"Cough, let's turn over the past. Lao tiduo is boring." Zhao Chengfeng said lightly, with a brush.

Tang Jinhai stares at Zhao Chengfeng and is too lazy to say anything more. As a matter of fact, Tang Jinhai knew that he would not agree to return to life without saying that Zhao Chengfeng would not let people go.

The brotherhood beyond blood is stronger than Tang Jinhai's imagination. Huisheng is a large sum of money for Zhao Chengfeng and others to wander outside. Taking Huisheng away is equivalent to breaking the second life of Zhao Chengfeng and others.

"Tell me, what did you do in this trip to the capital?" Tang Jinhai's eyes are directly on Zhao Chengfeng, which is very aggressive.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't understand for a moment, shrugged his shoulders and said, "what else can I do? I'm just a little guy who has nothing to do. If I have nothing to do, I'll play cards and drink tea. Don't you know who I am? I... "

"Do you still want to cheat me?" Tang Jinhai interrupted Zhao Chengfeng and immediately said, "Mr. Tang has been here before."


Zhao Chengfeng immediately did not speak, a face of chat.

"Chengfeng, you are too careless."

Tang Jinhai said in a deep voice: "I have been attacked twice in a row. Why didn't I arouse my vigilance?"

"Ah, if you often walk by the river, why don't you wet your shoes?" Zhao Chengfeng also did not conceal, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "it's just that I didn't expect things to happen so coincidentally."

"In life, there are many uncertainties and accidents." Tang Jinhai continued: "we should be prepared for everything as much as possible, so that we can take our time and minimize the damage. In the future, you must not be so bold. "

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and assured: "don't worry, old man. I will be careful in the future. I won't let you worry."

"I'm the only one who knows about this. You can be careful in the future." Tang Jinhai said.

After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng was relieved. When Tang Wei knows what it will be, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't know. After all, Tang Wei has to take care of the old man.

But Huisheng should know that it must be a bloody killing. Maybe the blood monks will have to come back from Africa. Pan Gaopeng and ye Changfa are not just transsexuals.

"How are you now, old man?" Zhao Chengfeng changed the topic.

"Much better."

When it comes to his own body, Tang Jinhai is full of praise for Huisheng. "Huisheng deserves the name of" Huisheng ". He deserves it."

"I feel no different from the past, even better than in the past, but they don't let me leave the hospital, saying that I have to recuperate, at least I have to stay in the hospital for another week."

"It's very necessary to observe and recuperate more." Zhao Chengfeng said: "you are the patron saint of the whole southeast province. You can't be joking."

"What patron saint, am I not just a bad old man?" Tang Jinhai humbly waved his hand, mentioned the army, Tang Jinhai wanted to leave hospital again.

"Why are you here?"

Two people are chatting, Tang Wei a military uniform came in, see Zhao Chengfeng is also in, Tang Wei some accident, eyes flashing a trace of joy.

Don't admit it, but Tang Wei's heart is very honest, slowly contact, Tang Wei has the man deeply engraved in the heart, don't say, but always think of him in the dead of night.

Just, Tang Wei is a very reserved woman, nothing will not call a man.

"I'll be here when I'm done with what I'm doing." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the woman and said curiously, "are you back in the police force?"

"Yes, I just got back to the police today." Tang Wei nodded, put her hat aside, revealing her long black hair, and said: "the police force is very busy now, and my grandfather's health is better, and I'll be back to life during the day. If I have nothing to do, I'll go to the police force to help. If I'm free, I'll be free. If I'm free again, I'm going to have trouble."

"A lot of people can't afford to be idle. You still hate it." Zhao Chengfeng smiles and says that Tang Wei is laughing more than before. I think it's mostly because the old man is getting better.

This is a good thing, no matter which man, do not want to like the woman, all day long taut a face.

"How are you feeling today, grandfather?" Tang Wei looks at the old man.

Tang Jinhai said with a smile: "don't worry, I'm fine. Just work at ease. You don't have to come every day. In a few days, I should go back to the army. "

"Grandfather, family and state affairs are important, but your body is also the capital of revolution. You must be fully recovered before you can leave the hospital." Tang Wei said, the body can't be joking.

"Well, don't worry about me." Tang Jinhai waved his hand with a smile and said, "you see, it's getting late. Take Chengfeng to dinner."

Tang Jinhai must create opportunities for his granddaughter, such as Zhao Chengfeng, but dragon and Phoenix are rare.

"No more."

Zhao Chengfeng said: "I can eat later. Weiwei, why don't you cook for the old man first? I'll go first. I'll go to the police station to see you when I'm free."

"Not bad." Tang Wei thought, some words to the mouth, after all did not say, "then you pay more attention to safety, I will not send you."

"It's OK, old man. I'll go first." After saying hello, Zhao Chengfeng left the hospital.

I was going to meet Huisheng, but I didn't find the trace of the old man after looking around.

"Didi... Didi..."

Just got on the bus, the kid's phone called.

"Hey, boss, you're back in Beihai, aren't you?" Asked the kid.

"Well, yes." Zhao Chengfeng nodded, guessed that it was mostly Huisheng who told the kid, and then said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Boss, if you're not busy, come to the base as soon as possible. There are some tough things here." The kid said in a deep voice.

"Well, I'll be there in half an hour." After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng has to postpone meeting Chen Shuxian.

When he arrived at the base, Zhao Chengfeng was surprised that Huisheng was with Guan Lanxin. Shangguan Lanxin is still a cold face to Zhao Chengfeng. In a faint sense, he even shows the air of killing.

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but excite himself. He knew very well that he had seen all the people that night. Strictly speaking, Shangguan Lanxin was still his sister-in-law. How could he say that.

"Huisheng, why are you here? I've been looking for you in the hospital for a long time. " Zhao Chengfeng said, looking away, afraid to take a look at Guan Lanxin.

Huisheng said: "there's no big deal there. It's the same whether you go or not. The kid just found something here, so come and have a look. "

"Boss, it's the Cai family who sold the Tianzhu the other day." The kid said in a deep voice.

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