At the end of the corridor, Tang Wei waves to Xia Bingbing.

"What's the matter? Has something been investigated? " Xia Bingbing is not a fool. Seeing Tang Wei's dignified face, she knows that the situation is not optimistic.

Tang Wei shook his head and said, "I can't find out. I can't find out at all. Surveillance can only capture that Zhao Chengfeng came from the seaside. When he came from there, he was injured, and I sent someone to the road to see it. There was blood indeed. "

"Then why not follow the bloodstain?" Xia Bingbing frowned and doubted Tang Wei's intelligence.

However, Tang Wei said: "it's a pity, unfortunately, that section of the road was passed by a green watering truck yesterday. The traces were washed away, and nothing was found."

"I think he can only ask himself now what happened." Looking at Xia Bingbing, Tang Wei continued: "you are his wife. I think it's most appropriate for you to speak. I'm just worried that he won't say anything. Half an hour before you woke up, he said two words to me, but I didn't dare to mention Shangguan Yan'er, for fear of stimulating him. Although the body has no big problem, but his mood has a big problem

Smell speech, Xia Bingbing nodded. That's true. Although Zhao Chengfeng wakes up, as long as he is not a fool, he can see it at a glance. This Chengfeng has been greatly stimulated.

No matter what you say, you should at most make peace. It's totally different from the glib of the past. Something must have happened.

Just, Xia Bingbing is hard to imagine, what kind of thing happened in the end, can let Zhao Chengfeng to a dead woman, deeply?

"If you are his wife, you should accompany him more. I hope you can untie the knot in his heart, but it can't go on like this." Tang Weixiu frowned slightly and worried about Zhao Chengfeng.

Zhao Chengfeng is a typical talkative. Suddenly he calms down. Instead of being annoying in the past, he worries people even more. It seems that the whole sky has collapsed.

"I will always be with him." Xia Bingbing took a deep breath and said, "but now I have to go back home and change my clothes. Why don't you stay here for a while?"

"Good." Tang Wei answered.

Two women discuss, Xia Bingbing will return to the ward, looking at leaning on the bed of Zhao Chengfeng, heart suddenly a pain. Eyes empty, mouth slightly trembling, seems to be muttering something, but Xia Bingbing can't hear.

"Chengfeng, are you ok?" Xia Bingbing carefully walked past, for fear of startling the man.

At this moment, Xia Bingbing suddenly found that Zhao Chengfeng is not as strong as he imagined, and there is not nothing to defeat him. His heart is also very fragile, so fragile that it hurts.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't speak, just shook his head lightly.

"Then you wait for me here. I'll go back and come right back, OK?" Xia Bingbing has another way.

Zhao Chengfeng still did not speak, subconsciously nodded.


Xia Bingbing sighs and winks at Tang Wei, then leaves the ward.

Tang Wei sits in front of the window and looks at the man quietly. The man looks dejected. In the past, Tang Wei may feel that Zhao Chengfeng's beard is sexy and full of masculinity.

But today, seeing Zhao Chengfeng with a stubble beard and loose eyes, Tang Wei feels distressed. This is definitely a man with a story.


"Buy me a bottle of wine." Tang Wei just opened her mouth, but Zhao Chengfeng spoke first, and asked for wine when she opened her mouth. Obviously, she was still depressed.

Tang Wei shook his head and said, "no, you can't drink because you're still hurt."

"Then buy me two packs of cigarettes." Zhao Chengfeng did not insist, and then said, with that, Zhao Chengfeng staring at Tang Wei, eyes motionless.

There was a feeling of Indescribability in his eyes, sad, painful and worried.

"You wait for me here. I'll be back soon." Tang Wei can't bear to go with Zhao Chengfeng“ But don't leave when I leave. If you leave, I will never forgive you or see you in my life. "

"Since I came back with you last night, I didn't want to leave." Zhao Chengfeng's face is expressionless. He looks like a man with a dead heart, but there is a warm current flowing through his heart.

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that maybe he should be glad that he has not been abandoned. At least Tang Wei and his party are guarding him. How many times did the phone ring last night? Zhao Chengfeng knows that if he didn't care, who would care about your life?

However, Zhao Chengfeng's heart was completely immersed in the moment when the veil was lifted. He was shocked and flustered. He was at a loss. He felt that the whole person was struck by thunder and was completely confused.

"Why did she lie to herself? Isn't she dead? " This has always been Zhao Chengfeng's doubts, but also the root of Zhao Chengfeng's heartache.

Don't know Shangguan Yan son died that moment, Zhao Chengfeng how want to lead a sword to cut, at this end, even if it is to hell, two people can also make a companion.

In those sad years, Zhao Chengfeng went down again and again, and almost became a useless person several times. At last, he slowly eased his pain and vowed to avenge Shangguan Yan'er. But he never dreamed that Shangguan Yan'er appeared in front of him. The sword in his left arm didn't hurt, but Zhao Chengfeng's heart seemed to be crushed by someone's foot, and then the man went away, No pity.


When the door opened, Tang Wei came back gasping. She was relieved to see that Zhao Chengfeng was still lying on the bed.

"The cigarette you want." Tang Wei hands over Zhao Chengfeng's favorite cigarette, tianxiaxiu and lighter. Then she takes half a cup of water from a paper cup as an ashtray and hands it to Zhao Chengfeng. She immediately sits quietly by the bed and looks at the man on the bed.

Zhao Chengfeng didn't have too many words. He just smoked quietly. Although he didn't smoke fast, he could smoke a quarter at a time.

"It's bad for your health to smoke slowly." Tang Wei frowns slightly, and she is very distressed. Tang Wei can't imagine what kind of pain has tortured a man like this.

Can Zhao Chengfeng with did not hear like, after smoking a cigarette, and very naturally continue on a, Bata Bata smoked up.

Ten minutes, has smoked more than ten cigarettes, Tang Wei see anxious, finally really can't help but ask: "don't you want to say something?"

Zhao Chengfeng just shook his head and said nothing. Some things can be said, but some pain can not be expressed in words.

But now as long as mentions that person, Zhao Chengfeng's heart will make ache faintly, feels the heart to be wrung by the human to hold the knife to be generally uncomfortable. This kind of pain, Zhao Chengfeng does not want to try again.

"Will you go on like this all your life? Do you have the heart for others to worry about you? " Tang Wei bit her lips, and her heart was also very uncomfortable.

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