Beihai City under the night sky, neon flashing, particularly enchanting. With the wind of Shanghai, it's very emotional.

However, Zhao Chengfeng has no time to enjoy the night scene of Beihai City, because Zhao Chengfeng has just received a phone call from Pang Hu. Shangguan Lanxin, who is hospitalized in the hospital, has been attacked. Fortunately, panghu fought to death and with the help of a mysterious expert, the enemy retreated.

"Shangguan Yan'er, you've gone too far. Do you really want to kill your own sister?" Put down the phone, Zhao Chengfeng's heart hurt again.

Pain, it's real pain! Through Pang Hu's description, although he has never seen it with his own eyes, Zhao Chengfeng can also guess the identity of the culprit. There must be four golden flowers in the sky.

"Master, do you want to come here? I'm afraid the enemy will come back." Pang Hu's worried voice came from the other end of the phone.

Pang Hu thinks that his strength is still very good, but today he almost can't even stop several women. He is so depressed that he can't even fight women. It's too humiliating.

"You guard there first, I'll come as soon as possible, you must not..." Zhao Chengfeng said in a deep voice.

Just, a word didn't finish, Zhao Chengfeng noticed that the door of his room had been opened, and a person came in, a person wearing Xiao Wang mask.

"You'd better not go anywhere tonight. It's time for us to have a good chat." The visitor opened his mouth. It was Paotian Xiaowang who had met Qinglong at the wharf before.

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's brows are twisted, a crisis rises from the bottom of his heart. Subconsciously, he sweeps the Xuanyuan sword beside him. The visitors bring Zhao Chengfeng an unprecedented sense of crisis. Zhao Chengfeng has to be cautious.

Zhao Chengfeng's sense of prevention has always been very strong, usually someone close to his room, even if you can't hear the sound of footsteps, you can also feel the heartbeat and breathing of people coming.

However, the figure in front of him is like a ghost, like a turtle breathing, and he can't notice anything. There's only one reason - the strength of the man is far more than Zhao Chengfeng thought.

"Who are you?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng's brow sank, he could not help looking at the mask that the visitor was wearing. His heart said, is this man the king of heaven?

"Since you have already made a decision in your mind, why ask more?" The visitor looked at Zhao Chengfeng and stopped at random, but he blocked all his retreat.

"Po Tian Xiao Wang, right?" Zhao Chengfeng thought, anyway, this layer of window paper has been pierced, also lazy to cover up, "since you're here, let's do it, the account between us should also be a good liquidation."

With that, Zhao Chengfeng pulled out his sword with a "choking" sound. The moment it came out of its sheath, the evil spirit spread throughout the room. The dark red light was flowing on the surface of Xuanyuan sword, which was bloodthirsty.

"It's a good sword." As soon as Xiao Wang's eyes brightened, he couldn't help looking at Xuanyuan sword. Then he said, "of course, you are also an absolute talent. I can't bear to start with you."

"To you, I have to do it!"

In Zhao Chengfeng's eyes, the cold light flashed, and the murdering opportunity became more and more intense. "I want to kill all the people who break the sky."

"Including your lover Shangguan Yaner?" The man looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, regardless of Zhao Chengfeng's increasingly angry expression.

Zhao Chengfeng is very angry and painful, as if he was stabbed with a knife in his heart. The pain can't be described by words, so let's express it by killing.

"Son of a bitch, go to hell!"

Zhao Chengfeng suddenly drank, and the sword suddenly came out of its sheath. The edge of the sword was as gorgeous as fireworks. Of course, it was more lethal.

"It's very powerful. No wonder it can kill white tiger and repel Qinglong and others." In the face of Zhao Chengfeng's fierce attack, Xiao Wang is a faint smile, seemingly casual palm shot, but it is to resolve most of the offensive, slightly wrong at the foot, easily avoid Zhao Chengfeng's attack.

Zhao Chengfeng is not discouraged when he fails to hit the target. His backhand stabs him again. Although the momentum of this sword is not the same as that of the previous one, his sword technique is tricky and strange, and he stabs Xiao Wang to the core.

"Well, I won't play with you."

After continuously avoiding Zhao Chengfeng's attack, Xiao Wang seems to have lost his patience. He claps his hand in front of Zhao Chengfeng's face. It seems to be ordinary, but in fact it implies great power.


Zhao Chengfeng only felt a strong force coming from his chest, as if he were floating in the sea. Without resistance, he flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.


Zhao Chengfeng only felt a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood sprayed out, his face turned pale as paper, Xuanyuan sword also fell to the ground, instantly lost its original glory.

"You are very strong, but unfortunately, you are still not my opponent." Xiao Wang stood up with his hands in the air, looking at Zhao Chengfeng in a domineering manner, as if he were looking at a poor creature.

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhao Chengfeng's eyes were scarlet, and he didn't know where the strength and courage came from, so he rushed up again.


However, Xiao Wang seemed to have expected that Zhao Chengfeng would not give up. He clapped it with one hand. The majestic and powerful waves once again knocked Zhao Chengfeng off the sofa.

"Poof!" Another mouthful of blood gushed out. Although Zhao Chengfeng's face was extremely pale, the killing intention in his eyes did not decrease at all. The more he fought, the more brave he was. This is Zhao Chengfeng!

Zhao Chengfeng stands up and looks at Xiao Wang angrily with Xuanyuan sword. The blood in the corner of his mouth is more ferocious and bloody.

"Oh, it seems that you really don't want to die. Do you have to force me to kill you?" Xiao Wang Rao looks at Zhao Chengfeng with interest. His eyes are full of banter and appreciation.

"Today, either you or I will die!"

Zhao Chengfeng let out a low roar like a wild beast in his throat. As soon as the word "death" came out, he jumped on it again. With the shaking of his sword, thousands of sword flowers came out and came to Xiao Wang's face.

"Ha ha, since you want to die, I will help you." With a faint smile, Xiao Wang bent forward and took photos with his palms to the chest.


In front of absolute power, Zhao Chengfeng, like a boat on the sea, was once again driven back by the wind and waves, hit the wall heavily, and then fell to the ground, making a huge sound.

Like the previous two times, he vomited blood. The only difference is that this time, Zhao Chengfeng no longer had the strength to stand up. He just glared at Xiao Wang with hatred in his eyes.

"Don't you really want to die? Well, I'll help you! " Xiao Wang approached step by step, raised his hand full of vigor, turned it over and patted it.

"If you want to kill my apprentice, you are still young!"

At this time, the window cracked, a figure rushed in and went straight to Xiao Wang.

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