"No, but if I remember correctly, it should be Shangguan Yan'er, a very important woman in his mind." Tang Wei sighed, but she was more confused.

Just now Zhao Chengfeng himself said, "why cheat him?" Shangguan Yan'er is dead. How can she cheat Zhao Chengfeng? It's strange.

"If it's convenient, please let me know." Xia Bingbing looks back at Zhao Chengfeng in the hospital bed. She seems to have settled down and asks Tang Wei.

At this moment, Xia Bingbing felt that she was a failure. As Zhao Chengfeng's wife, she didn't even know the story of a man. On the contrary, she had to ask other women. It was a big joke.

"I also heard Cheng Feng talk about it by chance." Tang Wei was not so stupid that Zhao Chengfeng poured out his promise. "Chengfeng said that before he went to Beihai City, the first woman he loved died. She was killed by the people who broke the sky. She died in front of him!"

"Is this woman Shangguan Yan'er?" Xia Bingbing asked with a frown.


Tang Wei nodded and affirmed: "that's what Chengfeng told me at that time. As for what happened later, I really don't know. As for why he said Yan'er lied to him, I don't understand any more."

"Well, I'll make it clear when he wakes up." Xia Bingbing gritted her teeth. She was very angry. I don't know why. Her heart was sour, as if she had eaten the plum.

"I'm afraid you can't ask anything." Hearing the speech, Tang Wei smiles bitterly and shakes her head.

On hearing this, Xia Bingbing's brow tightened more tightly, "why?"

"On the way to the hospital, he also mumbled a few words from time to time, but because Xiaoqing and I were worried at that time, and the sound of the engine, we didn't hear it clearly." Tang Wei explained: "at that time, Chengfeng was not in a coma. Although she drank a lot of wine, she was not drunk. Her consciousness was very clear. At that time, Xiaoqing and I both asked him, but he was just like a puppet. He just looked at me and Xiaoqing and said nothing

"Didn't the doctor say anything?" Xia Bingbing asked again.

"The doctor said it's normal, but it's just excessive blood loss. But Chengfeng is strong, and the doctor said it's OK. Just have a rest for a while." Ye Zhuqing said.

Xia Bingbing didn't know what to say for a moment, so she said, "that's it. You two go back first. I'll watch him tonight. I'm really sorry for the trouble you've made in the middle of the night."

Xia Bingbing said that, which is the meaning of seeing off. As Zhao Chengfeng's decent wife, Xia Bingbing is really qualified to drive out people.

"Then I'll go back to the police station to investigate. If there's any news, I'll contact you. Here, it's Chengfeng's mobile phone." Tang Wei is also very smart, just handed Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone to Xia Bingbing.

Ye Zhuqing also said: "I'll go to the bar and deal with the follow-up."

"Then I won't send you." Xia Bingbing nodded slightly. She said that she was a big sister with a good face. As soon as she wanted to see off the guests, the two girls took the initiative to avoid.

However, after the two girls left, Xia Bingbing felt that it was not interesting for a while. Now she didn't even have anyone to talk to. Only Zhao Chengfeng occasionally uttered two words in his dream, and the content of the words was still "Shangguan Yan'er, why do you cheat me?" and so on.

"Is this woman really that important to you?" Xia Bingbing looks at the man on the bed, and there is a touch of bitterness in her heart.

Holding Zhao Chengfeng's mobile phone in her hand, Xia Bingbing can't help but open it and have a look. The screen is full of missed calls, from Liu Shiyun to song Sisi, all the way to he Bingting, and even his cousin he Yongfei.

"Hooligan, how many women have you provoked?" Xia Bingbing sighs and shakes her head. She opens Zhao Chengfeng's folder again and looks at it slowly.

The mobile phone is a very old Nokia mobile phone, which belongs to "self-defense mobile phone". The memory is not big, but the cost is long, and the signal is stable and strong.

"Ah... Oh..."

Xia Bingbing wanted to open the folder, but she accidentally opened the video stored by Zhao Chengfeng. As soon as she opened it, a shy picture appeared on the screen of her mobile phone.

A man and a woman lay naked on the bed, making the final sprint.

"Bah, this rascal is so shameless!"

Xia Bingbing quickly turned off her mobile phone and blushed. It was the first time that Xia Bingbing saw such a beautiful scene when she grew up.

Although she is married, Xia Bingbing is still a daughter. She has never tried this.

"I really want to smash my cell phone for you. I don't have a picture of my mother, but I have such dirty and shameless videos. Damn it!" Xia Bingbing more said more angry, if not to see Zhao Chengfeng lying on the bed, really want to slap in the past.

Just, scold for a while, Xia Bingbing see Zhao Chengfeng face on the bed have the color of pain, and then talked about the dream, all about Shangguan Yan'er.

And this time the dream is not so single, more memories. Zhao Chengfeng's look is painful and tangled, and Xia Bingbing's heart is pulled up. It's really not a taste.


Xia Bingbing sighed and didn't want to say anything. She closed the door, put her mobile phone aside, and lay down on the bed beside her, ready to have an early rest. However, lying in bed but how not sleepy, always can't help to look at the side of Zhao Chengfeng.

"Yan'er, why do you lie to me? Do you know how hard I feel these days? Yan'er... "

With Zhao Chengfeng's dream talk, Xia Bingbing doesn't know when she's going to sleep, but when Xia Bingbing wakes up again, it's already dawn, and Tang Wei also goes to the hospital and brings breakfast for Xia Bingbing and Zhao Chengfeng.

What makes Xia Bingbing most happy is that Zhao Chengfeng wakes up.

"Chengfeng, you, you wake up? Are you all right? Do you feel uncomfortable? " Xia Bingbing completely forgot her hatred for Zhao Chengfeng last night. At this moment, she only cares about him.

Although Zhao Chengfeng's brows are locked and his eyes are cloudy, he still looks at Xia Bingbing and shakes his head slightly: "I'm ok."

"It's OK." Tang Wei put breakfast on the table and said, "you two have something to eat first. Later, the doctor will come and help you check it."

"Thank you." Xia Bingbing smiles at Tang Wei to express her thanks.

Tang Wei didn't respond. She just winked at Xia Bingbing and left the ward.

"Chengfeng, you eat first. I'll go out first and ask when the doctor will come." Xia Bingbing says to Zhao Chengfeng, and then goes out of the sick room.

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