"Are you going again?"

After work in the afternoon, when I heard that Zhao Chengfeng was going to leave again, Xia Bingbing on the co driver showed complicated emotions.

I don't know why, Xia Bingbing's mood suddenly darkened a lot. Being teased by a man in the morning, Xia Bingbing felt that her work efficiency had improved a lot. In addition, the man said that she would go home to have dinner with her mother. She was happy all day and always wanted to deal with things and go home early.

But as soon as I hear that Zhao Chengfeng is leaving tomorrow, Xia Bingbing's mood is not wonderful.

"I have to go."

Zhao Chengfeng also saw that the woman was not happy, so he said: "this is the task given by Mr. Tang. What's more, it's a matter of great importance. I'm afraid ah long can't cope with it when he's alone in Japan. He has to help. "

"What do you mean tonight? Do you want to have a family party before you leave Xia Bingbing has resentment in her heart, and her tone is not much better.


Zhao Chengfeng said with a dry smile, "well, didn't you always say that you wanted to have a baby a few days ago? Then you see that we are also very short of time. Why don't we have a good in-depth exchange this evening and get down to business? "


Xia Bingbing is so shy that she can't laugh or cry in her heart. What a good Zhao Chengfeng is. After making trouble for a long time, she ponders over that nonsense?

"No way." Xia Bingbing refused.


Zhao Chengfeng doubts, don't women want children all the time? If you don't do that, where are the children? You can't hold other people's children on the street. The law now stipulates that abducting and selling children will be sentenced to death.

"It's better for you to keep enough energy when you are going out to carry out the task tomorrow." Xia Bingbing said goodbye. With that, Xia Bingbing was very sorry. How could she say such shameless words? This is not acquiescence, agreed with him that what?

Ah, bah, I'm not ashamed!

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm fine." Zhao Chengfeng patted his chest and assured: "I am the legendary golden gun."

Smell speech, Xia Bingbing a face more red, however, Xia Bingbing still way: "mainly is my body inconvenient, big aunt came again..."

"Damn, you come here twice a month. Didn't you just come here a few days ago?" On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was not happy“ I don't believe it unless you show it to me. "


Xia Bingbing didn't speak, just a pair of eyes staring at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Well, if I don't look, I can always touch it..."

"Go to hell with you!"

Xia Bingbing finally broke out, picked up the bag and smashed it at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Oh, my gosh, smelly girl, you really fight, be careful of two lives in a car..." Zhao Chengfeng felt his head and cried out that he was in pain. He also took Xia Bingbing.

It's just a joke between the couple. As for such a cruel hand? There's no need at all.

When her son-in-law came, Wang Qiuxiang was very happy and prepared a table of delicious food early.

"Our mother's skill is good, Bingbing. If I don't say you, you have to learn from our mother." Zhao Chengfeng while eating, said: "you see you know all day work, after giving birth to children, it is estimated that milk powder will not be mixed."

"You can't even eat it?" Xia Bingbing's teeth itch with hatred. Son of a bitch, he buried himself in front of his mother. How can you be better? A big wolf.

"Wait a minute!"

What do you know? Wang Qiuxiang was overjoyed and looked at Zhao Chengfeng and asked, "Xiaofeng, what do you mean? Does that mean Bingbing is pregnant? "

"Mom, don't listen to his nonsense, I..." Xia Bingbing blushed and wanted to explain.

"Don't make a sound. I asked Xiao Feng." But Wang Qiuxiang doesn't give Xia Bingbing a chance at all. He looks directly at Zhao Chengfeng.

"Mom, why are you so straightforward?"

Zhao Chengfeng smiles shyly. He is as shy as a girl in a sedan chair. Instead of answering directly, he says, "this kind of thing is actually the same as huaicai. After a long time, it's easy to see. Mom, don't worry. You'll know later."

"Oh, that's great!"

Hearing the speech, Wang Qiuxiang was so excited that she clapped her hands. She couldn't help looking at her daughter's abdomen. Her face was full of happiness. She felt tears rolling in her eyes.

"Bingbing, from tomorrow on, you must get home at 6:30 every night and take good care of yourself. The first three months are the most important. Besides, you should get up after 8:00 every morning. No matter how busy you are, you must rest for more than an hour at noon. If you are not obedient, I will move to your company and live in it." Wang Qiuxiang Chong Xia Bingbing Road, serious looking, not like a joke.

"Mom, I..." Xia Bingbing is anxious. She is not pregnant at all. Is it necessary to be so nervous?

Besides, other pregnant women don't have to work so hard. As for the fuss?

"Well, don't say anything, just do what I say." Wang Qiuxiang didn't give Xia Bingbing a chance to talk at all. "After dinner, I'll wash up early and go to bed. You don't have to do housework in the housekeeper. Tomorrow I'll ask the nanny to help. Pregnancy is a big thing. You can't make fun of it."

Xia Bingbing's face is helpless, and Zhao Chengfeng is beside. Don't mention how happy she is. Little girl, she is always high in front of brother Feng, isn't she?

"I'm not finished with you!" Xia Bingbing looks back at Zhao Chengfeng and gnashes her teeth. She just doesn't make a sound.

"Ah, I really thought there was something wrong with Xiaofeng and she couldn't bear children. Now Bingbing is pregnant..." however, when Zhao Chengfeng got angry, Wang Qiuxiang, who was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, said.

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng's face turned green.


Even Xia Bingbing on one side also laughed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so happy. I've said everything I should or shouldn't say. Xiaofeng, you won't be angry with me, will you?" Wang Qiuxiang apologized. It's a very ugly thing for a man after all. It's really embarrassing to say it in front of an outsider.

Zhao Chengfeng is more and more embarrassed with his smile. It's like slapping himself and asking if it hurts. The most embarrassing thing is that Zhao Chengfeng has to say it doesn't hurt.

"No, no, nothing."

"I don't think Xiaofeng should be angry either. After all, mom, it's for the sake of your young couple and the Zhao family." Wang Qiuxiang followed by another sentence.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't say a word at all. The old lady's mouth is enough. It's not like that in the past. I think it's mostly because her daughter is pregnant and happy.

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