Zhao Chengfeng was shocked!

I thought that after the breakthrough, with my own skills and the magic weapon Xuanyuan sword, I'm afraid there are few opponents. Who would have thought that I met a little Wang who broke the sky first, and then I met Tang Aotian's bodyguard!

Just standing there quietly, motionless, like a sculpture, not to mention feeling his strength, even his breath. Zhao Chengfeng can be sure that this person is more powerful and terrifying than Xiao Wang!

"Huaxia is really a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. I've got a lot of experience!" Zhao Chengfeng in the heart secretly way, can't help but wipe a forehead sweat.

At this moment, Zhao Chengfeng just knew what it means that there are people outside people and there is heaven outside.

"It seems that in the future, we should not only keep a low profile, but also improve our strength." Zhao Chengfeng thinks so in his heart, adding a touch of motivation.

Zhao Chengfeng doesn't want to be superior to others, but he just wants not to be bullied. Before, why did you try so hard to improve your accomplishments and look for Tianzhu?

"Senior general, what's the situation in the army recently? Our new rifles have been launched for some time. What's the response of the soldiers? Tell me about it. " At this time, Tang Aotian also sat over and asked with a smile while drinking tea.

Shangguanxiong said: "the response is very good, the new rifle qb935, the recoil is much smaller than the old model, the effective distance has also increased, the fly in the ointment is that the accuracy is not much improved."

"However, the shooters are all fed by bullets. I believe the soldiers will overcome the difficulties, try their best to practice their skills of killing the enemy and win glory for the country at any time." Shangguanxiong's answer was even, but it was much more appropriate.

"That's good."

Tang Aotian patted his thigh and said, "if we want to have a stable development space in China, we can't do without the support of the army, and the army can't do without the leadership of your old generals. You are the backbone of China."

"The leader's words are very important. It's our bounden duty that soldiers should serve the country." Shangguan said boldly.

Tang Aotian nodded his head with satisfaction, but then said: "I understand your heart, and people all over the country understand it, but you should also pay attention to your body. A few days ago, Mr. Tang of the southeast provincial military region all fell ill. I didn't go to see him several times. I felt a little remorse in my heart. You have paid too much for China. "

Shangguanxiong also knew about it and thought about it: "it's impossible to control the normality of old people, sick people and dead people. As long as I live one day, I will serve my country one day. "

"However, there is no need for leaders to worry. Even if they die in the future, we Huaxia will have successors." With that, shangguanxiong looked at Zhao Chengfeng and said, "although Chengfeng is young, he has rich experience in fighting, and he has already developed excellent skills in killing the enemy. Although he is young, he has strategic vision, and he is a good hand in arranging troops."

Tang Aotian looked at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, nodded with satisfaction, and praised: "I know the seed of Lao Zhao's family, and there is absolutely no counsellor. It is precisely because of these young people with ideals and aspirations that we can make steady progress in China. "

"The leader praised me, but I still have a lot of shortcomings." Zhao Chengfeng said modestly.

It is not necessarily a good thing for leaders to praise such things. It is necessary to maintain a certain degree of humility. What's more, Zhao Chengfeng is not stupid. Why did he let you come so late? To put it mildly, it's not a good thing for Zhao Chengfeng to meet the big leaders.

Let's take the little old man Tang Weiguo as an example. Every time he meets, he must have a task, and with his eloquence, he can say you are convinced, but you can't refuse to accept it. If he makes you work hard and sells your life, he has to thank others.

"It's not a compliment. Although this is the first time we've met, I've heard a lot about you." Tang Aotian said solemnly, "the most powerful leader of the dragon scale group in the history of the Chinese army, Wang Shenbing, withdrew from the army in order to complete the secret task. He pulled a group of people abroad and broke into the name of the terminator."

"In the past six months, it has solved the Turkic terrorist forces for Huaxia, and the means of killing, cutting and deciding have made the dark organization holy religion afraid to step into China. In dealing with the Japanese nation and the United States, although the means are somewhat obscure, they have played a very good deterrent role. By the way, there's a broken sky. "

Speaking of this, Tang Aotian stares at Zhao Chengfeng and says, "today, you not only join the broken sky, but also become the spade nine of the broken sky, right?"

"You, how do you know?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng suddenly surprised, how can he know this matter? Don't tell others if he doesn't? Shangguanxiong can't say that.

"You don't have to be nervous."

Tang Aotian smiles, signals Zhao Chengfeng not to be nervous, pauses, and continues: "it's not difficult to know these things. Of course, it's not a bad thing for you to join Po Tian, because you're not getting worse. You just want to get rid of Po Tian."

Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng a little relieved, this kind of thing can be big or small, an explanation is not good, very likely to bring the disaster of prison.

"Don't you wonder why I know that? It's not hard Tang Aotian continued: "because, in the middle of the broken sky, we've been undercover for a long time, and you've already met. Do you know who she is?"


Zhao Chengfeng once again surprised, really did not expect, the original top has sent people into the sky, but, played face to face? Who is this man?

Is it the tattoo messenger or the rosefinch? Tattoo emissary is good for Zhao Chengfeng, otherwise, can be Zhao Chengfeng to sleep again and again? Even when the four Dharma protectors came, the tattoo emissary secretly informed us.

As for the rosefinch, it is also very possible. On that day, Qinglong, Xuanwu and Zhuque came to kill him, but Qinglong and Xuanwu didn't keep a hand. Although they were defeated in the end, Zhuque just resisted Zhao Chengfeng's last attack. From that attack, Zhao Chengfeng can conclude that Zhuque is the most powerful one among the four Dharma protectors!

No matter how Zhao Chengfeng attacked, he always felt that the stone sank into the sea and had no substantive effect.

"Ha ha, I can't guess." Tang Aotian looks at Zhao Chengfeng with a smile, which is quite funny.

Zhao Chengfeng shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "to tell you the truth, I've seen a lot of people who break the sky, and I can't guess who it is."

"It's right if you can't guess. If you do, I don't think it's a good thing." Tang Aotian smiles even more happily, takes out a photo and hands it to two people.


"It's her!"

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