss.

Jiangling was so angry that he gave anbai a hard look. He said that you'd better not talk to your child in the future, otherwise, what will my mother do for you?

"Mingzi, do you see that everything starts from the baby? It's the son of a madman. He will grow up in the future." Cheng Kang while smoking, while feeling.

Nangong Ming nodded and agreed: "isn't it? In terms of the growth momentum of this boy, I'll bet that he will grow up in the future. He'll be a jerk even more than a madman! "

"Nangongming, I'll go to your uncle. Is there such a boast?" This just came out of Zhao Chengfeng heard, Zhao Chengfeng can't help rolling his eyes, but the heart is quite happy.

My son has such a sense when he is young that he will not worry about his wife in the future.

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