"Well, what's going on?" Shangguanxiong looks at the person in the photo. His tears are almost falling down. He grabs Tang Aotian's hand and loses his posture.

Zhao Chengfeng is the same, but Zhao Chengfeng is more confused, this, this is impossible.

"Don't get excited, both of you. Will you listen to me slowly?" Tang Aotian smiles bitterly. Unexpectedly, after so much preparation, they are not prepared at all. They are so excited when they learn the truth.

However, it is understandable.

Shangguanxiong is the person's own grandfather, and Zhao Chengfeng fell in love with her, how can we not be shocked?

Yes, the person in the photo is Shangguan Yan'er!

"Say it quickly, and don't fret about it." Zhao Chengfeng can't help but hold on to his pants. If it wasn't for the fact that both of them don't smoke much, Zhao Chengfeng would like to have a cigarette to calm down.

Tang Aotian shook his head with a bitter smile, but still said: "Po Tian has existed for hundreds of years, its organization is mysterious, its behavior is strange, and its means are cruel. According to reliable investigation, in the past 30 years, Botian has led at least five aircraft accidents, assassinated important leading cadres of China for more than 30 times, succeeded eight times, and caused great losses to China! "

"But these are just some crimes committed by Po Tian against China. In addition, Po Tian has done many heartless things in other places abroad, such as assassinating the leaders of other countries, kidnapping the rich and so on. According to incomplete statistics, Po Tian has assassinated at least thousands of people in the past ten years!"

"These animals!"

Shangguan male smell speech, can't help but straight curse Niang, "if let me meet the person of breaking the sky, certainly let him to pieces."

"These guys are really hateful. Otherwise, I won't let your granddaughter, the senior general, break into the inner world." Tang Aotian continued: "in order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, I hope you don't get angry. I have no choice but to do it."

"Then why tell us now?" Zhao Chengfeng asked, feeling a little unhappy.

Flatterers, you need help. OK, no problem. But you make it clear. What are you doing mysteriously? Didn't trust before, trust now?

Zhao Chengfeng is very upset. It's not a matter of trust or distrust. He feels like he's been fooled by someone.

"Boy, be polite and don't take yourself seriously." Zhao Chengfeng's voice fell, and the man at the window turned around and gave Zhao Chengfeng a light glance.

It was this eye that made Zhao Chengfeng shiver. His eyes were empty and emotionless, as if looking at his eyes could make people crazy.

"Since I don't want to say it, I'll go!" Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of these. If it's a big deal, can you kill me?

"Chengfeng, don't do that." Shangguanxiong holds on to Zhao Chengfeng. He can't make mistakes in front of the big leaders.

Shangguanxiong also knows that the bodyguard is not simple. If there is a real conflict, Zhao Chengfeng will never take advantage of it.

"Boy, you have a lot of guts. Do you really want to fight with me?" The pupil of the man suddenly shrank, and a powerful pressure swept over him, like a mountain turned upside down.

Zhao Chengfeng is awe inspiring. He holds his fist tightly to fight against it.

Zhao Chengfeng has never been a coward. Even if he can't fight, he has to fight to death. Otherwise, is he still a man?

"Lao Qin, don't be like this. It's reasonable for Chengfeng to be angry. You're an old man, too. Why can't you live with a child?" Tang Aotian gave a shout at the man.

Surnamed Qin has just converged momentum, not hard with Zhao Chengfeng, but look at Zhao Chengfeng's eyes is still not very kind.

"Chengfeng, I can understand your mood. If you don't get angry, you can only say that you don't really feel for Yan'er." Tang Aotian turned back and said to Zhao Cheng, "there are only two reasons to tell this story today. First, I'm afraid that you will encounter Shangguan Yan'er again in the future. I really want to kill the innocent by mistake; Second, I also hope you can cooperate with Shangguan Yan'er's action to eradicate the sky. Do you understand? "

Zhao Chengfeng snorted. He didn't have a good way: "don't you let me work for you?"


On hearing this, Qin, who was surnamed over there, was not happy. He hummed coldly: "I think I can look up to you if I ask you to work hard! You don't know what's going on. "

"If you feel honored, you can go. I won't argue with you." Zhao Chengfeng is not afraid of Qin. No matter whether he can fight or not, he has to keep his face.

Who doesn't want face when they come out these days? Even if you can't fight, you can't lose, can you?

"If I go, will you protect the leader?" Qin Yuzi glared at Zhao Chengfeng.


Zhao Chengfeng disdained to curl his mouth and said: "can't you make a table without stinky dog meat? Do you really take yourself as an onion? I tell you, the earth will still work without anyone else in the world! "

"If the dragon is flying in the sky, I can understand your Lao Tzu's saying this. He has the confidence, but you, a suckling boy, will be tongue blowing when you say this." Qin Yuzi's face became more and more ugly.

Qin Yuzi was really depressed. Although he was a bodyguard, in ancient times, he was the commander in chief of Yulin army. Who the hell didn't give him some face?

But Zhao Chengfeng didn't take himself seriously. He just kept on fighting with him. Now he actually called himself stinky dog meat. How can Qin Yuzi swallow this?

"If you're not convinced, you'll have to fight alone. Even if you don't win, Zhao Chengfeng will never bully others." With that, Zhao Chengfeng takes a deep look at Tang Aotian next to him, which means you can't help him then.

Zhao Chengfeng said that he didn't bully others. In fact, he told Tang Aotian that he didn't really think he was a big leader. He was so great. Shangguan Yan'er cheated brother Feng. Do you still want to play brother Feng as an idiot?

"Good boy, today, it seems that I won't give you any color to see, you don't know what is called heaven and earth." Sure enough, Qin Yuzi was infuriated and was ready to fight.


Tang Aotian snorted heavily and said angrily, "what's the point of being noisy? Lao Qin, you're dozens of years old. What's the difference between you and a child? Can't you see that the child is in a bad mood now? "


Qin Yuzi was a little depressed, but he lowered his head and said, "sorry, leader."

"Xiao Zhao, don't take it to heart. Lao Qin is such a man. He is too honest." Tang Aotian was honest, and then said, "I know you are deliberately targeting me, but some things are not what you think. I hope you can listen to my explanation."

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