Beihai university is the highest University in Beihai city. Even in the whole country, it is also a resounding existence.

Therefore, many people say that as long as they are admitted to Beihai University, they will have no worries about food and clothing in their whole life. From another point of view, the students of Beihai university are all excellent products!

Of course, no matter how excellent the university is, there will also be defective products! For example, at this moment, Wang Kai, a student in front of weidora's face, is tall and handsome, but the evil smile on his face always makes people feel uncomfortable, and his words make weidora angry.

"Mr. weidora, we can't say that we don't mean what we say. As the saying goes, if you're willing to gamble, you'll admit defeat. How can you run away if you don't fulfill your promise? Is this a model for others? " Wang Kai looked at the woman with blonde hair and blue eyes in front of him with a smile, and was very excited.

A few days ago, this teacher named vidora came to the school. Since he first saw this woman, Wang Kai moved his mind. NIMA, this is out of the category of beauty. She is a fairy from abroad.

Look at this figure. It's 1.78 meters tall, with white and tender skin. Especially that beautiful face, it's like Barbie.

The most important thing is a woman's two points and one line, which makes Wang Kai's titanium alloy eyes bright and blind. It can only be described in one word - round and smooth! If you have to explain Wang Kai's inner excitement, just Dora's long legs is enough for Wang Kai to play for a year without getting bored.

"I don't mean what I say, but..." weidora hates Wang Kai. Damn it, this guy uses Chinese word games to amuse himself.

It's a topic about meaning.

Chinese new year, a Dai gave his leaders a little gift.

Leader: "what do you mean?"

A Dai: "it's meaningless. It's just meaningful."

Leader: "you are not interesting enough."

A Dai: "little meaning, little meaning."

Leader: "you are really interesting."

A Dai: "in fact, there is no other meaning."

Leader: "I'm sorry."

A Dai: "I'm sorry."

Q: what are the meanings of "meaning" in the dialogue?

At the sight of this question, vidora collapsed in an instant. NIMA, how do you answer that? It is estimated that CET-8 is not so difficult, is it?

At first, weidora thought that Wang Kai wanted to test his Chinese language level. Seeing this question, weidora knew that the boy was deliberately making trouble for himself and wanted to take advantage of himself.

"Teacher vidora, what is it? Didn't you just lose? " Wang Kai is still looking at vidora with a smile, but the thief's eyes are always sweeping in front of vidora's chest, even swallowing.

Only Dora disgusted stare at the latter, want to regret it, but face can't hang, can't regret it, can't really accompany this boy to open a room, then who is he?

"Well, if I had known this, I shouldn't have bet with him. I also think highly of myself." Only Dora some chagrin, but now there is no good way, now can only hope that my dear as soon as possible.

"Yes, I admit, I admit that Chinese characters and language are extensive and profound, and I really lost that game. But don't you think you're bullying people? " Seeing Zhao Chengfeng's delay in coming, although Dora was worried, she was not in a mess in the face of danger. Anyway, there were a lot of people coming and going at the school gate, and Wang Kai did not dare to do anything about himself.

Wang Kai said with a smile, "teacher weidora, you can eat anything, but you can't talk nonsense. How can I bully you? Of course, I really want to bully you. "

Said, Wang Kai licked his lips, provocative means more obvious.

"Son of a bitch!"

Weidora scolded in her heart. However, she had to endure her anger and said, "it's Fair for you to grow up in China and confuse me with Chinese characters to achieve your goal? If I give you a question, can you promise to answer it yourself? "

"I don't care. If you lose, you have to fulfill the agreement. Today you are my man." Wang Kai is not stupid. He has the ability to answer questions. Isn't he looking for death?

Even Beihai University, which also depends on the relationship between the family, just came in. Otherwise, with Wang Kai's ability, I'm afraid the third rate universities will not be able to enter.

But poor grades can't mean anything. Isn't Bill Gates of the United States not high in diploma? Nowadays, diploma is not important, but money is important.

"Well, if you say that, don't you admit that you bully people in disguise?" Dora is not a vegetarian either. Anyway, she recognized one of them and said, "anyway, I won't fulfill the agreement. No matter what you say, it's not easy to use. If you dare to harass me again, I'll call the police!"

"Ha ha."

Wang Kai laughed and said, "you call, you call the police and arrest me. I'm not afraid to tell you. Mr. weidora, for the sake of this, I don't hide it from you. Do you know why I can enter Beihai university? Because my second uncle is the vice mayor of Beihai City, specializing in education. "

"If you're smart, you'd better follow me. I can make you feel better. It's not a problem for you to get a promotion or raise in the future. Don't toast or drink." In the end, Wang Kai's threat is obvious.


But Dora doesn't care at all. How about a promotion and a raise? Bullshit! Is vidora the one who is short of these pieces of silver? You know, now the only Dora is free teaching, in addition to living in the school apartment, the rest are out of their own pocket, did not let the school bear a cent.

This guy is talking to vidora about money. I don't know what the hell happened.

"I'll tell you the truth. I'm not short of money. You can just let your second uncle fire me. Anyway, I won't fulfill the agreement today, hum!" Only Dora is too lazy to talk nonsense with Wang Kai, and she is about to leave.

But where would Wang Kai agree? Flash stopped vidora again.

"Girl, you don't have to toast or drink." Wang Kai's face was cold, and he snorted: "do you have to force me to use it against you?"

"What are you doing? Get out of the way

Only Dora a burst drink, push away Wang Kai is about to leave.

"Bitches!" Wang Kai was almost pushed to the ground. He rushed up again. He grabbed vidora and dragged the woman away. "Today, you have to follow, and you have to follow..."

"What are you doing? Help... "Weidora cried out. Unfortunately, even at the school gate, there were many people coming and going, but they were all blind. No one dared to step forward.

For a moment, Dora's heart was cold.

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