
Finally, the lights in the operating room went out, and soon the doctor came out, with rebirth at the back.

"What's the situation now? Is Lanxin OK? " Under Zhao Chengfeng's buttocks, it seems that there is a spring installed, and it bounces up in an instant.

"Boss, don't get excited. Listen to me slowly."

Huisheng motioned to Zhao Chengfeng not to be excited. He took off his mask and said in a deep voice, "the patient has been out of danger, just lost too much blood."

"Huisheng, don't lie to me. Although I didn't read many books at that time, I still have this common sense. The sword is very deep and it hits the heart. How can it be ok?" When Zhao Chengfeng heard this, his brows tightened even more.

Zhao Chengfeng would rather be more serious, as long as he could save his life. It's just that it's too easy to talk about reincarnation. Who believes it?

"Boss, after all these years, when did I cheat you?" Huisheng laughed and comforted: "don't worry, that girl's heart is different from ordinary people. She has no internal organs on the right side, but on the left side. Therefore, she is not seriously injured at all. She just loses too much blood. Just have a rest for a few days."

"The heart is on the right?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng is muddled for a while, a time didn't react.


Huisheng nodded and said, "it's true. According to the investigation of scientists, it's no surprise that many people's hearts are on the right."

"But, boss, what do I think of this girl? She looks like Shangguan Yan'er. Can't they be sisters?" Huisheng asked again.

Referring to "Shangguan Yan'er", Zhao Chengfeng's heart is as painful as a knife. However, Zhao Chengfeng nodded: "yes, she is Shangguan Yan'er's sister, but now Shangguan Yan'er is no longer called Shangguan Yan'er. She is the four golden flowers that break the sky and the night rose."

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Smelling speech, Huisheng was shocked, and her eyes almost fell out, "she, didn't she die at the beginning? How can you be a god breaker? "

"Some things are not as simple as you and I see. Let me tell you, at the beginning..."

Now, Zhao Chengfeng doesn't think it's necessary to hide his rebirth, let them all know, and save Shangguan Yan'er from being hurt, just like Shangguan Lanxin who just had an operation.

"Boss, this..." after hearing this, Huisheng patted his head twice, and always felt that it was incredible.

What's the situation?

"It's incredible, isn't it? Hehe, let me tell you, Shangguan Lanxin was stabbed by Shangguan Yan'er. Do you say dog blood? " Zhao Chengfeng grins bitterly. Although he has a smile on his face, he is bleeding in his heart.

There is no greater sorrow than the death of heart. Zhao Chengfeng feels that his heart must be dead. Otherwise, how can it be so painful?


Huisheng sighed heavily. He didn't know how to persuade Zhao Chengfeng. He said, "boss, don't think too much. I'll go to the pharmacy and boil some medicine for Lanxin. It's good for the recovery of the injury. In addition, the position of Zhongjian is awkward. I'll make some ointment later to remove the scar. The effect is very good."

"Thank you." Zhao Chengfeng also knows the meaning of Huisheng's words. If the sword is stabbed at a woman's chest, it will be a real trouble in the future. How many women don't love beauty? A sword scar fell on Bai Huahua's chest. Who has the heart to catch it.

If the scar is too hard, it will be even worse. I can't point to it.

And the medical skills of Huisheng, Zhao Chengfeng is very assured, otherwise he will not call Huisheng in the middle of the night, let him go to the hospital.

"Boss, that's boring. We're brothers." Huisheng waved his hand and continued: "and since Lanxin is her sister, no matter what she has become, Lanxin still has to take care of her. In my eyes, she is also my sister. How can I not do my best?"

When Huisheng finished, he took the initiative to leave. Huisheng knew that at this moment, Zhao Chengfeng needed to be quiet and give himself some space and time to think about it carefully.

For a moment, outside the whole ward, Zhao Chengfeng was left alone. Although the night was already very deep, Zhao Chengfeng didn't feel sleepy and his mind was full of things about Shangguan Yan'er.


In Room 308 of Longteng Hotel, the four golden flowers in potian were not sleepy. The four women sat around and looked very ugly, because except Shangguan Yan'er, the other three suffered from internal injuries of different degrees.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. I'm afraid even Zhao Chengfeng didn't expect that they would stay in the hotel.

"I didn't expect that the son of a bitch, Zhao Chengfeng, was so powerful and made great progress." The spirit fox is a bit angry and gnashing his teeth, but there is no better way, unless his strength grows rapidly in a short time.

Just at the last moment, Zhao Chengfeng seems to have burst out with all his strength, making it impossible for people to guard against him, and he almost lost his life.

"I have already said that this person has broken through. Why don't you be prepared and take it lightly?" Night rose glared at the fox and hummed coldly: "if I hadn't killed that woman, I'm afraid we couldn't run away tonight."


The spirit fox was also unhappy, especially when he was controlled by the night rose. At the moment, he couldn't help but sarcastically said: "a woman is really cruel, even her own sister can do it. I admire her."

"Don't say these words. If you want to stimulate me, there's no way!"

The night rose swept the spirit fox person to be the same, continued a way: "still manage yourself first.". It's just that the task of going to the northwest border hasn't been completed. Now Zhao Chengfeng, the evil star, has been provoked. It's up to you what to do in the future. Don't ask our sisters for help at that time. "

"Hum, what's the matter? Don't be lawless just because you are the first of the four golden flowers!"

Linghu's face turned white, red and white. It changed several times in a row. It was very ugly.

"OK, everyone clean up and have a rest early. Tomorrow we must withdraw from Beihai City as soon as possible. Otherwise, we are likely to be searched by Zhao Chengfeng, and then we will be in trouble." Night rose reminded a, then entered own room.

Entering the room, night rose took her clothes and took a bath.

"Lanxin, I'm sorry, my sister doesn't want to, but if I don't do it, I'm afraid..." when I enter the bathroom, the night rose's expression suddenly becomes sad. Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, two lines of clear tears roll out.

But, no matter how sad, that sword was stabbed down after all

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