"What's your name? Call, call, if you go to bed for a while, but don't call, then I'm not interested, ha ha ha... "At this point, Wang Kai's animal side is fully displayed.

Yes, animals!

"Help..." weidora has not given up, "who help me call the police, my cell phone is dead..."

Unfortunately, each one was indifferent, afraid to avoid it, and left far away, pretending to see nothing.

Wang Kai stayed in Beihai University for five years, but he didn't graduate. Of course, it's normal that he can't graduate with Wang Kai's ability. How can he not graduate with Wang Kai's background?

The reason why Wang Kai stayed at Beihai university is to a large extent for the sake of women. If you think about it, there are a large number of new students entering every year, and all the beauties from all over the world come, how can Wang Kai not be moved? And Wang Kai's goal is to sleep all over the world beauty, do not leave regret.

There are countless women who have had a good time with Wang Kai. Of course, we can't say that we have had a good time, we can only say that we have "slept", because Wang Kai is a beast. After satisfying the thing in his crotch and getting tired of it, he mercilessly kicks people away. Among these women, some of the money worshippers have recognized it as a fleshy business. But a few simple girls are not so easy to think of. They are looking for life and death one by one. Some even come to their families to settle accounts.

But what's the background of Wang Kai? Just let a gang of gangsters to beat away, so that the "Kaizi" reputation will spread.

At this moment, everyone sees that Wang Kai is committing the murder, but how many people dare to help?

"Help? No, I won't kill you. I just want your people. Ha ha, come with me. " Wang Kaiyu gives out four, drags only Dora then to the Ferrari inside to plug.

This car was bought by Wang Kai's second uncle to make it convenient for his nephew to pick up girls. Although it didn't cost much, he took some risks.

"Whew... Bang!"

But at this time, a square old Jetta stabbed out, full of horsepower, hit the Ferrari front.

Just for a moment, the bright red Ferrari suddenly changed its appearance and was broken to pieces.

"My Ferrari." Wang Kai was so confused that he quickly released vidora and walked to the car. He felt his heart was going to be broken.

This Ferrari has witnessed Wang Kai's "friendship" with many women. It has been shaken in the car for countless times, but it has been smashed and scrapped by a broken Jetta.

"Come down to me!" After he was sad, Wang Kai was more angry. Looking at the little damaged Jetta, Wang Kai had to beat this guy.

My Lord, a broken Jetta is only twenty or thirty thousand yuan. But such a rotten car doesn't have much damage. This is unscientific.

"Do you want to kill him? You, the road is so wide, why did you bump into him? Why are you blind when you hit my car? " Wang Kai pulled the man out of the car.

Of course, even if Wang Kai doesn't pull, that person will come down, because that person is Zhao Chengfeng.

"Congratulations. You're right. If I'm not blind, I can't make it. Why? Anyway, I didn't buy insurance. " Zhao Chengfeng shrugged, habitually lit up a show in the world, took a mouthful, and put on the appearance that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.


Wang Kai is so angry. It's true. People bump into it. How can you drop it? I'm afraid the maintenance cost of this car will be as high as one million yuan, but will people pay for it?

I can't even afford to pay for it.

"I killed you, paralyzed!" Wang Kai angrily attacks the heart and waves his fist to Zhao Chengfeng.

Wang Kai thought, uncle, how powerful can a man driving a broken Jetta be? Anyway, if you can't afford it, I'll beat you to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, at the moment when Wang Kai waved his fist, Zhao Chengfeng had already kicked out.


Wang Kai was caught off guard and hit the broken Ferrari heavily. The cat squatted on the ground and didn't get up for a long time. He felt his intestines knotted.

"You, how dare you beat me?" After a while, Wang Kai just cried out in pain, and his anger burned up again.

Is there any reason? When a car was hit by someone, did he hit someone? What's the reason?

"Ha ha, do you dare to ask me? Do you think I dare? " Zhao Chengfeng laughs and walks up, "this is my woman. In broad daylight, you rob people's women. Do you think I should beat you? Do you think I can hit you? "

"What? Is only Dora your woman Wang Kai was so confused that he couldn't imagine that such a beautiful and sexy woman would find such a man!

Men don't look as handsome as themselves, and they are dressed in coarse linen. They look like migrant workers. No, look at this guy's skin, isn't it migrant workers?

"She's your woman? Who are you to cheat? You don't look in the mirror. Are you worthy of it? " The more Wang Kai thought about it, the more impossible he felt. The pain relieved and he stood up slowly.

Zhaochengfeng smell speech smile, back to only Dora hit a wink.


Only Dora understood, came forward to embrace Zhao Chengfeng's neck, a kiss offered.

"Now you believe it?" Zhao Chengfeng showed a proud smile, this kind of feeling Beier Shuang.

What's the use of being handsome? What about family background? What about driving a Ferrari? But can't win the hearts of the beautiful people!


Wang Kai's face turned purple in a moment. He was so shy that he wanted to find a way to get in. Unexpectedly, all this was true.

The goddess fell in love with cow dung. What's the story of NIMA?

"Well, let's go." See Wang Kai stay in place, Zhao Chengfeng also don't want to grind Ji with the latter, pull only Dora will get on the car.

"You can't go!"

But Wang Kai didn't like it. When he got to his mouth, the fat duck just ran away. Wang Kai didn't like it.

"Boy, don't push an inch." Zhao Chengfeng frowned and said, "as a student, you should study hard, make progress every day, and serve the country in the future. It's wrong for you to be so stubborn."

Zhao Chengfeng thinks that as an elder, he should teach his younger generation to avoid going astray in the future.

"Don't you want him? Nonsense!"

How can Wang Kai listen to these words? Now he said impatiently, "well, even if vidora is your woman, you can take her away, but it's an indisputable fact that you crashed my car. Do you want to leave?"

Although Wang Kai's academic performance is not good, his brain is not stupid. He drives a broken Jetta that doesn't know how many handmade goods. He must be very poor. How can he afford Ferrari?

Since we can't afford it, we can only let vidora pay for it.

"Listen to this meaning, want to lose money to you." Zhao Chengfeng took a deep breath of his cigarette and said that he was shameless. I just kicked him, but he didn't have a long memory.

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