"What are you doing here?" See Zhao Chengfeng to the company, Xia Bingbing slightly surprised, surprised, and a little happy.

In any case, the man slowly conscious of some, but also know that he has such a real wife.

"It's up to you, of course." Zhao Chengfeng chuckled and said, "Bingbing, how can I feel like I haven't seen you in one night?"

Xia Bingbing's heart was sweet, but she said coldly with a straight face: "don't be glib. Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to the company? I don't have time to joke with you now. I'm so busy that I've piled up a lot of things. "

"Do you have to have something to see your wife?" Zhao Chengfeng asks, while Xia Bingbing gets up, he takes the lead to sit in Xia Bingbing's boss chair.

"What do you want to do? I really don't have time to fight with you now. Get up quickly. I'm still busy. " Xia Bingbing is not happy.

In the capital for more than half a month, the company's major and minor events piled together, Xia Bingbing's head is going to be big.

"Bingbing, work is only a part of life, a very small part. Besides work, you can do something else..." Zhao Chengfeng said solemnly.

Xia Bingbing rolled her eyes and interrupted: "for example?"

"For example, to accompany your family, to accompany your husband, to walk around, to have a child to play with, and to go shopping with you, my husband." Zhao Chengfeng looks at the woman with deep meaning.

Xia Bingbing is so clever that she doesn't know what Zhao Chengfeng is thinking.

"Well said, but I don't have time." Xia Bingbing still shakes her head.

"Time is like a cleavage, there is still a squeeze."


"I don't like that."

Zhao Cheng wind way: "words rough reason is not rough, I also explain this truth just, how to become a hooligan?"? If you don't believe me, I'll squeeze you? "

"Go away!"

Xia Bingbing's Willow eyebrows stood up and stamped her feet in anger.

"Roll right here?" Zhao Chengfeng suddenly some embarrassment, low voice way: "this is not good, in the office mess, will bring bad employees?"

"..." the corner of Xia Bingbing's mouth began to twitch, and she could not help holding the document in her hand.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengfeng stood up and said, "ah, that, since you are busy, let's do it. I'll go home later to cook for you and wait for you to get off work."

While saying that, Zhao Chengfeng went out of Xia Bingbing's office. First, I don't want to make women angry. Second, I seem to have piled up a lot of things.


Xia Bingbing snorted and watched Zhao Chengfeng go out obediently. He couldn't help but smile.

"If you give me some insight, it will be brilliant." Mumble a, Xia Bingbing put energy into the work again.

Zhao Chengfeng went out for a walk. He planned to tease Shiyun's sister. I haven't seen her for a long time. I miss her. However, when he learned that Liu Shiyun was on a business trip, Zhao Chengfeng was a little depressed.

"Didi... Didi..."

Zhao Chengfeng is thinking about how to play, then received a strange phone call.

"Hello, who are you?" Zhao Chengfeng asked.

"Spade nine, you don't have much time. Do you really want to see your relatives get hurt or even die for you again?" A cold and familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng hears that this is Qinglong, the first of the four Dharma protectors in the sky.

"Are you forcing me?" Zhao Chengfeng's voice suddenly cold a lot, can't help but pinch his fist, there is a kind of anger in his heart, helpless is, this anger can't vent.

Zhao Chengfeng also wants to be really free and live the life of his wife and children on the Kang. However, when the weather doesn't meet people's wishes, he always comes to the door in case of trouble.

"No matter how you understand it, I just want to tell you that you don't have much time. You Huaxia have already sent people over, and you are still your acquaintances. I don't think you need any help when you go to Japan this time." The voice of the green dragon came again, "then I'm here to wish you success."

With that, "pa", Qinglong put down the phone.

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng cursed, really want to smash the phone. At the same time, Zhao Chengfeng was more shocked. When Tang Weiguo was in the capital, he told Zhao Chengfeng that ah long had arrived in the Japanese state.

Originally, Zhao Chengfeng also wanted to leave the blueprints of bitstaff's madman to Huaxia. After all, although the infantry military strength of Huaxia is the first in the world, its strength in the air force and navy is still very weak, which is not enough to compete with other powers.

It's just that Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that the news of breaking the sky was so clever, and ah long's identity was investigated clearly. This is forcing Zhao Chengfeng to fight against China!

If not, people around you are likely to be hurt. Last time it was Tang Jinhai. Next time, is it Xia Bingbing, Tang Wei or Chen Shuxian?

"Let's go to Japan tomorrow." Zhao Chengfeng ponders again and again, and then he has a worry in his heart. When he leaves the company gate, Zhao Chengfeng makes an appointment with Pang Hu.

"What? Going to Japan again? "

In the teahouse, Pang Hu was a little unhappy when he heard Zhao Chengfeng's words. He muttered: "master, can we not go to Japan this time?"

"Why?" Zhao Chengfeng asked suspiciously.


Pang Hu sighed: "master, you can't pretend to be stupid. The last time we made a big stir in Japan, we almost destroyed the whole Shanfeng hotel. Moreover, I didn't evade the monitoring equipment when I abducted bitstaff. What should I do if I was detected? "

"And master, you are also. Japanese people may not know who Mr. Cang is now, but when you mention the word" Zhao Chengfeng ", who doesn't know who doesn't?" Pang Hu continued.

When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was still a little excited. He was more famous than Mr. Cang.

"All of them gnash their teeth and wish to cut Ding Ding off for you to eat..." Pang Hu continued.


Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng old face a black, a burst of chestnuts knocked in the past, straight face way: "smelly boy, what to say? Do you know how to be polite? "

"What they say is the truth." Pang Hu also feels aggrieved. Can he blame himself?

Zhao Chengfeng didn't care about this. He clapped his hand and said, "it's settled. We'll leave Japan early tomorrow morning and do the work. You should go to your teacher's wife earlier and make up for you to be handsome. "

"Master, which teacher should I go to?" Pang Hu asked weakly.

"Nonsense, of course, it's only Ms. Dora. She's the only one who paints well." Zhao Chengfeng eyes a stare, the heart says this kid brain how also not clever light?

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