Xijiao university is approaching the end of the term. However, a couple have no plan to review their lessons or even cram for a while. Every corner of the campus has become a place for them to have fun with each other.

"It's good to be young. It's so darn unrestrained." Zhao Chengfeng was envious all the way.

To the teacher's dormitory, Zhao Chengfeng knocked on Yuan Shanshan's door, doorbell rang several times, just came out yuan Shanshan's voice, "who are you?"

The voice is not big, even a little strange, giving people a kind of crispy feeling, whiny, like a coquettish mother cat.

"It's me, Zhao Chengfeng." Zhao Chengfeng some impatient way, good guy, you let wind elder brother come over, to open the door when also want to put on airs, isn't it?

However, when the door opened, Zhao Chengfeng was stunned.

At the moment when the door opened, Yuan Shanshan's clothes were messy, her face was flushed, her eyes were flowing, and her spring feeling was rippling. Obviously, it was a sign of taking that kind of medicine.

"Here you are at last." Yuan Shanshan saw the man in front of her, pulled him back into the house and immediately locked the door.

Zhao Chengfeng is shocked. What's the situation?

"Shanshan, you, what's the matter with you, don't..." however, without waiting for Zhao Chengfeng to finish, Yuan Shanshan had already jumped on it, her red lips were printed on it, and her fragrant tongue was twined like a snake. Although her movements were very strange, there was no skill to speak of, but her enthusiasm was like fire, and her sweet taste was better than Xiangjin.

In just a few minutes, Zhao Chengfeng fell.

"Yes, I have no place today." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but scold. He's cool in his heart. It's good to be brother Feng and a soft persimmon.

The crackling battle lasted for more than an hour, and they just gave up and lay upright on the cot.

"Wu Wu, this woman son is also too ruthless, uncle's

"What? Are you still wronged? " Yuan Shanshan had a rest for a while, and finally recovered a trace of strength. She gave a white look at Zhao Chengfeng, who pretended to cry beside her.

"Can I not be wronged?"

Zhao Chengfeng turned his eyes around and said, "you female tigers are too shameful. If you want to sleep with brother Feng, you can tell me what to do. They are not prepared at all."

"It's shameless!"

Yuan Shanshan couldn't help scolding: "do you men still need to be prepared? Do you have to eat two pig's kidney to make up your body before you do this kind of thing


On hearing this, Zhao Chengfeng was not happy. He straightened out his chest and said, "brother Feng, is it necessary to eat kidney to make up for it? Shall we have a try? "


Yuan Shanshan's pretty face turned red, and she was a little convinced.

"Hum, dare to doubt brother Feng's ability, teach you to be a man every minute!" Seeing the woman's advice, Zhao Chengfeng showed a proud smile, and then asked: "why do you want to do this?"

Zhao Chengfeng already knows that Yuan Shanshan mostly took that kind of medicine, forcing herself to have a relationship with him, and then followed by Shuangxiu again.

"I..." Yuan Shanshan blushed more and lowered her head. "I want to break through earlier. After all, it won't be long before the inner door Dabi starts. I have to keep a place for our yuan family. Otherwise, even if I die, I have no face to see the dead people."

Zhao Chengfeng sighs in his heart. To tell the truth, Zhao Chengfeng admires yuan Shanshan. A weak woman can shoulder such a great responsibility. Even though she has made little progress, Yuan Shanshan has never stopped moving forward in these years. She has the spirit of moving mountains with a fool's eye.

"Then how did you come up with such a way to deceive me?" Zhao Chengfeng continued to ask, with Yuan Shanshan's brain hole, I'm afraid I can't think of such a way to damage, and how familiar this scene is.

Is there someone else behind it?

"That's what vidora taught me." Yuan Shanshan, wrapped in a quilt, whispered.

"What? Another idea from that widora girl? " As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his eyes were almost staring out.

This damned vidora is too cruel. Isn't this calculating brother Feng?

"No, why did vidora give you advice? Don't you have a cold with each other? " Zhao Chengfeng asked again, feeling that it was too strange.

When Zhao Chengfeng left school that day, song Sisi was fighting with Yuan Shanshan. Weidora had a big chest and no brain, but ye Zhuqing obviously didn't like to see yuan Shanshan. How could weidora

"After you left that day, the Xiaoqing and song Sisi left. In a rage, I left too." Yuan Shanshan slowly explained, "later, weidora took the initiative to find me, told me the relationship between you, also asked me if I really like you, and so on, and then gave me such an idea."


Zhao Chengfeng smiles bitterly and shakes his head. He says that Dora is really cruel, so he does it again, but Zhao Chengfeng falls twice in the same pit.

"Now that I'm your woman, it's time for you to teach me skills and guide me to practice." Yuan Shanshan looks at Zhao Chengfeng, and her eyes are full of expectations.

"I don't know what you women are thinking all day. It's amazing." Zhao Chengfeng is really speechless.

"Yes, I admit that I have other intentions in doing so. If you regret it, there will be time." Hearing this, Yuan Shanshan's heart sank to the bottom.

After all, there is no fault for Zhao Chengfeng to avoid such a big trouble. I'm not a great woman. I can't kidnap Zhao Chengfeng morally just because I've slept with him.

"I want to give up, but in this situation, can I give up?" After a pause, Zhao Chengfeng continued: "besides, you don't have to do this. I'm going to take you back to my hometown recently to avenge you. Now my strength has improved a little. It's not difficult to kill Chen Gaowang. "

"Really?" Yuan Shanshan was so excited that her eyes filled with tears.

"Is it necessary for me to cheat you?" Zhao Chengfeng asked

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