
The bartender flew out like a free taxiing plane and hit the coffee table behind the bar heavily, screaming all over the place.

"Ouch, my old waist..." the waiter tossed on the ground for a while, and then got up from the ground.

When he got up, he saw Zhao Chengfeng standing on the bar, picked up the bottle and began to drink.

"Damn, dare to beat me, I..." seeing Zhao Chengfeng drinking so much, the waiter felt like he was drinking his own blood. He just wanted to rush up to fight with Zhao Chengfeng, and suddenly stopped.

This person can throw himself several meters away with one hand. If he jumps on it, he will be abused as a dog.

"Tiger brother, tiger brother, you are here at last." Just when the waiter had a headache, the manager came over with tiger brother and seven or eight gangsters. They were fierce and powerful.

For a moment, the waiter seemed to see the life-saving straw, forgot the pain, ran up three steps at the same time, and cried: "manager Yang, brother Hu, you see, that boy is too arrogant. He doesn't give money after drinking, and he still beats people. You see, he is still drinking, just like a bandit."

"It's hopeless. I can't even deal with a guy who's so drunk." Tiger brother white waiter a look, a look of contempt.

The waiter looked depressed and wanted to talk back, but he finally held back. Tiger brother is a very powerful figure in this area, with a lot of brothers covering several fields.

"Ah Hu, you can do it at your own discretion, and I won't get involved." Manager Yang is a good person. The guy obviously has injuries on his body. If he can beat the waiter under the heavy reward, he can see his strength.

What's more, how can people who can drink so much wine be ordinary people? Anyway, manager Yang doesn't plan to go forward and touch the bad luck. The boss takes tens of thousands of yuan to ah Hu and his party every month. The money is not taken in vain. Ah Hu and his party have to deal with such things.

Even if someone gets in at the end, it has nothing to do with the bar.

"Don't worry, just wait for the alcoholic maniac to take it out. After a hard beating, the family will send the money." Ah Hu is very experienced in dealing with such things.

These days, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, and the "bang bang" two fists go down, and everything is solved. If you can't, you can only use a knife.

"You go and tear that man down for me, uncle. How many lives do you want if you dare to make trouble in our brother's house?" A Hu waved his hand, and the two people rushed up quickly behind him.

But just when they reached out their hands, Zhao Chengfeng threw his arms, and they staggered back, the last one squatting on the ground.

"Hey, smelly boy, if you don't show me some color, I don't know if I'm good, am I?" As soon as tiger brother saw this posture, he was angry at that time. He picked up the chair and smashed it.

However, Zhao Chengfeng didn't dodge. He didn't see anything with his back to ah Hu. He saw that a stool was about to hit Zhao Chengfeng's head, and his blood was about to burst out immediately.

The guests nearby even closed their eyes and couldn't bear to see the next scene.


When it was late, it was fast, and the chair in brother Hu's hand finally fell down. To his surprise, Zhao Chengfeng sat as steady as Taishan, raised his injured left arm, and was stopped.

The chair was smashed to pieces and sacrificed with honor.

"This... This..."

Brother Hu was stunned on the spot, holding the handle of the chair in both hands, staring at Zhao Chengfeng, as if he saw a monster.

In the past ten years, brother Hu has seen a lot of niucha characters, but it's the first time for a person like Zhao Chengfeng to see him. I don't know what to do for a while.

"Oh my God, it's all right!"

"Damn it, this is bu Jingyun's Unicorn arm. Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?"

For a time, many people around the bar, have looked at Zhao Chengfeng, one by one with a look of exclamation.

"I'll say it again for the last time, don't disturb me to drink, or I'll beat your mother out of recognition." At this time, Zhao Chengfeng light to a, said to continue to drink.

Zhao Chengfeng can't feel the pain any more. How can the pain of skin compare with the pain of heart? When the skin is cut, it can be healed. At most, it leaves a scar; If the bone is broken, it can be connected well. It will hurt for a few days at most; Can the heart if ache all quick to break, who the son of a bitch still dares to come to mend?

"Damn, I dare to be arrogant. I'll stab you to death!"

However, when tiger brother heard this, he felt humiliated. He allowed the man to be so arrogant. What kind of mask would he have in the future?

Said, tiger elder brother pulled out a dagger, to Zhao Chengfeng poked in the past.

"No, Chengfeng, be careful..."

At this moment, a woman in the crowd rushed over and pushed tiger away. Even though the woman exerted all her strength, it only changed the track of tiger brother's action, and Zhao Chengfeng didn't escape completely.


Impartial, just stick on Zhao Chengfeng's injured left arm, blood gushing out.

"It's a trend!"

The woman screamed and covered Zhao Chengfeng's wound. Unfortunately, Zhao Chengfeng was like a zombie and could not feel the pain at all. She took a look at the wound and continued to drink without even blinking her eyebrows.

"Where's the smelly girl? Get out of my way, or don't blame me for being rude to you. " Tiger brother saw someone rush out, immediately more depressed, paralyzed, how to where people make trouble“ What are you doing? Take this smelly woman away quickly. "

"You dare!"

The woman stood up, carrying the bottle and protecting the man behind her.

"Play hard with me, I'll kill you! Pooh Tiger brother is particularly unhappy this evening. Now a woman stands in front of him and is even more unhappy. "Brothers, let's go together and take this woman away. Let's have a good time tonight..."

"Bang Dang!"

At this time, a woman's bottle of wine was smashed at Tiger brother's face, and she said, "cool, you're paralyzed. If you go further, I'll stab you to death!"

Tiger brother immediately squatted on the ground, covering the brain door, blood from the fingers quickly slide out, incomparable seepage.


All the people at the scene took a breath of cool air. It's really cruel. No one expected that a girl would dare to do so. If she didn't do it, she would have to kill half of the famous tiger brother!

"A bunch of trash!"

Manager Yang couldn't help frowning behind him. He looked down on ah Hu. He couldn't even clean up a drunken maniac or a woman. What kind of mask is there?

"Brothers, let's go together and take revenge for tiger brother!" When a young horse heard manager Yang's words, he was excited and took out the guy one after another.

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