"You, who are you? Do I know you? " Zhao Chengfeng raised his head, glanced at Qu Xiaoqiang, waved his hand, directly pushed away Qu Xiaoqiang, picked up the bottle, and Gulu Gulu began to drink again.

Qu Xiaoqiang stumbled and nearly sat down on the ground. Looking down, he found that Zhao Chengfeng had drunk a lot of wine, including white beer, and even two bottles of red wine. All in all, there were at least 30 or 40 bottles of wine.

"My God, I've drunk so much. What's the amount of wine?" Qu Xiaoqiang was shocked and his heart beat faster.

Eyes fell on Zhao Chengfeng's left arm, Qu Xiaoqiang's heart thumping straight jump, how can this also hurt? It seems that the injury is not light, but how does Zhao Chengfeng feel like he is still drinking so much wine?

"Is there something sad happened to Mr. Zhao?" Qu Xiaoqiang guessed in his heart that the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

In Qu Xiaoqiang's opinion, there should be nothing that can defeat Zhao Chengfeng. Today, there was such a big accident in the company. Let alone go to the scene to have a look at it, Mr. Zhao didn't bother to make two more phone calls. He was totally indifferent to the huge losses of the company.

Such a man, what can be sad? Qu Xiaoqiang doesn't understand.

"Don't drink, Mr. Zhao. You have drunk a lot. If you drink again, you will be drunk." No matter why Zhao Chengfeng is in a bad mood, Qu Xiaoqiang feels that he can't ignore it. He must send Zhao Chengfeng to the hospital for treatment. Don't infect the wound.

"I'm not drunk, get out of the way!"

With a wave of Zhao Chengfeng's hand, Qu Xiaoqiang stumbles and almost falls to the ground. Without looking at Qu Xiaoqiang, he picks up the bottle and drinks it. In a few blinks of an eye, a bottle of vodka falls down again.

But the strange thing is that no matter how Zhao Chengfeng drinks, he doesn't blush and get drunk. Just feel very depressed, like a tramp in general.

"Mr. Zhao, you really can't drink any more. You are injured now. Please come to the hospital with me to bandage the wound." Qu Xiaoqiang has to drag Zhao Chengfeng. After all, Zhao Chengfeng is his own boss. Qu Xiaoqiang can't ignore it.

"Get out of here!"

This time, Zhao Chengfeng burst out a powerful momentum, Leng is to drink Qu Xiaoqiang, originally lazy and lax eyes, suddenly shot a cold light.

"Mr. Zhao, you..." Qu Xiaoqiang was stunned in the same place and didn't dare to get close to him. He was so shocked by Zhao Chengfeng.

Qu Xiaoqiang has never seen Zhao Chengfeng, who has always been easy-going, have such penetrating eyes. At the beginning, even when hundreds of millions of pike peak was hit, it also seemed quite calm. The company lost hundreds of millions, and it never paid attention to it.

But just that look, let Qu Xiaoqiang rise a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart, the back faint cold sweat.

"I'll say it again. Don't worry about it. Get out of here. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you." Zhao Cheng's cold voice once again rings out. He stares at Qu Xiaoqiang, and then goes on drinking like a cow. No matter white, beer or red, a bottle of wine will soon get to the bottom.

It's strange that Zhao Chengfeng is not only not drunk, but even drunk so much that he didn't notice that he had been to the toilet.


Qu Xiaoqiang sighed heavily. After thinking for a moment, he stamped his foot and turned out of the bar.

"Yan'er, Yan'er, how can you cheat me? How can you have the heart to cheat me? You and I have been childhood and childhood for more than 20 years. Can't you and I have the same feelings as breaking heaven? " Zhao Chengfeng took the bottle, shook his head with a bitter smile, and immediately Gulu Gulu was another bottle.

So repeatedly, the mouth has always muttered two words "Yan'er".

As time goes by, Zhao Chengfeng has been sitting at the bar for nearly three hours, and the wine bottles around him are full. People who come and go regard Zhao Chengfeng as a God. It's like the rebirth of a "wine immortal".

It's just that people in the bar are a little worried. If Zhao Chengfeng drinks like this, the bar won't drink down, but the key is just a few hours. Zhao Chengfeng drinks tens of thousands of yuan at least. After a while, he gets drunk and dies. Who pays?

"Manager Yang, look at the man over there. After drinking so much wine, he doesn't mean to leave, let alone stop. We've had two drinks on the wine rack." The waiter finds an opportunity to go to the lobby manager to discuss the matter. Should the guests stay or be expelled? Even if they are directly detained, it's OK to inform the family to take the money. Anyway, the bar can't do business at a loss.

Manager Yang looked up at the bar and frowned slightly: "it's very sad. In this way, I'll let a few of them go and throw this man out. "

"How much do we lose? Manager. " The waiter is a little depressed. He can get a lot of Commission just by opening the wine tonight. If the manager just throws it out, doesn't it mean he has lost his money?

"Silly you!"

Manager Yang said: "in front of so many guests, I'm sure I'll have to turn them out. I'll lose a place where there's no one, and then I'll catch them back? Hum, no one dares to eat overlord food in our bar. "

"Manager Yang, you are still brilliant." The waiter gave manager Yang a thumbs up.

Manager Yang waved his hand, took out the phone and was ready to call.

"Manager, you're busy. I'll go and greet the guests first." Seeing this, the waiter walked away.

How many of the lobby managers in the bar are not ruthless? How can people drink so much wine for nothing?

"Waiter, bring me the wine!"

Zhao Chengfeng "Dong Dong Dong" beat the bar, very impatient urging, while urging while muttering: "what a broken bar ah, not even a person on the wine."


The waiter just trotted over. When he heard Zhao Chengfeng's words, his nose was almost crooked. Uncle, it's you who drink too fast. Do you blame others for their slow serving? Where are you going to argue?

"Sir, I'm afraid I can't bring you wine. Why don't you pay for it first? You've drunk a lot." The waiter didn't mean to take wine for Zhao Chengfeng. He said that the tiger brother who was covering the field would come right away, and he didn't have to be afraid of offending the guests.


As soon as Zhao Chengfeng heard this, he suddenly burst into flames and said, "what are you talking about? Hurry and get me some wine. Can't I afford to pay for it? "

"Hey, you've got a temper, haven't you?" The waiter is not happy either, sir. I've been waiting on you all night. Now I dare to be bold.

"I tell you, if you don't pay today, I will not give you wine..." the waiter wants to be arrogant, but

Just the next second, he was picked up by Zhao Chengfeng and fell out.

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