"Since there's no danger, I can rest assured. If there's nothing else, I'll just ask and hang up."

"Hello, I..."


After all, Tang Wei didn't give Zhao Chengfeng any chance, so she just dropped the phone.

"Well, no one believes what they say. It's a dog's day." Zhao Chengfeng looked at the phone straight sigh, also do not know how to explain.

"Didi... Didi..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhao Chengfeng put the phone into his pocket, he immediately called again. He felt it out and saw that it was actually weidora who called.

"What can this girl do when she calls? Isn't it that this woman has brainwashed someone, and has taken that medicine, waiting for brother Feng to redeem her? " At the thought of this, Zhao Chengfeng did not dare to answer the phone.

What time is it now? I'm in trouble. In the dark, there are more people staring at me. In case brother Feng is rushing, what's the matter with me? If you don't get it right, you'll be slaughtered without lifting your pants. Thank you.

Can let Zhao Chengfeng tangled is, only Dora this girl is still very persistent, hit once no one to answer, unexpectedly hit again.

"Take it. If you take all the medicine, ah." Zhao Chengfeng finally convinced himself and picked up the phone. However, Zhao Chengfeng's tone was not very good, some cold.

"Vidora, what's the matter? I'm very busy now. I'll tell you something quickly. " Zhao Chengfeng said.

"Honey, you're on the phone at last."

On hearing Zhao Chengfeng's voice, weidora on the other side of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly said, "honey, come and help me, come quickly."

"Save you? Ha ha. " Zhao Chengfeng was not worried at all. Instead, he joked: "it can't be that you have taken that kind of medicine yourself, and now you have a seizure."

"Oh dear, don't be kidding."

Weidora stamped her feet and said, "I'm being harassed now. Come here quickly. These students are so lawless that I can't cope with them any more."

"You were bullied by the students?" Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng brow a frown, in the heart feel strange more.

Impossible. How many people in Beihai Xijiao University don't know brother Feng? School grass and other things have been cleaned up by Zhao Chengfeng. Who dares to bully brother Feng's woman? Don't you want to die?


Weidora said quickly: "because of some Chinese characters, I made a mistake. Then the student asked me to accompany him to dinner and movies, and said that he would take me to the hotel..."

"Go to him!"

As soon as Zhao Chengfeng hears this, he suddenly gets angry and paralyzed. He dares to take brother Feng's woman to the hotel. Isn't he going to wear a green hat for brother Feng?

Who can bear it!

"You wait. I'll come right away. I'll eat bear heart and leopard gall." Zhao Chengfeng is very angry. He says that maybe brother Feng hasn't gone to school for a while. Those guys forget brother Feng.

At the beginning, Zhao Chengfeng was not afraid of anyone from the school grass to the school leaders. He even put yuan Shanshan, the teacher, to sleep. Unexpectedly, today, some people even had ideas about their own women. Zhao Chengfeng couldn't bear it.

"Honey, hurry up, I'll wait for you." When she heard this, she was completely relieved.

Only Dora knows Zhao Chengfeng's ability. If she can't even clean up a few schoolchildren, how can she be a fart?

Zhao Chengfeng rushed all the way to Beihai Xijiao University, but did not find the trace of weidora. He thought, is this girl joking with herself?

But a call, the phone turned off.

"What's going on?" Zhao Chengfeng's heart suddenly became nervous. Is something wrong? Thinking of this, the cold sweat behind Zhao Chengfeng came out.

"Chengfeng, how did you get to school?" As soon as Zhao Chengfeng got out of the commercial street, he ran into yuan Shanshan.

Xu Shi and his wife have already taken the last step, and they are close to each other. Yuan Shanshan's address is also intimate. However, when they see the first man in their life, their face is a little shy.

"Vidora called me and said that she was harassed by several students. I came to have a look. Unfortunately, the school did not find anyone after a round of searching. Now her phone is turned off. I'm so anxious." Zhao Chengfeng can't care whether yuan Shanshan is jealous or not at the moment. Now he comes up with the whole story. Maybe yuan Shanshan knows something when she is at school.

"Then you may be in the wrong place."

After hearing this, Yuan Shanshan explained, "because of her excellent lectures, weidora is favored by people from Beihai Municipal Education Bureau, so weidora goes to Beihai university to teach part-time and foreign languages. According to the curriculum, today vedora should be teaching at Beihai University. "

The last time I was with Zhao Chengfeng, weidora helped me a lot. Yuan Shanshan also appreciated weidora. In private, they were very close, so they knew something about each other.

"So it is." Smell speech, Zhao Chengfeng pour is some accident, "didn't expect that this Ni son incredibly still really is born soul engineer's material."

"I think vedora is really good. Her lectures are vivid and lively. She is not as rigid as the foreign language teachers in China. She is very lively and interesting. She is deeply loved by the students." Yuan Shanshan nodded and continued: "maybe it's because she's beautiful and sexy. Many boys really like her. They also hand out notes and flowers in private, but Dora never agrees."


Zhao Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction. From this point, weidora is still very good. However, this also means that Zhao Chengfeng must hurry to rescue weidora.

"Come on, Shanshan, I won't talk to you first. It's important to save people. I'll take a look at vidora first, so as to save the trouble. I'll come back to you later. " Zhao Chengfeng doesn't talk to Yuan Shanshan any more. After two words, he leaves.

"Well, be careful. Call me as soon as you have any problems."

Yuan Shanshan was a little disappointed, but she wasn't really angry. After all, it's important to save people. Now the phones are turned off, and I don't know what happened.

Yuan Shanshan doesn't want to compete with other women for favors. She just wants to avenge her family earlier. Ge batian and his son have been imprisoned and will be executed soon. But there is another Chen family, whose people are still looking for their whereabouts. Although yuan Shanshan has already begun to cultivate, they can slap Yuan Shanshan with this accomplishment.

"I hope you can fulfill your promise and help me get revenge as soon as possible." Yuan Shanshan said to Zhao Chengfeng's back, then went back to his dormitory with books in her arms.

Now yuan Shanshan is very busy. Besides teaching, she also has to practice.

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