"Didi... Didi..."

I don't know how long I've been sitting in the corridor of the hospital. The phone suddenly rings from Zhao Chengfeng's waist. When I feel it, it's Xia Bingbing.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath and tried to suppress his anger.

Every time he thought about the sky breaking, Zhao Chengfeng would like to carry the explosive bag and rush into the sky breaking headquarters with a "bang" to make the world peaceful.

Especially when thinking of Shangguan Yan'er, Zhao Chengfeng seems to be able to see her stab her heart with a sharp knife. Zhao Chengfeng can even see the wound with his own eyes, and can clearly feel the pain spread to the whole body.

"Where are you? Why can't I find you? " Xia Bingbing's tone is also not very good, even a little angry.

Last night, everything was fine. How can I open Zhao Chengfeng's bedroom early in the morning and see that there is no one left. Xia Bingbing looks around the villa. She can't help but call Zhao Chengfeng. Think this guy won't go out looking for other women again?

"I'm in the hospital." Zhao Chengfeng can hear the woman's anger and understand the woman's worry, but he doesn't hide it.

After experiencing the pain, Zhao Chengfeng thinks very clearly that he can't let the people around him worry about himself, let alone let the people around him get hurt.

"What? Are you in the hospital? What's the matter with you? "

Hearing that Zhao Chengfeng is in the hospital, Xia Bingbing is in a hurry. Her tone and manner have all changed. I'm afraid that something will happen to the man again.

"I'm fine. It's a friend who's injured. I'm in the hospital to take care of her." Zhao Chengfeng is not in a good mood, and his interest is naturally not high. "You don't have to worry about me, I have a good idea."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng put down the phone and looked back at the ward. Through the window, he saw the woman on the bed, frowning and pulling her heart.

Perhaps, at this moment, the most painful should be Shangguan Lanxin. It was her own sister, ah, a sword into her heart, it is not only physical pain, but also spiritual pain.

"Lanxin, don't worry. I won't let you suffer any more harm after that." Looking at the woman, Zhao Chengfeng's heart is extremely uncomfortable, mouth twittering, face bitter.

Let it go, but in fact, where can it go? After all, it's a woman who has loved each other for many years. How can you let it go?

"After this sword stabs, Shangguan Yan'er, you and I have nothing to do with each other any more." Zhao Chengfeng whispered a word, brow twisted into a knot in one's heart, the mood is particularly uncomfortable.

It's chilly, and the sound of footsteps at the end of the corridor rings. Zhao Chengfeng looks up and suddenly comes back to life.

"Don't worry, boss." Huisheng understands Zhao Chengfeng's mood. It will be difficult for anyone to do it.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head bitterly and said nothing.

Huisheng also went straight to the theme, took out a white porcelain medicine bottle, and said: "this is the ointment that I boiled all night. It has an excellent effect on removing scars."

"Lan Xin's injury is not serious, just too much blood loss, you don't worry, everything will get better slowly." Looking back, Zhao Chengfeng didn't respond much, and he was really worried.

Zhao Chengfeng is the soul of the whole dragon scale team. Even if there are thousands of difficulties, even if it is painful, he has to be rational and sober.

Nowadays, the Japanese are covetous, breaking the sky is like a poisonous snake in the dark, a little inattentive, will be calculated.

"Well. I want to be alone. " Zhao Chengfeng waved his hand, a little absent-minded.

Huisheng opened his mouth and left the hospital with a sigh.

However, just after Huisheng left, Xia Bingbing and ye zhuqingfeng rushed over.

"Chengfeng, are you ok?" Xia Bingbing saw the man and asked.

Xia Bingbing thinks that Zhao Chengfeng's friends are injured and hospitalized. With Zhao Chengfeng's temperament, he will fight back. However, it seems that men are good, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I'm fine. How did you two get here?" Zhao Chengfeng frowns slightly, thinking that Xia Bingbing wants to know that her injured friend is a woman, and she may be jealous again.

"I don't trust you, of course." Xia Bingbing was a little angry and said, "by the way, what friend of yours is injured? Where is it?"

Said, Xia Bingbing to the ward behind Zhao Chengfeng to visit, this does not matter, a look, a woman actually lying on the bed.

Although across the window, Xia Bingbing still saw that the woman was very beautiful, but her face was pale and she was still sleeping.

"She is Shangguan Yaner's sister, Shangguan Lanxin." Aware of the woman's ugly face, Zhao Chengfeng did not want to have a misunderstanding and explained.

After explaining the cause and effect, Xia Bingbing and ye Zhuqing are all silly.

"Isn't it? Even my own sister can do it?" Ye Zhuqing feels chilly on his back.

What kind of woman is this? Zhao Chengfeng can make five fans three do not say, even their own relatives dare to die, say a little ugly, tiger poison does not eat son.

"You..." Xia Bingbing opened her mouth and wanted to comfort her, but when the words came to her mouth, she was stunned and swallowed them back.

Xia Bingbing doesn't know what to say. Some distressed people look at the man and say how to do something about his back. Did he meet all of them?

In the past, Xia Bingbing always felt that she was ill fated, but it was only after meeting and understanding Zhao Chengfeng that she knew what it was called sad urge. It was only then that she realized how a man looked and laughed on the surface, but actually many secrets were buried in her heart.

No, it's not a secret. It's a pain. Now, the pain doesn't mean to stop. Instead, it deepens bit by bit.

"Come on, you two go back. You don't have to worry about me. I want to be quiet now." Zhao Chengfeng takes a deep breath and waves his hand to send the two girls away.

"Chengfeng, why don't you go back to rest and I'll stay and take care of her." Xia Bingbing asks tentatively, also hope to alleviate the man's pain, out of sight, out of mind. Looking at Shangguan Lanxin, I'm sure I'll think of Shangguan Yan'er.

To tell you the truth, Xia Bingbing really wants to see Shangguan Yan'er at this moment. What kind of woman is she? She can be so cruel!

"No, I'll do it alone." Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and refused. After a pause, he continued: "I'll go out in a few days. Don't worry about me. Some accounts should be calculated well."

Voice down, Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, flashing a trace of fierce color.

Clay figurine has three points of anger, not to mention a living man? The fire in Zhao Chengfeng's heart has been completely ignited.

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