
Zhao Chengfeng has just drunk half a glass of water and sprayed it out in one gulp.

"Cough..." Zhao Chengfeng coughed sharply and looked at Yuan Shanshan bitterly and said, "Shanshan, can we not be kidding? Aren't we just friends? "

Yuan Shanshan passed a trace of disappointment at the bottom of her heart. After all, he was still unwilling to accept his own, right? Perhaps, no one knows that he has such a big blood feud, will not be with him.

However, Yuan Shanshan must earn face at this moment!

"Chengfeng, have you forgotten that night?" Yuan Shanshan looks at Zhao Chengfeng bitterly, and her pitiful appearance is heartbreaking.


Zhao Chengfeng opens his mouth and looks back at the eyes of weidora and song Sisi. Don't explain.

This is too much information to explain.

"Ha, it's not that I have another sister. It's a good thing." Weidora is different from Song Sisi. She happily takes yuan Shanshan's hand and asks, "beauty, what's your name? My name is vidora. I just met my dear. How long have you known each other? What's the number

"What's the number?"

Yuan Shanshan widens her eyes and subconsciously glances at Zhao Chengfeng beside her. She is shocked. It seems that Zhao Chengfeng is far more than the women in front of her.

"Yes, what's the number?" Vidora nodded and asked again.

Vidora must understand this matter, which may involve the later brand and the degree of popularity.

"Cough." Yuan Shanshan cleared her throat. Instead of answering directly, she asked, "what's your rank?"

Vidora shook her head and said, "I don't know yet, my dear. But I know that I'm behind sister Sisi and Weiwei. By the way, sister Xiaoqing is also in front of me. "

"..." Yuan Shanshan was so surprised that she couldn't speak. Unexpectedly, there were so many women around Zhao Chengfeng!

It's horrible. What's this guy doing?

"Isn't that surprising? Of course, you still have time to quit now." Song Sisi is surrounded by Yubi and looks at Yuan Shanshan with a smile, but he thinks that he is scared to death. Don't forget that there is another Xia Bingbing and Liu Shiyun. Besides, there is the big star anbai.

These women take out, which is not the beauty of the country?

"Why am I quitting?" Shock is shock, but yuan Shanshan won't quit. It's not for yuan Shanshan to fall in love with this man, but for one breath.

If a woman doesn't win herself, she has to steam steamed bread.

"Chengfeng is so excellent that it has just been liked by everyone. Just because you also like him, am I going to quit?" Yuan Shanshan snorted, glanced at Song Sisi and said, "don't think you're bigger than me, I'm afraid of you."

Hearing the speech, song Sisi also laughed, shaking his chest intentionally, and said complacently, "I'm bigger than you. What's the matter? It makes sense to be small? "

"I'm proud of myself, I save cloth for the country, can't I?" Yuan Shanshan was not willing to be outdone and said, "it's you. Now it looks very big, but the drooping speed is not slow. Seize the time. It's not long for you."

"Ha ha." Hearing the speech, song Sisi laughed more and more, "then you don't have to worry. What is drooping? Some people are so small that they don't even have the qualification to droop. "


On hearing this, Yuan Shanshan was very angry, but no matter how she trembled, it was not as big as song Sisi.

"It makes sense." On one side, vedora thought.

"Can you stop arguing?" Zhao Chengfeng feels that his head is going to explode. It turns out that women are so bloody when they fight“ I've really convinced you two. Can it be a little interesting? Is it exciting? "

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head, looked back at vidora and said, "are you used to staying here?"

"What's wrong with that? I'm fine. Don't worry, my dear. You don't have to worry about me. " Weidora is very obedient, sweet smile.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded. After smoking a cigarette, he patted his ass and was ready to leave. "Take your time. I still have something to deal with. That's it..."

"Oh, where are you going?" However, when Zhao Chengfeng just walked to the door, ye Zhuqing came in. His shining eyes swept the three girls in the room and finally fell on Song Sisi.

Among the three girls, ye Zhuqing knew yuan Shanshan and weidora, and even had a good relationship with weidora. Today, I was going to visit weidora. Unexpectedly, I ran into Zhao Chengfeng and other women, so ye Zhuqing had to get together.

"Ah, Xiaoqing is here. What a coincidence." Zhao Chengfeng wiped a sweat on his forehead, and his heart was full of tears.

Today, I never went out to see the Yellow calendar. It's too sad.

"It's a coincidence that so many girlfriends get together. Let's go out and have a good chat." Ye Zhuqing's bright eyes flicker, and a trace of killing intention is approaching Zhao Chengfeng.

What a son of a bitch. His conscience is very bad. He accidentally provoked so many women, and among them, he has his own teacher. It's bloody, like playing in a TV play.

"Cough, you talk, I suddenly think of a thing, I have to go busy, you talk, that's it, I'll go first, bye." Zhao Chengfeng quickly runs away, waves his hand to everyone, and runs out of school.

"How close."

After getting on the bus, Zhao Chengfeng just felt much safer. The four women gathered together, and each aura was so compelling that people's heads would explode.

"Forget it, I'd better go and see Mr. Tang. I'll get together with Shuxian in the evening." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it in his heart. After turning the steering wheel, he went to the hospital.

When he arrived at the military hospital, Mr. Tang was chatting with Huisheng about medical affairs.

"Huisheng, you are such a good doctor, don't you want to serve the country? I can recommend you to join the royal doctor. Do you want to think about it? " Mr. Tang zhengse.

Huisheng smiles noncommittally.

"What? You don't want to? " Tang Jinhai doesn't want to give up.

"Old man, you are not authentic. How can you dig my corner?" At this time, Zhao Chengfeng went in and was able to rescue Huisheng.

"Old man, I'll go out first, and I'll be back in a moment." Come back and run away.

"Smelly boy, how many corners have you dug for me? You know, you've abducted all my precious granddaughters. " At the mention of this matter, Mr. Tang was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and his teeth itched with hatred. You know, Zhao Chengfeng took a top soldier with him.

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