Yuan Shanshan is really angry, but not angry. She is not related to her. If she has to say that there is any dispute, they have an agreement.

It's just that this agreement is very special. It's a physical agreement.

"I won't touch you until you fall in love with me." When Yuan Shanshan heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, Yuan Shanshan thought that Zhao Chengfeng was a very upright man. Even if he was a bit of a playboy, he was reasonable. How many men in the world have no love?

But yuan Shanshan never thought that Zhao Chengfeng was so playful. Ye Zhuqing stopped talking about it. Now she brings a beautiful woman to show off?

"Hello, beauty. My name is song Sisi." When Yuan Shanshan just opened her mouth, song Sisi took the initiative to come over and stretched out her hand to Yuan Shanshan.

Although Song Si Si's face is smiling, she is more energetic in her heart. Song Si doesn't understand that Yuan Shanshan can't be called a great beauty. Her chest is not as big as her own, and her buttocks are not as cocky as her own. But she has an inexplicable melancholy temperament, like Chang'e in the sky.

It's like watching Lin Daiyu in a dream of Red Mansions.

"Hello, my name is yuan Shanshan." Yuan Shanshan was slightly stunned, but she still held out her hand and shook it with song Sisi, then she took it back.

Zhao Chengfeng caught in the middle, extremely embarrassed, the two women on the surface polite, but intentionally or unintentionally stare at themselves.

"Well, Shanshan, what are you doing? Is there no class today? " Zhao Chengfeng cheekily asked again.

Yuan Shanshan wanted to talk about it, but when Yu Guang aimed at Song Sisi, song Sisi moved closer to Zhao Chengfeng intentionally or unintentionally, and then said, "aren't you coming? I'll wait for you at the door. "

"I..." without saying a word, Zhao Chengfeng felt a sudden pain under his armpit. No need to guess, it must be song Sisi.

In fact, Zhao Chengfeng is wronged in his heart. Can he blame himself for this?

"Thank you very much. Let's go in." Song Sisi stepped down and said, "don't you want to meet me?"? That's just right. You should welcome this beauty.

With that, song Sisi took Zhao Chengfeng's arm and walked into the school with the envious eyes of countless people at the door.

Of course, what everyone envies is Zhao Chengfeng. He doesn't look very good, but there are beautiful women around him.

"Hum!" Yuan Shanshan snorted and followed in with a black face. If you leave today, won't you lose your reputation?

Yuan Shanshan didn't want to compete for favors, but she couldn't stand song Sisi's provocation, so she went in and saw how much dog food the couple had to scatter.

"Chengfeng, you have a lot of guts. You are actually carrying Bingbing to support college students. OK, you can." As song Sisi walked along, he said with a strange smile: "it's just that your eyes don't seem so good. This girl is not so beautiful. It's not as big as mine." Said, song Sisi deliberately quite chest.

Zhao Chengfeng wiped sweat on his forehead and said with a bitter smile, "I don't know what's in your mind. Shanshan is a teacher in the school. I have made a deal with her and I have saved her life. We are good friends. What do you think

"Deal? Do you agree by example? " Song Sisi said with a smile.

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head and doesn't want to talk nonsense with song Sisi. He just thinks of Yuan Shanshan, an innocent girl and, of course, an extremely strong girl.

The commercial street of Xijiao university is located between the teaching building and the dormitory building, facing the school canteen on the left and the playground on the right. The commercial street of Xijiao university is a bit similar to the feeling of a business center and is surrounded by people everywhere.

"I didn't expect that the street wasn't long, but it was very popular." As Zhao Chengfeng walked, he murmured. Looking at the young college students, he felt a little envious.

Anyway, Zhao Chengfeng has never lived so carefree, let alone their simplicity.

"That's nature." Yuan Shanshan didn't know when, but she also came up with a smile, revealing two shallow charming dimples, and said faintly: "this commercial street can meet the daily needs of college students. There are not many students, so how can we not be prosperous?"

Said, Yuan Shanshan looked at Song Sisi, eyes full of provocation.

Yuan Shanshan doesn't want to compete for favors, but it doesn't mean she has no vanity, nor does it mean she won't fight back.

"Ha ha, that makes sense." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and stands between the two girls. He really regrets taking song Sisi out of the house, and even regrets coming to school to visit weidora.

Isn't it a war? Ah, a mistake!

"Here you are, my dear." However, at this time, a beautiful shadow burst out of a door beside him, and rushed to Zhao Chengfeng with cheers. His hands were around Zhao Chengfeng's neck, and a kiss was offered.

It was so quiet all around that even Zhao Chengfeng himself was so stupid and unrestrained.

"You, you..." Yuan Shanshan didn't know what to say. Zhao Chengfeng didn't come to school to find himself, but to find this woman, this foreign woman!

This woman, Yuan Shanshan, has seen two sides, but she doesn't communicate with each other. She only knows that she is an extremely beautiful and capable foreign woman.

"Honey, why did you come to see me? I miss you so much." Only Dora sajiao way, wrapped in Zhao Chengfeng neck, die not down.

Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. Rao is Zhao Chengfeng's thick skinned and embarrassed by the people beside him.

"Dead girl, you treat me like air, don't you?" Song Sisi is a little upset. Isn't this robbery?

"Cough, yes, yes, let's go in and talk slowly." Zhao Chengfeng also hastened to say, although this is the blessing of all, let people envy, but Zhao Chengfeng really don't want to show it.

What kind of system is it? What about bad students? Brother Feng is the embodiment of justice.

"Also, let's go in and chat slowly. Oh, dear, you don't know. People miss you so much. People..." as Dora pulls Zhao Chengfeng in, she complains, just like a little grumpy woman.

After thinking about it, Yuan Shanshan still sticks to her head and goes in. Yuan Shanshan also wants to see how fickle Zhao Chengfeng is and how many women there are outside.

Of course, Yuan Shanshan wants to know why Zhao Chengfeng has won the favor of so many beauties? Isn't he a more powerful master with a little money?

"Ah, are you?" Only Dora see yuan Shanshan also followed in, then curious asked.

Yuan Shanshan's momentum soared and she said, "I'm Zhao Chengfeng's girlfriend."

"Ah? You, you're brother Feng's girlfriend, too? " Vidora was surprised. "What's your number in the line?"

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