It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when he came out from Imperial City No. 1. After thinking about it, Zhao Chengfeng decided to go to see Xia Bingbing. Before he left, he had a pretty face that was cold with ice.

It is Zhao Chengfeng's great ideal not to make his wife angry.

"Why, is Xia always away?" But to Zhao Chengfeng's surprise, when Zhao Chengfeng arrived at the company, he did not find Xia Bingbing, even he Yongfei and Liu Shiyun. He asked Xia Bingbing's female secretary.

But Xia Bingbing's female secretary, Zhao Chengfeng, was extremely unpopular. Without looking at Zhao Chengfeng, she said coldly, "Mr. Xia has gone out to talk business. If you're not here, you can go."

"Hey, I'll go..." Zhao Chengfeng is a little upset about this little girl movie.

But when Zhao Chengfeng just opened his mouth, his little secretary directly held the document and went out of Xia Bingbing's office, ignoring Zhao Chengfeng at all.


Zhao Chengfeng is in a complete mess.

"If you don't stay here, you can stay there! If brother Feng doesn't believe it, he can't find a place to be happy. Hum Zhao Chengfeng muttered a word, simply out of the company.

Just out of the company, Nangong Ming called.

"Hey, madman, things have been done, and the car has been bought for you again. It's estimated that it will arrive in the capital tomorrow." Nangong Ming mainly talked about the car purchase with Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng nodded and said, "thank you."

"Whether you want to thank me or not, it's all my brothers." After a pause, Nangong Ming said: "of course, if you really want to thank me, I can't refuse. Just send me..."

Zhao Chengfeng a listen to this, "pa" a, directly put the phone down. Son of a bitch, it's time to get the wind brother.

"Small sample, follow the wind brother to this set, you are still a little tender." Zhao Chengfeng mumbles, kicks his mobile phone, starts the car and is ready to leave.

"Didi... Didi..."

However, as soon as the car started, the damn phone rang again.

"The nangongming is endless, isn't it?" Zhao Chengfeng murmured and felt out the phone, only to find that the phone was called by a kid, so he answered, "Hey, kid, what's up?"

"It's not big, but it's strange." The kid said in a deep voice: "many Japanese people have been found in Beihai city. They seem to be no different from ordinary tourists, but I find that these people are closely related to each other. I'm afraid the Japanese are not good at coming."

"Japanese?" Zhao Chengfeng slammed on the brakes and suddenly thought of the East City Huaye he met at the No.1 casino in the Imperial City in the afternoon. He frowned and said, "when did you find out?"

"Just this morning, almost as soon as your front foot got off the plane, they followed." The kid continued: "boss, do you think they are going after you?"

"Roll, roll!"

Zhao Chengfeng couldn't help but utter a lot of rude remarks and scolded: "you can't say something nice, what are you chasing? Why can't they come to worship Laozi? "


Hearing the words, the kid said with a dry smile: "boss, you have done those immoral things in Japan. The Japanese want to dig your ancestral grave. How can they come to worship you? Do you really think you're old enough to have a bad temper

"I..." Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, but found himself unable to refute.

"Boss, let's stop gossiping. What should we do now? Or let your good apprentice destroy these Japanese bastards without knowing it. It's clean and neat, and I don't want to monitor it. " The kid continued: "anyway, the Japanese don't have a good thing. Kill it and kill it."

"Teacher Cang also killed?" Zhao Chengfeng has no good airway.

"This..." this time it's the kid's turn to stop talking and kill the goddess. What's the use of keeping left and right hands?

"The Japanese people really deserve to die, but they can't kill one by one. Moreover, these people are traveling to China. If they really want to die too many Japanese people at one time, it's hard to deal with them. It's too troublesome for foreign affairs disputes." Zhao Chengfeng thought about it and said in a deep voice, "you should monitor it closely first. If anything happens, please let me know as soon as possible."

"All right." The kid bitterly way, obviously in the heart or some small depressed.

When he put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng was also worried. Somehow, he always felt that it was not easy for the Japanese to come to China this time. He rushed to the East City Huaye he met in the casino in the afternoon.

Zhao Chengfeng can see that Huaye in the east city is not simple. Even if it's not a famous family of the Japanese nation, it's at least a rich man. Otherwise, how can it have followers?

"Is it hard for the Japanese to retaliate?" Zhao Chengfeng has such an idea in his mind. After careful consideration, it's really possible.

From tanoko to Koizumi shower, Koizumi Zhenxi and others, no one has taken advantage of Zhao Chengfeng. As for Koizumi shower, Koizumi Zhenxi and their father and daughter, although they have not been killed, they are also bullied by Zhao Chengfeng, and they are not ashamed.

"You'd better not make trouble for me, otherwise, brother Feng will make a big scene in Japan!" Zhao Chengfeng muttered, just about to call the kid back, but he didn't think that Yuan Shanshan's call came first.

"Hello, Shanshan..."

"Where are you?" Without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to finish his sentence, Yuan Shanshan first interrupts Zhao Chengfeng. It sounds dignified, as if something important has happened.

Zhao Cheng wind way: "I am in Beihai City, ah, what's the matter?"

"Come to school at once. I have something urgent to see you." Yuan Shanshan said seriously.

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is a little guilty, weak way: "that, you, you won't still think about double cultivation?"

"I've been thinking about double cultivation all the time!" Yuan Shanshan generously admitted, and then said: "however, I have never been able to fall in love with you."


When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he was a little depressed. Is brother Feng so unattractive?

"Come here as soon as you can. I'll wait for you in the dormitory. There's something very important!" Yuan Shanshan once again reminds a way, finish saying, then put down the phone.

Zhao Chengfeng shakes his head, but he has no choice but to rush to school. Yuan Shanshan, a girl, bears the blood feud alone. It's pitiful to think about it.

However, this time, Zhao Chengfeng learned to be smart and thought of a way to avoid weidora. Weidora should know that when Zhao Chengfeng arrived at school, song Sisi and ye Zhuqing would all know.

"Ah, is it getting worse and worse? How can it be like guerrilla warfare to meet a female friend?" The more Zhao Chengfeng thought about it, the more he felt that he had no future. "Grandma, you must pick up the spirit of the bastard, otherwise how can you get along in the river and lake in the future?"

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