In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine came from the sea level, Chen Shuxian got up to cook for the man.

To keep a man, we must first keep his stomach. Therefore, Chen Shuxian always seizes every opportunity to cook for men to make them feel warm at home.

"Shuxian, I have a doubt. I haven't thought about it for a long time. Can you help me think about it?" While eating delicious rice, Zhao Chengfeng looks at Chen Shuxian and frowns slightly, as if he is upset.

Seeing this, Chen Shuxian put down his chopsticks, looked at the man seriously and said softly, "of course, I'm so stupid. I'm a little worried."

"Shuxian in our family is not stupid at all." Zhao Chengfeng pinched a woman's face, full of love.

Women are so virtuous and gentle, why does Zhao Chengfeng not love them?

"Well, don't praise me. If you have any questions, please tell me quickly." Chen Shuxian's face turned red. She was a little shy, and she was happy in her shyness.

Chen Shuxian doesn't want much, and the more satisfied people are, the easier they are to be happy.

"I've been thinking, Shuxian, why are you so good? You see, people are beautiful and sexy. They can get out of the hall, get into the kitchen and get into bed. " Zhao Chengfeng said with a puzzled face: "I think, I have to cultivate my fortune for several generations to meet such a good girl as you?"

"Chengfeng, you..." Chen Shuxian's face seemed to be drunk, full of charm.

Think that men really encountered something difficult, how do you know that men changed the way to praise themselves, said how so numb? It's embarrassing.

"Shuxian, please help me. I've been wondering about this for a long time." Zhao Chengfeng put his face in the past.

"Oh, Chengfeng, you hate it. I won't tell you. I went to the welfare home." Chen Shuxian's heart is sweet, but she can't stand being praised so frankly by Zhao Chengfeng. Her face is so red that she goes out to work.

Today's Chen Shuxian is the president of Beihai welfare home. She enjoys the principal and Deputy allowances. Although she doesn't care about the money, she has to take care of the children. Today's Chen Shuxian feels uncomfortable and insecure when she can't see the children one day.

"Pay attention to safety. I'll go to the welfare home when I'm free." Zhao Chengfeng tells him to eat up the meal. He makes a mental calculation and decides to go to the company. Otherwise, Xia Bingbing will be angry again.

Moreover, a few days ago in the capital, Xia Bingbing guarded Zhao Chengfeng day and night. It can be seen that Xia Bingbing was extremely concerned about Zhao Chengfeng. When I come back from the capital this time, I have to go to see my mother-in-law anyway. I'm so close to Xia Bingbing. Since they are both in love, why don't we do it earlier?

When he was in Beijing, Zhao Chengfeng saw that Xia Bingbing really liked children.

"Call your wife first." After cleaning up the dishes, Zhao Chengfeng is ready to make a phone call.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, before Zhao Chengfeng took out the phone, Qu Xiaoqiang called first.

"What a coincidence?" Zhao Chengfeng mumbles, but he takes it up. Qu Xiaoqiang is a decent subordinate. If there are no special and urgent things, he will not disturb Zhao Chengfeng in general.

"Hello, Xiaoqiang, what's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng answers the phone with a smile.

"Something's wrong, Mr. Zhao."

However, Qu Xiaoqiang's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Zhao, something's wrong. Come to the company as soon as possible. The company is going to close down."

"Shit, it's true or not!"

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't believe it. When she saw ye Zhuqing at school yesterday, she was very energetic. She didn't look like someone who had something to do with the company. What happened to the company after just one night?

"Mr. Zhao, do you think I'm a liar? Do I dare to lie in such a matter? " Qu Xiaoqiang once again said: "because last time chairman Ye invested all his money, now it's collapsing and the company has no money on its account, so it can't run."

"What about chairman ye? Is she all right? " After hearing that, Zhao Chengfeng frowned. Qu Xiaoqiang did say that he was not optimistic about ye Zhuqing's investment, but Zhao Chengfeng felt that it didn't matter. As long as ye Zhuqing was willing to fight for it, he just needed to be the backer behind ye Zhuqing.

How can ye Zhuqing's importance in Zhao Chengfeng's mind be compared with money?

To tell you the truth, before starting the company, Zhao Chengfeng had made a plan to lose money, but he didn't expect that all this would come so soon.

"Chairman Ye is in a bad mood at the moment. She said that she would go to the bank for a loan and go through this period first." Qu Xiaoqiang said in a deep voice: "Chairman Ye specially said that she would not let me tell you. But I think it's very necessary to tell Mr. Zhao you. Mr. Zhao, look at this... "

Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and said, "Xiaoqiang, you have done a good job. Keep on paying attention to it. If there is any situation, please let me know as soon as possible. In addition, I won't come here. If Xiaoqing wants to solve the problem by herself, she will go for a break. How can she grow up without going through the storm? "

"Mr. Zhao, you can still laugh. This time, you have lost 300 million." Qu Xiaoqiang also took Zhao Chengfeng's advice. How big a heart is it? If ordinary people encounter this, I'm afraid they have already gone to find a miracle doctor for myocardial infarction.

"It's not a big deal. Don't be nervous. You can help Xiaoqing. OK, that's it. I have something to do first." Zhao Chengfeng smiles, obviously very calm.

Money, in the final analysis, is nothing more than something outside his body. It's just like Cai Haotian's old fool, who worked hard to save so much money. Under Zhao Chengfeng's powerful pressure, he gave it to Zhao Chengfeng without saying a word. To put it better, it's called filial piety. To put it harder, it's working for Zhao chengfengbai.

"Ah, Mr. Zhao is still able to survive with such a big egg. How strong is this man?" Putting down the phone, Qu Xiaoqiang was completely convinced.

I thought that when I learned that the company was losing money and was going to close down, Zhao Chengfeng would be very anxious. However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't respond and still let ye Zhuqing go.

This has been out of the scope of trust, but laissez faire! But people have money. They are so willful. How can you do that?

"Forget it, I'd better do my job well, and I won't consider anything else." Qu Xiaoqiang smiles bitterly, shakes his head, lingers for a while, and decides to go to ye Zhuqing to discuss the next development. Listening to the meaning of Zhao Chengfeng's words, the company has to continue to open.

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