
The two figures collided with each other and then dispersed. They stepped back five or six steps before they stopped.

"Master, why are you here?" Zhao Chengfeng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect the master Chen Banxian to come.

"Can I not come? I'm going to be beaten into a fool. " Chen Banxian rolled his eyes, but his attention was always on Xiao Wang in front of him.

Chen Banxian is an immortal, but he seldom meets his rivals. Of course, Fubo in the old house of the Zhao family is one. As for Zhao Feilong, the head of the Zhao family, Chen Banxian doesn't dare to think about it, but it's too difficult to reach that level.

"..." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes turned around, and the heat wave that had just been pressed down turned up again, almost another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Floating life is like a dream, Chen Fusheng and Chen Banxian are really worthy of their reputation." At this time, Xiao Wang opened his mouth and looked at the thin old man in front of him, with a look of vigilance in his eyes.

Xiao Wang is a master, but Chen Banxian is not bad either.

"Oh, you know my name. You have to deal with my apprentice. I'm very brave." Chen Banxian's nostrils were filled with cold air, which made him very unhappy.

"Ha ha."

Xiao Wang said with a noncommittal smile, "you Chen Banxian are really powerful, but I'm not a vegetarian. Even if I fight today, I'm afraid it's hard to win or lose. In the end, I'm afraid it's just the end of both sides. It's better to take a step back today. Let's call it a day. Your apprentice is still our heaven breaker. Let's let bygones be bygones, OK?"

"Not so much!"

Chen Banxian hummed coldly: "if you hurt my apprentice, you can take a step back? There's no way! Look at the move

As the voice fell, Chen Banxian bullied him and moved as fast as lightning. In the end, there was only a shadow left.

"Bang bang!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the two have been through more than a dozen moves in a row, and they are hard to part.

"Want to keep me? Dream All of a sudden, Xiao Wang is no longer in love with war. He pushes back Chen Banxian, jumps out of the window and disappears in the moonlight.

"The Kung Fu is OK, the Kung Fu of escape is not bad." Chen Banxian made a mockery of him. He was a little upset. He hadn't done it for many years. It's hard to find a match, but the goods slipped away.

"Master, can you stop bullshit?"

Zhao Chengfeng is speechless to the master. When is he complaining?

"Cough, I'm sorry. I forgot you were hurt. Come on, take a pill and have a good rest." Chen Banxian is also an old urchin. He helped Zhao Chengfeng up and stuffed two black pills down.

Zhao Chengfeng felt a lot more comfortable. At least he put down the heat wave in his heart.

"My dear student, this man has great strength. You have to be careful in the future." Chen Banxian reminded, "to tell you the truth, even if I'm a master, I'm afraid I'm only 60% sure I can defeat him. As for killing him, I'm afraid I have to pay a big price."

As a master, Chen Banxian thinks it's necessary to remind the latter that Zhao Chengfeng is one of the ten thousand immortals, and his future is really unpredictable.

"I see, master. I have to go to the hospital. There is a very important friend over there who is being besieged by the people who break the sky. I have to get there as soon as possible." Zhao Chengfeng also knows how to break the sky. Unfortunately, he can't care much now. He must rush to the hospital as soon as possible to ensure the safety of Shangguan Lanxin, and escort him to the Shangguan family in the capital in the shortest time.

Shangguan's family has a great reputation in the capital, and Shangguan's father is in a high position. It is certainly not difficult to protect his granddaughter's safety.

"Ah, you said so, didn't you let me be a coolie for you?" Chen Banxian shook his head. How can he save people from such a serious injury? Don't you turn the corner and let yourself do it?

Zhao Chengfeng smell speech white eyes turn around, no good airway: "since you know everything, that also grinding Ji what, hurry to start ah."

"I..." Chen Banxian is so angry that he has to blow his beard and stare. He has nothing to do with Zhao Chengfeng. He can only help Zhao Chengfeng to go downstairs. The master and apprentice rush to the hospital.

When he got to the hospital, Pang Hu was on guard at the door of the ward.

"Master, you can count, you, this is..." see Zhao Chengfeng appear, panghu finally relieved.

"Is this your apprentice?" Before Zhao Chengfeng opened his mouth, Chen Banxian on one side spoke first, looked at Pang Hu and said, "yes, this young man has good aptitude. He is a good talent."

"You are..." Pang Hu asked.

Zhao Chengfeng glanced at Chen Banxian and said, "this is my master. You can call Shizu. By the way, what's the situation now? Is Lanxin OK? "

"Hello, Shizu." Pang Hu quickly nodded to the old man, then turned to Zhao Cheng and said, "she's OK, but she's just very dangerous. There are several people coming, and I can't cope with them. But at this time, a man in black appeared. I don't know what happened. He helped me block those killers."

"Can I help you?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng frowned, some doubt.

Pang Hu affirmed: "yes, he must be helping me, but I don't know his identity. I wanted to catch up and ask, but I was afraid that there would be enemies in the dark, so I held back. "

"Don't worry about it. Let's talk about it later." Zhao Chengfeng thought for a long time, but he didn't understand. He only knew that Shangguan Lanxin was not safe now, and even he could not protect himself. Whether Zhao Chengfeng admitted it or not, he was not Wang's opponent at present. Don't forget that there was a king above Wang.

"Pang Hu, you can arrange the car immediately. Let's go to the capital now." Zhao Chengfeng soon made a decision. He turned back to Chen Banxian and said, "master, please escort us. When we get to the capital, I'll treat you to dinner."

Chen Banxian's eyelids turned straight up, a little depressed and said, "don't you have any wine or meat?"

"Come on, master, don't be kidding. It's time." Zhao Chengfeng has nothing to do with his own master. He's a naughty boy.

But it's good to have a good attitude and live longer. Frankly speaking, the moment Chen Banxian just appeared, Zhao Chengfeng was deeply moved.

"Ah, I've accepted such an apprentice as you all my life. I can't do it if I don't do it. I'm really worried. I'm old enough to do rough work. Today's young people are too immoral." He complained, but Chen Banxian was still quick. He helped Shangguan Lanxin get into the car and sat on the copilot as steady as a mountain.

Zhao Chengfeng and Shangguan Lanxin lie in the back. They don't sleep and don't speak, because they think of one person Shangguan Yan'er.

Think of that person, two people's hearts are full of pain, pain speechless.

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