Because Zhao Chengfeng wakes up, and Xiaotian is lovely, all the people in the room are happy. If someone is not happy, it must be Jiangling!

Jiangling really didn't expect that in just a few days, his son had learned so many bad habits that he could hardly help beating people on the spot.

In a word, Xiaotian's development route is no different from his father, Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, what can we do in the future?" Jiangling was sighing.

A good meal. It's eleven o'clock in the evening when we break up. After Nangong Ming and others left, Zhao Feilong and Murong frost also went to rest early.

After all, Zhao Chengfeng was injured these days, the old couple did not rest well, and they were worried.

As for Jiangling, I took Xiaotian to bed early. I think I should teach Xiaotian a lesson. I didn't care about it when I was a child, but when I grew up, I still got it?

"Why don't you go? You have to stay at my house? " Zhao Chengfeng white an white one eye, heart said this woman really hard to deal with.

If Xia Bingbing is not there, Zhao Chengfeng can still force anbai to stay. Even if they don't sleep together, they can let anbai stay for one night. But Xia Bingbing was watching, and Zhao Chengfeng had to show his strict refusal.

"Chengfeng, how to speak? How can we drive people out? " Xia Bingbing poked Zhao Chengfeng for a while, and immediately rushed to anbai and said, "anbai, if you don't dislike it, you can stay with me at night."

Xia Bingbing has to leave anbai, not only because of politeness, but also because anbai helped her a lot at the beginning. Several women also have an agreement in private, an agreement to "protect her husband together". Although it is an extremely absurd agreement, Xia Bingbing is no different from ceding her territory.

But these days, after Zhao Chengfeng was injured, Xia Bingbing also saw that anbai was really attached to Zhao Chengfeng and loved him from the bottom of his heart.

How much courage does it take for a woman to be cheeky and shameless to chase out a man?

"I'm sure I can't get rid of it." Anbai was overjoyed when he heard the speech. He turned back and said to Zhao Chengfeng, "see, Bingbing is very good at handling affairs. It's not like you, hum!"

"Bingbing, you two are sleeping together. Where can I sleep?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little depressed. He suddenly brightened his eyes and said with a smile: "well, in order to save space, why don't we three sleep together at night..."

"Go away!"

Xia Bingbing turns her eyes around and pulls anbaila into the door. With a bang, she closes the door.

"I'll go to that one!"

Zhao Chengfeng is not depressed because he is disappointed.

"Young master, you'd better have a rest early. Although the injury has healed, you have to pay attention to work and rest, but don't be too tired." Fuber joked as he packed up.

Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, got into another bedroom and went straight to the bed.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't have any sleepiness. He slept too long a few days ago. How can he have any sleepiness? All the women, relatives and friends are in my mind, and the warm current flows through my heart!

True love in need!

"Ah, this hateful anbai, if he didn't stay here tonight, I would have done Bingbing. Ah!" Zhao Chengfeng sighed, from this matter, Zhao Chengfeng to no longer understand the woman's mind, it can be really blind.

Since there is love, it's a matter of course that love goes deeper. It's a pity that it was destroyed by anbai. It's a pity.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng is mumbling when a short message comes in.

"I'm the Dharma protector Qinglong. I'll wait for you in the great wall section of Badaling. Come here as soon as possible." The content of the short message is very simple. It can't be any simpler.

But Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly became nervous. There's a Dharma protector in Po Tian, and the name of the Dharma protector is awesome. It's called Qinglong!

Nima, why not Taotie? It's like killing immortals. People who don't know think they read fantasy novels.

"In an hour." After thinking for a few minutes, Zhao Chengfeng decided to go there.

Zhao Chengfeng has guessed what happened. It should be for the death of spade ten, cherry blossom ten and red peach ten. He thinks that he wants to have a trial. He also knows that the four golden flowers are not Zhao Chengfeng's opponents, so he sent more advanced Dharma protectors this time.

Zhao Chengfeng also wants to see how powerful the "Qinglong" Dharma protector is, and to understand the real strength of the "Qinglong" Dharma protector from another level.


The Great Wall at night is like a sleeping dragon.

On the Great Wall, the wind blows in the evening, which makes people feel chilly. But on the Badaling section of the Great Wall, a man stands on the Great Wall, let the wind blow, but he doesn't move. He has been standing here for at least an hour, like a sculpture.

"Well, I'm tired to death. It's boring to climb the Great Wall in the middle of the night." At this time, a man came up from below and complained while climbing the Great Wall.

The statue, like a sculpture, finally moved, glanced at the visitor, and immediately said, "you're four minutes late."

"If you're late, you'll be late. Anyway, it's not commuting. You have to clock in and out of the company. Don't be so serious." Come the person laughs ha ha way, borrow moonlight, expose Zhao Chengfeng that piece owe beat of face.

The other person is the "green dragon Dharma protector" in the SMS.

"But I don't like people who are not on time." Qinglong glances at Zhao Chengfeng and twists his eyebrows subconsciously. He can't see through Zhao Chengfeng's strength.

"I don't like it, do I? I'll go."

Zhao Chengfeng is not ambiguous. He pats his bottom and goes down. In a twinkling of an eye, he takes seven or eight steps.


The green dragon's Dharma protector scolded harshly. He was very angry. Besides Wang, who dares to throw his face at him? It's the opposite of him.

"Don't you say you don't like me? I can't provoke you. Can't I hide? " Zhao Chengfeng has some helplessness.

"Be quiet

Qinglong hummed coldly: "I'm not talking to you. Let me ask you, did you kill ten spades

"Yes, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng readily admitted, "I killed not only spade ten, but also his two men. Now there is only one diamond ten left."

"Then why did you kill them?" Qinglong slightly a Leng, it seems that did not expect that Zhao Chengfeng actually so readily admitted.

"Because they deserve to die!"

Zhao Chengfeng asked: "can't I resist if they want to kill me?"

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